Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths
Dan Fournier's Down the Rabbit Hole podcast
25. An Injection of Truth: Canadian Courts, the Crown, COVID-19, and the Committee of 300, w/Dr. Daniel Nagase
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:29:14

25. An Injection of Truth: Canadian Courts, the Crown, COVID-19, and the Committee of 300, w/Dr. Daniel Nagase

Dr. Daniel Nagase joins the podcast to discuss his outspokenness against COVID-19 tyranny & Legal Sabotage in Canada, Genetic Terrorism, and the infamous Committee of 300.

Welcome to the twenty-fifth episode of Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast.

Special Guest: Dr. Daniel Nagase, M.D.

Dr. Daniel Nagase is a Canadian physician who has been publicly vocal against the experimental mRNA shots and COVID-19 measures during the Covid-19 Scamdemic.

His medical credentials include the following:

  • Over 18 years of experience as an emergency room physician.

  • He has worked as a general practitioner and in rural and urban emergency settings, including Emergency Rooms of three hospitals in British Columbia, namely Langley Memorial Hospital, Burnaby Hospital, and Surrey Memorial Hospital – which has the second largest ER in Canada.

  • Dr. Nagase also has 7 years experience in rural emergency departments across Alberta.

In our talk, we discuss some of the challenges Dr. Nagase has faced practising emergency medicine in Canada during the COVID-19 era and for his outspokenness; we also explore some of his fascinating writings from his Substack, Logical Surprises.

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Show Time Stamps

  • [00:00 to 00:50] Podcast intro.

  • [00:51 to 02:43] Welcoming Dr. Daniel Nagase with an overview of his credentials.

  • [02:49 to 17:10] Dr. Nagase gives an update about a September 29, 2022 citation which was brought against him by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of British Columbia. The citation was about him publicly expressing that Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19 and that the COVID-19 injections are dangerous. He also talks about how the legal setup (system) is “designed to fail,” with lawfare and legal sabotage in Canadian courts. In addition, he explains how legislative laws (a higher body of legislation such as with the Canadian Human Rights Act) may offer a better chances in courts.

  • [17:11 to 29:24] Alberta Health Services (AHS) basically took Dr. Nagase’s ability to practice medicine in Alberta away following that he had treated and cured COVID-19 patients with Ivermectin. In a 2022 interview with Jesse Hal, he stated that this was a political decision and that actually, AHS had published a 68-page report in February of 2021 which indicated that Ivermectin was not unsafe for treating COVID-19 but that they nevertheless deemed it unfit as a treatment option. So, I asked Dr. Nagase about a CPSA hearing that was supposed to take place in October of this year but which seems to have been postponed, and also whether he has taken any legal action against AHS or CPSA for this apparent abuse of power. In this segment, he also expands on how provincial judges and magistrates enjoy immunities, preventing any kind of accountability for the performance of their duties. In addition, Dr. Nagase explains how the Alberta health authority tried to use a private investigation firm called ARCON to essentially find dirt on him in what appears to be a likely “fishing expedition.”

  • [29:25 to 30:23] In this segment, I simply make reference to the concept of oaths. I was very inspired by a speech Dr. Nagase gave at the World Wide Freedom Rally held in Vancouver on November 19, 2022. I had written a post expanding on the notions of oaths taken by our political and other officials here in Canada which is called Under False Authority, Under False Oaths. These notions made me further question who is really running and ruling Canada. (see Show Notes below for more on this topic)

  • [30:24 to 33:53] Back in November of 2022, I published an article on my Substack titled Canadian Doctors Still Under Attack for Exposing Stillbirths Caused by C19 Vaccines which referenced Dr. Nagase. He was one of the doctors mentioned therein that had exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. I linked my article to a Rair Foundation (USA) piece that stated that his friend Dr. Melvin Butcher and Dr. Nagase himself were targeted by the government and the RCMP. It also stated that the pair had filed criminal charges at an RCMP detachment against elected and appointed Canadian government officials in British Columbia over a possible conflict of interest regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports. So, I ask Dr. Nagase what came of that situation and filing of criminal charges.

