Dan Fournier's Inconvenient Truths
Dan Fournier's Down the Rabbit Hole podcast
10. The Service Corporation of Canada & other Inconvenient Law Truths, w/Christopher James
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:19:34

10. The Service Corporation of Canada & other Inconvenient Law Truths, w/Christopher James

Join us for this explosive interview whereby Christoper James from AWarriorCalls.com lays bare the truth about law and the corrupt legal systems which enslave us.

Welcome to the tenth episode of Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast.

Guests: Christopher James.

In this podcast episode, I am honoured to be joined by Christopher James from AWarriorCalls.com.

The interview provides a unique opportunity to get insightful perspectives on the nature of law and how our legal systems have been designed to deceive and enslave us.


Let it be stated and understood that the views expressed by both the guest and host in this podcast and post are in no way to be taken as legal advice, nor as advice related to the field of law, nor as financial, medical, or health-related advice. See the author’s About page for full disclaimer.

ALTERNATE PODCAST LINK: listen on Spreaker or download the .mp3 for later listening.

Show Time Stamps

  • [00:00 to 00:55] Podcast intro.

  • [00:56 to 08:17] Welcoming Christopher James, an overview of his background growing up in Ontario, Canada. Chris also reveals how much of his learning came from the school of hard knocks.

  • [8:28 to 11:56] What’s the difference between legal and lawful? Birth certificates. Legal person. Trespass.

  • [11:57 to 18:24] Thoughts on the Supreme Court of Canada referring to women as “persons with vaginas.” Truths in the Bible. Service corporations. Three questions to understand law: Who claims I am property? Who can produce a contract stating I am their property? Can you present this contract that I have signed? Establishing jurisdiction (control). Property. Trespass. The word law:l” stands for land, “a” stands for air, and “w” stands for water (admiralty/maritime law). Contract law. Re-presentation. Legal fictions. Court of law versus a court of legal proceedings. Words are paramount. Man or woman.

  • [18:25 to 20:55] What’s the difference between common law, civil law, and admiralty law? Canada is a service corporation; service corporations don’t write laws. A claim is evidence of a trespass.

  • [21:18 to 27:19] Public court houses. How to know whether we are dealing with legitimate court houses? And how does this also apply to the province of Quebec? Every court house is a corporation (corporate body). By using courts’ legal forms you are moving jurisdiction from the land (common law) to the sea (admiralty law). Rules of civil procedure (and who wrote them). Private societies called the bar. ATI request by Christine Massey to provide evidence of the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. More on using forms in court houses.

  • [27:20 to 31:20] How can we verify that the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Canada Revenue Agency, all Crown corporations, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, and all Municipal Police Forces are ‘service corporations’? The CAPITALIZATION of names. The Vatican and central bankers.

  • [31:51 to 34:51] Is the Supreme Court of Canada a Crown corporation? The meaning of birth, currency, and bank are shipping terms (berth, current, [like a river] bank). The meaning of register and registration. The Great Taking (see Show Notes below).

  • [35:15 to 51:07] A crisis in consciousness. Covid-19 and 230 FOIA-requests from around the world demanding the evidence showing the isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Holding courts to account. Control of the financial markets, healthcare system, court systems, and the media. More on property, legal vs lawful and person versus man or woman. The right to face your accuser.

  • [51:13 to 57:11] How did our courts fail us in restoring interest-free loans from our public central bank (the Bank of Canada) (see my related article for background/context)?

  • [57:12 to 1:01:31] Freemasons in our courts? JFK. Jurors were judges of the old days. Trial by jury (not a jury by trial).

  • [1:02:14 to 1:13:22] Christopher’s take on famous cases in Canada, namely the Coutts 4, Tamara Lich/Chris Barber, Detective Helen Grus, and Dan Hartman (Answers4Sean). Jurisdiction. Taxation is theft.

  • [1:13:25 to 1:16:42] Christopher’s positive message of hope for every one.

  • [1:16:54 to 1:19:34] Outro (song) - White Rabbit by Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane.

Show Notes

Service Corporations

Prior to this podcast interview, I had heard Christopher often mention that the Government of Canada, and the governments of our provinces were service corporations, but I could never verify these assertions.

So, this is a question I specifically asked Christopher (see from the 27:20 mark of the podcast).

In his reply, he suggested to go to Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) in order to verify that these entities are indeed registered as business entities.

Dun & Bradstreet appears to be the largest repository of company listings with over 400 million entities included in their database.

Anyone can go to their website to perform searches on entities, including for those concerning governments, police forces, central banks, courts, law societies, etc.

For Canada, one can use the following link to lookup what are called D-U-N-S Numbers which are unique nine-digit identifier for businesses.

Canada lookup https://www.dnb.com/ca-en/duns-number/lookup.html

So, the first entity I searched for was “Government of Canada,” and here are the results:

Then for the Supreme Court of Canada:

How about for the Bank of Canada?

And the Canada Revenue Agency:

So, what are we to make of all this?

Please provide your thoughts and remarks in the Comments section for this post below.

The Great Taking

Around the 35-minute mark I mentioned the work of David Rogers Webb with his book called The Great Taking (click the link to download the entire book for free).

Christopher and I briefly touch upon the topic of banking and financial fraud.

Do you really own your car?

Are the savings and investments parked in your bank and financial institutions really there and exclusively yours?

During a major financial crash, are your assets safe?

The video documentary, though somewhat technical in nature, is well worth the watch if you really want to understand how our financial and banking systems have been designed and compromised over the years.

12 Angry Men (1957 film)

During our talk I briefly mentioned a fantastic movie called 12 Angry Men from 1957 which I watched many years ago.

“The film tells the story of a jury of 12 men as they deliberate the conviction or acquittal of a teenager charged with murder on the basis of reasonable doubt; disagreement and conflict among them force the jurors to question their morals and values.”

Here is the original trailer for the film:

I highly recommend watching this film if you can. Nearly seven decades after its release, this film serves as a reminder, a lesson, that going along with the majority is not always the right thing to do.

Rabbit Shorts

In the first teaser video clip, Christopher weighs in on some of our current famous in Canada, namely the Coutts 4, Tamara Lich/Chris Barber, Detective Helen Grus, and Dan Hartman (Answers4Sean).

For the second teaser video clip, Christopher explains how Taxation is theft (click the following image to view the video clip):

Christopher has much more detailed video from his video archive called TAXATION IS THEFT - The Solution to Stop it Worldwide from December 20, 2023 which is well worth the watch.

Signing Off

A heartfelt thanks to Christopher James for this fascinating conversation.

You can follow his work via the following links:

You can help support Christopher through his affiliate link for:

Feel free to leave comments and/or questions below.

Learn more about Dan Fournier’s Down the Rabbit Hole podcast and the meaning behind its name:


See you next time.

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Most articles and podcasts are free, but please support the work of this independent journalist by considering a paid subscription to his Substack (for only $5 a month, or $50 a year) and following his Twitter.


See the disclaimer further above in this post.

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