Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths
Dan Fournier's Down the Rabbit Hole podcast
15. Family is the First Society, w/Kennedy Hall

15. Family is the First Society, w/Kennedy Hall

Husband and father to six children, Catholic author & podcaster Kennedy Hall helps to expose the ongoing attack on the family and what we can do to counter this evil.

Welcome to the fifteenth episode of Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast.

Guest: Kennedy Hall

Kennedy Hall is an Ontario-based traditional Catholic author, podcaster, journalist, voice actor/narrator, husband, and father to six. He speaks 5 languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Latin) and has written several books, including:

  • Terror of Demons which explores the traditional wisdom of the Catholic Church on all things pertaining to masculinity;

  • Family Be Damned which focuses on how the 2020 lockdowns unleashed a fog of confusion and uncertainty and how such times are fertile breeding grounds for demonic activity in the family.

Kennedy is also a journalist and has written articles for LifeSiteNews.com, having published many articles about corruption in Canada, the World Economic Forum, the Climate Scam, and much more.

TheKennedyReport.com features blog posts and videos on many topics, including conspiracies and secret societies.

He also has a Substack called Kennedy Hall Mere Tradition (meretradition.substack.com) which includes his podcast. And there’s a YouTube channel of the same name.

Alternative Podcast Links, listen on:

Show Time Stamps

  • [00:00 to 00:55] Podcast intro.

  • [00:56 to 03:47] Welcoming Kennedy Hall with a biographical introduction showing his multi-talented credentials.

  • [03:48 to 08:51] Kennedy gives a brief overview of his background and what he’s most passionate about.

  • [08:51 to 16:31] Next we talk about family. I asked Kennedy how him and his wife manage to raise and educate their six children (his oldest is eight!) The ‘Conspiracy of God.’ Communism under Covid. Homeschooling/Tutoring your kids.

  • [16:32 to 25:10] The breakdown of the family. I begin by asking Kennedy whether he has heard of the Toronto Protocols (from 1967) which he hadn’t. After providing a brief overview that it is essentially a globalist blueprint plan for establishing a New World Order, we dive into one of its core tenets which is the attack on the family. I ask him what solutions parents can employ to counter these attacks and restore the institution of the family back to what it ought to be.

  • [25:11 to 29:28] Amidst an atmosphere of Spiritual Warfare, I ask Kennedy what are the best defenses against it – even for atheists or non-believers. “Sin is the economy of the devil,” he astutely noted. Things we can cut out of our lives: pornography, attachment to temporal (materialistic) goods. Other practical tips: staying in a state of grace, going to confession (for Catholics), [espousing] the power of the sacramentals, praying the rosary.

  • [29:29 to 37:04] On the same topic of Spiritual Warfare, we explore the antithesis to counter evil, the devil. We start by revisiting a very famous sermon on the subject by American Archbishop Fulton Sheen called ‘The Devil’ (click the link to view the video of the sermon). I mentioned that I referred to this specific sermon in Part 2 of my Synagogue of Satan series and also that Kennedy referred to the same sermon by Sheen on his YouTube channel (Fulton Sheen explains the Devil, demonic possession, and exorcism). Kennedy mentioned that he had written an article titled The #1 Vocation Killer (in Crisis Magazine). “Worldliness is the thing that’s keeping us down,” he said which comes back to what we previously discussed about materialism. Kennedy also mentioned something called “hell books” which I had never heard of.

  • [37:05 to 43:22] Here we talk about the controversial Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who has been very outspoken about Pope Francis – especially regarding the pontiff’s dubious past, his woke leanings, and stray from traditional Catholic orthodoxy. As Kennedy has a section on his website specifically on Archbishop Viganò (with one episode #46 titled Vigano – Deep State, Deep Church, NWO!), I asked him to describe what is meant by the “Deep Church” along with what some of Viganò’s main contentions are. “Humans are sinful...and popes can sin.” Kennedy affirms. Heresies, modernism, Freemasons, the Second Vatican Council, are all factors that come into play regarding the topic at hand.

  • [43:23 to 50:55] I ask Kennedy a somewhat related follow-up question and asked him to explain something I had heard from that same video, namely Serene Resistance. To illustrate the essence of the concept of Serene Resistance, Kennedy talked about a figure named Edmund Campion, a Jesuit. He also referred to a book about this Jesuit called Saint Edmund Campion: Priest and Martyr. Though Jesuits often get a bad rap, I mentioned that there were actually two brilliant Jesuit missionaries who did great work and had achieved stunning successes (particularly as court astronomers) during their stay in China, namely Johann Adam Schall von Bell and Ferdinand Verbiest.

