I very much admire Dr. Nagase for his courage to speak up and am very sad about the nightmare he was/is going through. Thank you for this Dr. Nagase! I do however think, that there's other people that might be better qualified to speak about Common Law, the Queen and the Coronation Oath. Dr. Nagase spoke at our rallies in Kelowna, my World Wide Rally (just on a side note that I am the original founding member of the WWR Canada) and an event in Castlegar BC together with Dr. Mel. A few comments on stage unfortunately were simply confusing and wrong imho. Especially b/c supported by a questionable organization called People of the Salmon.

Oh and to add to the list of gate keepers. Dan you are right. Elon Musk is DANGEROUS. There is no such thing like free speech on the internet. X theses days might look like it but will fire back on the people that rant on there. The names I would like to add are Dane Wigington, Donald Trump, Alex Jones and all those with a giant following.


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Bettina, I didn't know your were a founder and organiser of the WWR Freedom rally in BC.

I agree with Jones, Wigington, and Trump being gatekeepers. The mass level deception is mind-blowing. Perhaps this is my pessimistic side/nature, but I strongly doubt enough souls will wake up out of this stupor.

God help us.

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I am not only the founder for BC I am the founding member of the World Wide Rally Canada

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So many talents!

Elections coming up in Germany.

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Freedom fighter :))

Yup. Another fake elections game

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A constitutional monarchy is still a monarchy aka kingdom aka dictatorship.

The proof is despite the attempts of "common law experts", not a single one has been able to charge a single government official with treason.

If you look up treason in the criminal code, it is going against the crown.

That means every single order that Justin Trudeau has put through, the Emergency Act, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports came straight from Queen Elizabeth and her successor King Charles. Every prosecution of every Canadian who stood up for human rights is from the Crown King Charles and Queen Elizabeth before him.

This is why Trudeau is not guilty of treason. He was and still is following orders.

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The Justice Richard G. Mosley (of the Federal Court of Canada in Ottawa) decision (https://theccf.ca/wp-content/uploads/EA-challenge-fed-court-reasons-FINAL.pdf) which ruled the invocation of the Emergencies Act ultra vires offered a beacon of light/hope is currently in attempt to appeal. It will be interesting to see if that appeal is rejected or not.

Then, if this appeal is rejected, there will be hope with this other case (albeit at the provincial - Ontario level):


background info here: https://lobergector.com/news/f/legal-proceedings-against-the-trudeau-government

As these cases always seem to take forever to drag on in court, it's real hard to know what is really going on behind the scenes (especially when you factor-in the ugly reality of Freemasonry infiltration and their lovely Royal Arch oath).

Personally, I have very little faith in our judicial system.

What good is Law Enforcement when laws are simply not respected by the judiciary?

It's the Law of the Jungle.

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I also think smith is gatekeeper, i dream of a day we all get together and do the naughty list for santa and put all the names we can safely say are poison to society. Merry christmas to you both in advance! 🎄🎅🏼

Other gatekeeper:

Marianna spring

Russel brand



Billy carlson

Carolyn jarvis( canada )


Allatra creative society

Jordan peterson

Andrew tate

Sorcha faal

Gaia site

Hugodecrypte utube

Soo many more but thats enough to give a heart attack to many, luckily we got a doctor in the house 👍

I miss amazingpoly she was great to find them… maybe they found her. Just kidding! I hope 🤞

Ho i LOVE gabriel glad you met him too he is a great! I saw him for the first time in GWO g’obal walkout, one of the first fighting on the field for our sake in 2021.

Now i truly went trought the whole podcast, i commented early before cause subject is HOT interesting and i coulndt resist to pitch in early.

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Thanks for your comments Jean-Sebastien. It's always great to have you weigh in on these matters.

There is certainly one HUGE name you forgot on the list: ELON MUSK (see my post about him https://fournier.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-empire-building-a-trojan)

Pierre Poilievre is, of course, a gatekeeper as well (especially for Israel).

As for Jordan Peterson, indeed. And since you mentioned Amazing Polly, check out her two related videos on him:

- Amazing Polly – Exposes Jordan Peterson's ARC – Funded for and by Billionaires


- Amazing Polly Exposes Jordan Peterson & IIA Operations


The first video talks about ARC - which is like an alternative to the WEF that tries too disguise itself as a benevolent group (but where its founders suggest otherwise). If you watch the video and go to ARC's website you will also see another key member of the controlled opposition team, our very own MP Dr. LESLYN LEWIS.