  • [33:54 to 42:00] Here I ask Dr. Nagase about Replicon to which he begins by describing it as a self-replicating mRNA vaccine. He then expands on the characteristics of Replicon along with its inherent dangers, as he had previously detailed on an episode of SGT Report titled GENETIC TERRORISM: REPLICON & THE EXTERMINATION AGENDA. (see Show Notes below for more on this topic)

  • [42:01 to 44:33] Still on the topic of Replicon, I mention an article on his Substack titled The age of Genetic Terrorism in which he suggested that mRNA injections and Replicon are tantamount to Terrorism. Dr. Nagase explains what he means by this along with how medical experiments – whether done by medical practitioners or imposed by employers – can be tantamount to a war crime, as per clauses of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. (see Show Notes below for more on this topic)

  • [44:34 to 50:49] Another excellent piece from his Substack is Discrepancy Analysis, How to find out if you are being deceived – for which I highly recommend everyone take the time to read. In it, I like the way Dr. Nagase goes about explaining the concept during his experiences in Emergency Rooms when he has a very short time-span to make a life-saving diagnostic on a patient. In his piece, he outlines 3 kinds of discrepancies: of speech, of action, and of reality. So, I ask him to explain the gist of what he means by these and how people can use this as a tool to determine if they are being deceived by others.

  • [50:50 to 57:20] As a follow-up on the same topic and this same piece on Discrepancy Analysis, Dr. Nagase brings up an example of when he was alongside Dr. Robert Malone in an interview and such a discrepancy had arisen. So, I ask him to describe this particular incident. Afterwards, I described my own similar experience with Dr. Malone when we were both guests on The Jason Lavigne Show to talk about global censorship and how the intelligence agencies and military use 5th generation warfare in this regard. Though we were supposed to be on for a full two hours, just after I had exposed a lot of the tactics used by military and intelligence, Dr. Malone all of a sudden had to run along for his dinner. That was rather strange to me, as we were just getting into the crux of the matter.

  • [57:29 to 1:05:38] Also on his Logical Surprises Substack he wrote a piece called How to Save the President's Life, obviously referring to Donald Trump. In it, he also talked about Dr. Malone and something called “blind spots” with Canadian figures such as Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and also Dr. Jordan Peterson. He also talked about Trump’s pick for his Chief of Staff, namely Susie Wiles who is a Big Pharma lobbyist and is also the person who had chosen Butler, Pennsylvania for Trump’s rally where he was supposedly shot at. In the piece, he makes the reader contemplate whether Trump is on their side, or just another Deep State actor. Regardless of which it is, Dr. Nagase contends that the solution is the same, namely to pass small resolution of independence at the county or local level.

  • [1:05:39 to 1:05:57] A YES or NO question for Dr. Nagase: Is Alberta Premier Danielle Smith just a gatekeeper?

  • [1:05:58 to 1:14:42] There’s another fascinating post on his Substack titled Emergency Post which touches upon a seemingly very significant document from 2007 which he archived (PDF here) and that pertains to the infamous Committee of 300. The document seems to include off-books lists of hundreds of secret bank accounts across the world with huge balances in them (we’re talking in hundreds of billions and even trillions worth). Near the end of the document, we can even see the signatures of Jim Flaherty who happened to be our Finance Minister at the time as well as Stephen Harper who was then the Canadian Prime Minister. And also earlier in the document it is affirmed that none other than Queen Elizabeth II is (was at the time) the Chairman of the Committee of 300 even with her authentic signature. So, I ask Dr. Nagase: Can you explain what happened when you came across this document, and in a nutshell what your article is about? (see Show Notes below for more on this topic)

  • [1:14:43 to 1:25:27] For the final question, I ask my guest: Where do you see Canada headed in the next few years and what are your plans during that same time frame?

  • [1:25:28 to 1:26:35] Dr. Nagase shares where people can find his work and support him. (see links near the bottom of this post)

  • [1:26:36 to 1:29:14] Outro (song) - White Rabbit by Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.

Show Notes

Under Attack for Exposing Stillbirths Caused by C19 Vaccines

Early in our talk, I referenced a November 27, 2022 article I had published on my Substack titled Canadian Doctors Still Under Attack for Exposing Stillbirths Caused by C19 Vaccines.

In that article, I mentioned how Dr. Nagase and Dr. Melvin Bruchet had exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. During our talk, Dr. Nagase clarified that it was in fact the Vancouver BC Women’s & Children’s Hospital.

Needless to say, a whole bunch of lies, censorship, misinformation, and disinformation came out of this horrendous situation in order to cover up the ugly facts and stillbirths (deaths). Here is merely one illustration of such immorality, as per the removed tweet of a grieving grandmother:

The distraught grandmother later pulled the tweet and had written the following:

But in Communist Canada, even if you are a seasoned police detective, you will be persecuted if you dare to investigate such crimes committed by our health authorities, as has been DEMONstrably the case with Detective Helen Grus.

You can read more about the stillbirths in my article.

Oaths to the Crown / Queen / King

During the podcast, there was a lot of talk about the Crown (especially in Canada) as well as how allegiances – through oaths taken towards the reigning British monarch – supersede any sworn duty to serve and protect Canadian citizens and interests.

Dr. Nagase provides specific examples of how this plays out in our Court System.