  • [50:56 to 59:08] Here, I ask Kennedy to expand on another one of his videos about Viganò called Vigano: Freemasons are using WHO to take over the world. This was rather interesting; for, the infamous groups of the Freemasons and the Illuminati were discussed along with a 19th century plot, the Alta Vendita, to infiltrate the Catholic Church. There is also mention of the World Economic Forum and United Nations crowd and their attack on the family (especially through coercive medical practices and other depopulation plans) as well as resistance to their Great Reset. I also mentioned Dr. Taylor Marshall’s excellent book called Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within which dives deep into the subject (and includes an appendix on the Alta Vendita).

  • [59:30 to 1:08:36] Here I ask Kennedy a philosophical question regarding a great work called A Mind’s Road to God by St. Bonaventure (see section below in Show Notes for more info). More specifically, I ask him the reasons he might surmise for why most individuals have lost their innate divine wisdom (or moral compass). Kennedy draws from Romans 1 in the Bible, and specifically verses 18 [to 20] and expands with many relevant examples.

  • [1:08:48 to 1:10:44] For the last question, I ask Kennedy what he is working on these days and what’s coming up. He mentions a book he recently submitted to the Sophia Institute Press called What happened to Catholicism: The Heresy behind the Crisis which will come out next Spring. He calls this work his magnum opus, as he put so much effort into it.

  • [1:10:45 to 1:12:18] Where people can find Kennedy online and support his work.

  • [1:12:19 to 1:14:59] Outro (song) - White Rabbit by Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.

Show Notes & Extras

Homeschooling / Tutoring

One of the first questions I asked Kennedy Hall was with regards to how he and his wife manage to raise and educate their six children.

“I don’t know. When I figure it out, I’ll tell you,” jokingly quipped Hall to my question.

He said that they homeschool and that his wife recently returned from a trip to Philadelphia were she attended a homeschooling convention. He mentioned that parents should look into a CMEC program method for homeschooling which is based on the ‘Charlotte Mason Method.’

Charlotte Mason was an educational theorist based in England in the 1800s. Home-based tutoring was common in that era which was most often done by the lady of the house.

A brief description of the method is provided from the following website:

Charlotte Mason

The Charlotte Mason method is based on her method that all children are born persons and as such, that whole person should be educated.

Her philosophy teaches that “education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.”

The Charlotte Mason method uses rich literature and worthy “living books”. Charlotte describes this as spreading a feast of ideas before a child. And it avoids dumb-down “twaddle.”

In addition to the lessons, she recommended to spend as much out of doors time as possible, nature study & journaling, and to learn a variety of handicrafts.

The Charlotte Mason method also includes a rich variety of composer & music study, picture & artist study, and habit training.

Learn more about Charlotte Mason’s 20 Principles.”

To get a feel for the method, one can have a look at Charlotte Mason Motherhood which is a website whose creator follows the concept, and is rich in content.

Homeschooling has actually been around for much longer than with the advent of traditional schools.

Classical methods of education were widely employed in Western Europe and North America until the mid-20th century.

Sadly, only some private and Catholic/Christian schools still employ this method.

Nevertheless, some parents choose this time-tested method, given its inherent advantages.

The Classical method goes back to antiquity. Greats such as Paul the Apostle, Galileo Galilei, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein, learned under this method.

Classical education advocates rigorous mental discipline and is achieved through the trivium, a set of three learning levels consisting of the grammar, logic and rhetoric stages.

“Children who learn using classical homeschooling methods tend to excel because they learn how to learn in a disciplined manner instead of just learning what they need to know for the test date, as so many modern-day students do.

Rather than treating a child’s mind as a receptacle to be filled, classical educators believe in giving the student information and then teaching them to assess and sort through it using critical analysis skills they’ve learned.” (source)

For those unfamiliar, the Trivium is a learning system based on three core steps:

  1. Grammar
    (Knowledge) ages: late elementary & middle school

  2. Logic
    (Understanding) ages: middle- & high-school

  3. Rhetoric
    (Wisdom, Action) ages: high-school & higher education

The three step process is often compared to how a computer processes data: input, processing, output.

Without getting into to much detail, here are some key components of each of the three steps:

1. Grammar:

  • Gather and Collect information;

  • Research facts;

  • Learn the meaning of things with language; etc.

2. Logic:

  • Analyze & Synthesize the information they learned in the Grammar stage to develop their own opinion;

  • Discern truth from fallacy (falsehoods);

  • Questioning assumptions;

  • Comparing & Contrasting;

  • Writing from the perspective of historical and literary figures; etc.