In the second video, Polly talks about IIAs (Interactive Internet Activities) which are US & Canada military operations conducted on social media (5th generation warfare tactics used against we the people); I have covered these in some of my posts (see https://fournier.substack.com/i/144667057/th-generation-warfare-how-the-us-and-canadian-militaries-are-waging-war-against-us). My post on NATO's such operations is also very telling (see https://fournier.substack.com/p/how-nato-is-committing-cyber-warfare).

For Jordan Peterson, also check out the awesome vids of his ancestry by my fellow friend & investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore (1st clip is the awesome teaser):

1) teaser clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qucNVIZrIiw

2) JD part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDULzMdIzTw

3) JD part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEEnb1Tn9Nc

Johnny is the best in diving into individuals' genealogies.

I am currently working with him on some exciting projects. Stay tuned.

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Very in depth Psychological analysis of Jordan Peterson (the Psychologist)


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When no lawyer can harm the crown and no freemason can harm a brother… no wonder their is no justice in court of injustice. 🙃🙂 we live in a reverse world.

Most judge and lawyer are freemasons 😉 or soon to become if not initiated.

So from what i listened here, covid movement is fake controled oposition ( i agree ) but ivermectine worked to cure covid ( i’m not sure really ) let me light a cigarette on that and say something unusual here, in fact two.

Why? Cause everything turns fake lately, billy carlson dismantled, many unhollywood artist scam revealed, doctor’s denying virus contagion, im even beginning to wonder if i am real🫥. So if no virus and contagion how a cure works without disease?

I know nothing in medecine and science, all i know is word and philosophy. A vir us sounds like vir tual thing, while a ven om ( veine homme) sounds like a real passing trough vein poisonning. Would poison fits more with bacteria of virus? Also if virus are found in computer wich are virtual, i meger saw a bacteria

In there. Would the oposite in our flesh world makes a symmetrical sense?

Thats the debated theory that you all must be more aware than me. Either both exist, or virus is made up over bacteria and only the later one is taking effect, with or without contagion is another story. I dont know, i resume what i heard yet.

Wanna hear a weird defying medical story? I’m a smoker of cigarettes, i rade somewhere that smokers where more

Protected by it. Yesterday lurking article somewhere i forgot, i see that nicotine block something from entering cells somewhere… never mind technicality that i dont have. All i lnow is i never got covid, smoke a lot, all my smoker friend at a job i had in 2022 neither got covid. Cant say the same about all these healthy non-smokers. Maybe we were just lucky, and unvaxed gotta say for me. But some of them where double vax.

Great interview, feel free to answer my questionning over bacteria vs virus story i heard

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Yes, I have become quite knowledgeable about Freemsonry in the past decade. Just a tiny sampling here: https://fournier.substack.com/i/139980155/the-freemasons

In Vancouver/BC where Dr. Nagase is, Chinese Freemasons have been running things for a very long time; I have a 3-volume book set I picked up on Hong Kong called THE HUNG SOCIETY (for a primer you can have a look at Tiandihui 天地会 in Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiandihui).

And you are right, though it is impossible to prove entirely, we can see that very likely the majority of judges and even top lawyers for that matter are Freemasons. Same can be said of Law Enforcement higher-ups.

When you say that "no wonder their is no justice in court of injustice" you are spot on.

And the specific REASON for this pertains to yet another OATH that these Masonic parasites take, namely the Royal Arch.

I covered this in my 3rd podcast with former police detective/investigator Donald Best, see https://fournier.substack.com/i/141463708/freemasonry-and-how-its-members-may-have-infiltrated-some-our-institutions).

Here is the ROYAL ARCH OATH which explains all these injustices [with original emphasis]:

"I furthermore promise and swear, that I will assist a companion royal arch Mason, when I see him engaged in any difficulty, and will espouse his cause so far as to extricate him from the same, whether he be RIGHT or WRONG!!!

I furthermore promise and swear, that I will keep all the secrets of a companion royal arch Mason (when communicated to me as such, or I knowing them to be such,) without exception."


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C'est simplement une autre chose qui vit. Il y a sous cellulare (DNA et RNA qui peut reproducir), cellular (bacterie) et multicellulare.


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Mais quelle belle surprise! I didn't know you also spoke French. You never ceases to amaze me, Dr. Nagase.

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One more thing about the judgement part in your interview with Dan. Here is my saying to provoke a little i admit, but it counters them judging us while we cant judge them.

You know the saying: only god will judge me?

Here is my added heretic part: so only judgement will make a god of me

I bet these new ages technocrat would love it huh

Psssst( you can also put vandana shiva in the gatekeeper decoy fake etc)

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Yep, the "new ages technocrat" is a beast in and of itself. Alice Bailey & the UN/Lucis Trust being a big part of it. Russell Brand is a big part of it too.

