Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths
Dan Fournier's Down the Rabbit Hole podcast
18. The Post-Collapse Aquarian Age, w/Terry Wolfe

18. The Post-Collapse Aquarian Age, w/Terry Wolfe

Listen in on this incredible discussion about the coming global crisis that will shake the Earths’ inhabitants to their core, ushering in the new ‘Green World Order.’

Welcome to the eighteenth episode of Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast.

Guest: Terry Wolfe

Have a listen to a very intelligent guest in Terry Wolfe. He’s a brilliant researcher and author who has a very firm grasp on the behind-the-scenes happenings and forces that are currently hard at work crafting the new systems of control for the masses.

In this podcast episode, we dive into to what the most likely scenarios are for the next big crisis, who is behind it, and what the post-crisis world may look like.

Who are the actors in the alternative news and truth space that are contributing to this New World Religion which Terry refers to as a ‘Green World Order? Listen on to find out.

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Show Time Stamps

  • [00:00 to 00:53] Podcast intro.

  • [00:54 to 06:06] Welcoming Terry Wolfe, his opening remarks as well as mine.

  • [06:07 to 24:29] Terry tells us about his The Winter Christian Substack and his/its mission.

  • [24:30 to 44:40] Here I ask Terry his take on the October 7 2023 incident (attack of Palestine’s Hamas on Israel) and whether he views it as a false flag operation like I do.

  • [44:41 to 1:03:32] Here, we focus on the current Israel-Palestine (Gaza & West Bank) war and what may be some of its driving contributors – including the Ben Gurion Canal project (see Show Notes below for more info), the Greater Israel/Oded Yinon Plan, and even the Third Temple of Solomon being built over the Temple Mount area on which already sits the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

  • [1:03:33 to 1:16:42] What has Terry’s own research into End Times or Biblical Prophecy has led him? And what are some possible PsyOps currently taking shape which may play out in the coming months and years?

  • [1:16:43 to 1:46:01] Here, Terry explains what the Mossad, Israel’s national intelligence outfit, has been up to and whether or not they (or others) are planning an upcoming Cyber Attack in which they could pin on Iran. On a related topic, Terry gives an introduction to Mossad’s Talpiot Program (an elite Israeli Defense Forces’ training program for gifted recruits) and its [1:25:55] Stuxnet worm (a cyberweapon built jointly by the United States). See Show Notes below for more info.

  • [1:46:02 to 2:09:22] Following the publication of Part 2 of my Pope Francis: the Freemasonic Antipope, a New World Religion for a New World Order series, I ask terry how the New Age Movement he previously discussed and how it may tie into the New World Religion the elites are planning in order to bring about their New World Order.

  • [2:09:23 to 2:13:10] More about Terry’s work and where people can find him online.

  • [2:13:11 to 2:15:44] Outro (song) - White Rabbit by Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.

Show Notes

Ben Gurion Canal project

During our talk, Terry discussed something regarding Israel’s more recent incursion into Gaza that almost nobody is talking about. Namely, it is that it is very well possible that Israel wants to decimate Gaza (and genocide its people) in order to clear the land for their Ben Gurion Canal project.

What is the Ben Gurion Canal project?

It’s basically a plan to cut a canal going from the the Mediterranean Sea north of Israel and Gaza southwards towards the Red Sea through Gulf of Aqaba.

Here is a map to show you the idea (also notice the Suez Canal to the West):

Terry mentioned that should the Ben Gurion canal become an alternative to the Suez Canal for international shipping (especially if there would be disruptions to traffic flows in the Suez), Israel could become extremely wealthy, given the amount of shipping for global trade that would go through it.

For more on this project, check out the article What is Israel’s proposed Ben Gurion Canal and is it related to Gaza?

Possible upcoming Cyber Attack

I mentioned during the podcast that I had written a post in the summer of 2023 titled Cyber Attack Crisis (Part 2 of the Alien Deception Distraction) which predicted a possible, highly-disruptive, false flag incident which would likely be pinned one of the three prevalent boogeymen: Russia, China, or Iran.

I also mentioned that I’ve been adding numerous addenda to this post, given the blatant false flag mini-attacks that the military-security complex appear to be conducting in order to plant a seed in people’s minds that this [so-called] threat is “real” and could happen any time now.

Even the Obama-produced Leave the World Behind film has used predictive programming to instill the thought in Americans’ minds.

I had also mentioned that there had seem to be a trial run in the summer of 2022 in Canada for such a kind of cyber attack which occurred. I discussed this during an interview with investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore; here is a short video excerpt from that interview:

During my podcast (listen from the 1:16:43 mark), Terry contended that it is likely that Israel would be the actor behind such a coming attack and that he predicts it will happen in September (this month) – as opposed to me who think it will happen next month in October in order to have an excuse to suspend the U.S. Election.

The following two links do show how Israel has been involved in at least the simulation of cyberattacks, similar to those of the WEF’s Cyber Polygon:

We’ll see what happens. In case you are worried and wish to prepare, I had offered some tips in my post on how you can do just that.

Israel’s Talpiot Program & the Stuxnext virus

Terry talked about the Talpiot Program which is an elite Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) training program for recruits who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability in the sciences and leadership potential. It’s been around since at least 1979.

It should also be noted that there exists Unit 8200 of the Israeli Defense Forces which is a cyber security unit.

He also mentioned the Stuxnext worm, a cyberweapon, which was built jointly by the United States and Israel that could easily be re-employed on the cyberwarfare front (for the event of a cyber attack).

There have been a lot of allegations surrounding the Talpiot Program and Unit 8200 with regards to how they may be acting as a back door to electronic devices (computers, cell phones) and electronic communications and how these all go through Israel.

Here are some resources that explore these allegations which can be worthy for further exploration.

Rabbit Shorts

The Green World Order

In this clip, Terry explains the upcoming Green World Order which has been in the works for well over a century, its characteristics, and its enablers.

Signing Off

Special thanks to Terry Wolfe for this fascinating talk.

You can learn more about Terry’s fascinating work via the following resources:

What are your thoughts on what may be our next big crisis? What might happen? What will the world look like afterwards. Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Learn more about Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast and the meaning behind its name:


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See you next time.

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