3. Rhetoric:

  • Speak & Write persuasively;

  • Debate effectively;

  • Demonstrate what has been learned through action; etc.

You can learn more about the Trivium in Classical Education here.

I’d regret not mentioning my own sister (educational) website called The Liberty Academy on which I put some learning materials. I haven’t updated the site in ages (hope to get back to it soon!), but it still has some decent materials for kids and teens.

The kids section has many classical short stories parents can choose from with accompanying lessons while the teens section has one of my own short stories (Amanita) with one lesson for each chapter.

The Devil by Fulton Sheen

Fulton Sheen was an American bishop of the Catholic Church known for his preaching and especially his work on television and radio.

Portrait of American Bishop Fulton Sheen (1895 – 1979).

During our talk, I mentioned his sermon on The Devil which is a superb monologue, as Sheen is a highly gifted orator.

I thus highly recommend the reader watch it which can be viewed hereunder:

Archbishop Vigano’s Dissent

A few of my questions focused on the dissent of Archbishop (now excommunicated) Carlo Maria Viganò towards Pope Francis and the globalists in general.

Kennedy has several videos about Viganò on his website and YouTube channel. I asked him about two in particular:

So, be sure to get his insights on Viganò, the “Deep Church,” and how secret brotherhoods such as the Freemasons & Illuminati have impacted the Italian traditionalist and the Catholic Church itself.

We also mentioned the Alta Vendita which was a 19th century plot to infiltrate the Catholic Church.

During our talk, I flashed a book on screen from Dr. Taylor Marshall which I have read and highly recommend called Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within.

St. Bonaventure’s The Mind’s Road to God

Near the end of our talk, I asked Kennedy a more philosophical question.

The question was about St. Bonaventure’s The Mind’s Road to God.

Before asking, I had to give some background information which I am transcribing hereunder.

  • The work is called The Mind’s Road to God (an English translation of the original Itinerarium mentis in Deum (in Latin).

  • It’s a metaphysical Treatise in 7 chapters written by St. Bonaventure who was a Franciscan thinker-philosopher in the 13th century.

  • On a side note, there are many places, streets and boulevards named after him. And in downtown Montreal there’s the famous Place Bonaventure (a huge office, exhibition, and hotel complex) name after the Italian.

  • There’s an English translation of this work in which the translator makes the reader to contemplate it through a painting by Giotto [di Bondone] called St. Francis receiving the Stigmata. In the painting there’s a Seraph (a high level angel) with 3 pairs of wings; so, 6 wings in all. The Seraph is in likeness to Christ.

  • In a nutshell, St. Bonaventure’s work describes the Ascension to God, or the soul’s power occurring in 6 progressive stages of illumination (one for each wing of the Seraph – and also analogous to the 6 days of creation in Genesis). These six are (progressively):
    1) sense (like our 5 physical senses)
    2) imagination
    3) reason
    4) intellect
    5) intelligence
    6) and finally, synteresis

  • Synteresis can be described as innate knowledge, or a moral compass. In other words, the essence or the center of the soul that enters into communion with God. We could call it our divine soul, or divine spark.

  • To put it in simple or layman’s terms, it means that each human being is infused with divine wisdom in our minds which is really our soul. There lies the secrets of God. “As above, so below” whereby above is God/the heavens/the universe (macrocosm) and below is us (microcosm) made in the image of God.

My question to Kennedy was the following: why do you think most individuals seem to have lost this innate divine wisdom or moral compass and what can they do to ascend to it (or get it back, if you will)?

St. Bonaventure’s work is a fascinating one (which requires a fair amount of contemplation to fully grasp), and Kennedy Hall’s answer provides much additional insight on this aspect that seems to have evaded humans as of late.

Rabbit Shorts

Restoring the Family

In this first teaser clip, Kennedy Hall responds to what we can do to restore the institution of the family back to what it ought to be. Click the following image to view the clip.

Badass pops, the devil: Go Habs!

In this clip, Kennedy recounts the funny story of his bad ass pops who chose the Montreal Canadiens as his go-to hockey team at the tender age of 6 just to counter his pops.

Signing Off

Special thanks to Kennedy Hall for this fascinating talk.

You can follow him via the following links:

A great way to support Kennedy and his family is by subscribing to his Substack where you can access premium material.

Feel free to leave comments and/or questions below.

Learn more about Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast and the meaning behind its name:


Plea for your Support

Most articles and podcasts are free, but please support the work of this independent journalist by considering a paid subscription to his Substack (for only $5 a month, or $50 a year) and following his Twitter.


See the author’s About page for full disclaimer.

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