On this topic, I encourage you to have a look at the great work of one of my former podcast guests, namely Terry Wolfe.

1) His Substack The Winter Christian, https://winterchristian.substack.com/

2) My Sept. 2024 podcast with him: 18. The Post-Collapse Aquarian Age, w/Terry Wolfe, https://fournier.substack.com/p/18-the-post-collapse-aquarian-age

In addition, another podcast guest of mine (I also appeared on his show) is Hrvoje Moric. He saw first-hand how the UN uses Newsletters from the Lucis Trust which helps to steer their globalist policies. He gives a great example of this in our podcast.

- 6. Globe-Trotting to Sniff Out the Globalists’ Plan for World Domination, w/Hrvoje Morić, https://fournier.substack.com/p/6-globe-trotting-to-sniff-out-the

also see this sub-section on the Lucis Trust in my post for that podcast:


But the good news, is that this darkness has been so exposed so now by the Light, that the current era run by Lucifer (Satan) is coming to an end; and God's will be casting them aside like a pesty fly setting the stage for a new era.

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Je vous croyais anglophone d’alberta? Merci de l’attention a mes difficultés anglophones pour comprendre les termes medicaux. Je vais aller sur votre substack bientot faire mon curieux. Even before the end of Dan podcast with you i was already subscribed to it 👍 one more in the side of the good rebels i always appreciate to find new clear minded fellow. I will probably still understand half of the technicals stuff but i’ll ask you when i get lost if you dont mind.

Thanks for that interesting podcast

Psssst (i heard the part of malone, i do think he is controled opposition like many of the dreamteam doctor, but dont tell anyone….hehe, while i write this on a public space 🤪)

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Just a simple but important point re: bible prophecy. Alan Watt pointed out that what likely happens is that the miscreants follow biblical prophecy as prescription. In looking for justification. The point being that Christians need not necessarily accept terrible outcomes just because they were 'foretold'.

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I learned a lot about masonry, the 360 degrees and their system design from Alan Watt. May he rest in peace.

Once you learn the Masonic Modus Operandi, you can figure out everything else that Alan Watt would have wanted to say before his life ended under suspicious circumstances (within the Canadian Healthcare System).

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Watt started his cuttingthroughthematrix.com website roughly 20 years ago.

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Looks like there's a lot in there. Thanks for sharing; I will have a look.

Also, we need to understand that those who are part of this (handlers & enablers, as I call them), don't worship the real God, but instead the fallen one (Lucifer), see my 3-part Synagogue of Satan series to better understand them, their evil and darkness).

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When you look at Masonic system design in making themselves the authority (authors of) both the black and the white / good and evil, the consideration arises that they wrote the books on both sides of the coin. That is to control the world through both heaven and hell, reward and punishment, virtues and sin.

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Lots to digest here in these various documents and videos and will review them. ( As a Canadian i was an admirer of the crown and a monarchist. Now knowing the Royal family is part of this global cabal. will no longer will I swear allegiance to the crown.

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I forgot to ask. When you say "will no longer will I swear allegiance to the crown," does this mean you previously did for a position? If so, do you mind me asking for what profession (without stating the specific employer)?

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Thanks for your thoughts and comments Wayne.

Many Canadians feel deceived and betrayed by the Crown and their servants - members of the Privy Council / the PM's Cabinet, and all those so-called "public servants" who take an oath to the Crown.

More and more Canadians are waking up to this ugly reality.

At an equally sordid level, we have those who have betrayed us at The Bank of Canada for over 50 years now, see

1) How the [Public] Bank of Canada was taken over by the [Private] Bank for International Settlements (BIS)


2) Is the Bank of Canada working for the interests of Canadians or for the private Bank for International Settlements (BIS)?


And MPs & Senators who are selling us out bill by bill, law by law, such as with these horrendous assaults:

1) Bombshell Report: Exposing the Actors behind Canada’s Online Harms Act (Bill C-63)


2) My Open Letter to 105 Canadian Senators about Bill S-243 regarding the Climate-Aligned Finance Act


In my professional assessment, there is not a single bloody MP or Senator in this country that are working for Canadians. Not one. That's a fact, and I'm sticking to it until one of these evil parasites grows a conscience, a moral compass, a soul, integrity, some backbone, and does the right thing and proves me wrong.

I'm not sure what the heck it's going to take for Canadians to step up and take our country back. I am doing my part, but ignorance, indifference, and apathy appears to be the norm, tragically.

May God help us.

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