A couple of years ago, Dr. Nagase gave an impassioned and extremely powerful speech on ‘Good vs. Bad Oaths, (alternate video links here and here) at the World Wide Freedom Rally held in Vancouver on November 19, 2022 which is one for the ages which I highly recommend you listen to:

While not an expert in the field, he also explains how legislative laws (a higher body of legislation such as with the Canadian Human Rights Act) may offer a better chances in courts.

You can learn more on the topic of oaths especially as they pertain to Canada and the Crown via my article Under False Authority, Under False Oaths.


During my last podcast with Dr. William Makis, we had also talked about Replicon.

Dr. Nagase describes Replicon as a self-replicating mRNA vaccine.

Though it’s a rather technical topic to cover, Dr. Nagase is able to explain the biological and genetic nature of Replicon as well its characteristics and inherent dangers in understandable terms.

During the podcast, I had mentioned that he had previously detailed the dangers of Replicon during an episode of SGT Report titled GENETIC TERRORISM: REPLICON & THE EXTERMINATION AGENDA which I highly encourage the reader to watch.

Genetic Terrorism

In the segment for this part of our talk (watch from the 42:01 mark), Dr. Nagase explained how medical experiments – whether done by medical practitioners or imposed by employers (such as with forced vaccinations in order to keep one’s job) – can be tantamount to a war crime, as per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Here are the specific statutes he was referring to – as especially shown in the second image below Article 8, Section 2. b) x.

So, it stands to reason that an employer who coerces an employee to take an experimental treatment they can be designated a war criminal, as per this legislation.

You can watch this specific segment of the podcast in a short video clip, as linked in the Rabbit Shorts section below in this post.

The Committee of 300 leaked 2007 Document

This part of the podcast, to me at least, was one of the most captivating.

I referred to Dr. Nagase’s Substack article titled Emergency Post which touches upon a seemingly very significant document from 2007 that pertains to the infamous Committee of 300.

If you are not familiar with the Committee of 300, they have been around for decades and are a very powerful group of individuals that shape and decide world affairs behind the scenes.

Though the gatekeeper media and Wikipedia will often refer to the Committee of 300 as a conspiracy theory, there is an abundance of evidence that suggest it does indeed exist.

One such resource is a book on the subject written by a former intelligence officer, John Coleman, titled Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300.

Lately, I have been reading this book and can assure you that it is very well documented and referenced.

For academics who have access to materials on Academia.edu, there is an entry where a version of John Coleman’s book can be downloaded, though it is called The Community of 300.

But back to Dr. Nagase’s interesting revelation about the infamous Committee of 300.

As explained in the podcast, a sovereign Indian had somehow obtained a copy of a 2007 document which he provided to Dr. Nagase.

The document seems to include off-books lists of hundreds of secret bank accounts across the world with huge balances in them (we’re talking in hundreds of billions and even trillions worth).

Near the end of the document, we can even see the signatures of Jim Flaherty who happened to be our Finance Minister at the time as well as Stephen Harper who was then the Canadian Prime Minister. And also earlier in the document it is affirmed that none other than Queen Elizabeth II is (was at the time) the Chairman of the Committee of 300 even with her authentic signature.

Dr. Nagase archived document on the Internet Archive (PDF here).

He goes on to explain how this particular file (document) became uncopiable on his Dell computer which ran on Linux, indicating that some external party had somehow accessed it to change its file properties.

During this segment of our talk, Dr. Nagase expanded on the matter by explaining some highlights of what he had written in his Emergency Post.

This is another fascinating work from his Substack which I highly recommend you have a look at.

You can also watch a video clip of this specific portion of the podcast which is presented in the following section below.

Rabbit Shorts

There are two video clips for this podcast.

The Committee of 300 Leaked Document

In this clip, Dr. Nagase gives an overview of how he came about a 2007 document that pertains to the infamous group The Committee of 300.

Genetic Terrorism

In this clip, Dr. Nagase explains how medical procedures such as with the COVID-19 mRNA jabs, Replicon, and other procedures are tantamount to Genetic Terrorism under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Signing Off

Special thanks to my guest, a true Canadian hero in Dr. Daniel Nagase for his unswerving courage and integrity.

You can find his work via the following outlets:

You can also support his work by considering a paid subscription to this Substack.

What are your thoughts on any of the subjects discussed in this podcast? Feel free to leave them in the Comments section below.

Learn more about Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast and the meaning behind its name:


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See you next time.

Plea for your Support

Most articles and podcasts are free, but please support the work of this independent journalist by considering a paid subscription to his Substack (for only $5 a month, or $50 a year), buying me a coffee, and/or following his Twitter.


Note that none of the contents of this post, including audio, video or linked material, is to be taken as medical or health-related advice. See the author’s About page for full disclaimer.

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