Hollywood 2.0: The Tesla Cybertruck Incident is a DOD/CIA/FBI PSY-OP to position China as the Drone Doomsday Boogeyman
Opinion by Dan Fournier, published Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, 16:45 EST on fournier.substack.com
Oh boy folks, Hollywood is indeed dead and I guess that the DOD/CIA/FBI dynamic trio got tired of dealing directly with those pesky movie studios in pedo Tinseltown.
So, what better way, like with the staged Trump “assassination” attempt, than to fabricate a fairytale-esque fantasy thriller to drum up a false notion of a future Chinese drone invasion or cyberattack?
I won’t go over all the drone nonsense that had been occurring late last year on the east coast of the United States; for, it is obvious for anyone who can connect two brain cells together that this was also yet another DOD psychological military operation to instill fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD – just like in the cryptosphere) to mindfuck Americans about the “mysterious” appearances of large, SUV-sized drones.
First, they tried to pin the blame on the other boogeyman, namely Iran.
In that production and in their attempt to foster a modicum of credibility, they even wheel-barrowed out an actual U.S. Congressman, Jeff Van Drew on Fox News on December 11, 2024 in which he stated that Iran had positioned its “mothership” off the east coast to launch drones over New Jersey, claiming he had received “intelligence” on it.
Of course, Jeff Van Drew conveniently failed to specify which intelligence or from which intelligence agency he obtained that outlandish assertion.
In that interview, Drew also stated that Iran “had made a deal with China to purchase drones, motherships, and technology,” yet offered zero verifiable evidence or sources to corroborate it.
Does the DOD actually think anyone swallows this crap?
I mean, how stupid do they think we are?
Anyways, I digress, back to the conveniently chosen Tesla Cybertruck in front of the Las Vegas Trump tower incident...
The entire fairy tale stinks of a really really bad Hollywood B movie with more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese.
As my old age and patience runs thinner going into this new year, I will merely highlight some of the most obvious chinks in their story since there is so much [purposely inserted] noise infused into this PsyOp so as to make make the masses run down dead-end rabbit holes and make the tale somewhat plausible.
Cue up the Crazed, PTSD’d Lone Wolf
Once again, just like with the so-called Trump Assassination fairy tale and its Thomas Matthew Crooks patsy lone gunman ruse, we conveniently have a lone wolf who supposedly carried out this “not a terrorist” incident.
Oh, and never forget that these lone wolves are always identified with three names, in this case Matthew Alan Livelsberger.
It’s stinks of a page from the textbook CIA/FBI 101 playbook, doesn’t it?
By having just a lone operator, it certainly makes the cover-up somewhat easier, no?
LVMPD Press Briefing: Lone Wolf conveniently Detonates the bomb AND shoots himself simultaneously + More absurd “evidence”
While this sub-header seems impossible, it is exactly what Clark County Nevada Sheriff Kevin McMahill stated during a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) press briefing.
Only in Hollywood 2.0, or should it be more aptly called Hollyweird 2.0?
This press conference has all the trimmings of a typical cover-up PsyOp exercise. You have:
the FBI handler (to make sure the Sheriff and his teams stay on-script),
planted (mostly non-relevant and certainly not investigatory) questions by the CFR Gatekeeper Media, as well as
bread crumbs that are spread widely to lead the ignorant towards dead-end rabbit holes.
There’s much to unpack, but I will just highlight some of the obvious oopsies that stink more than a skunk just hit on the freeway by a Tesla Cybertruck on a sweltering summer day.
Once again, the Sheriff said that the perpetrator died by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head just before detonation.
Is that possible?
But isn’t it funny how these lone wolves always die one way or another?
Dead men don’t speak.
Isn’t it funny though how there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that an actual BODY was recovered from the truck? (If any of you do have links to video of this, please put them in the Comments section below).
The Sheriff implied in the interview that the “body” was so burned to a crisp, that they needed the suspect’s dental records to identify/confirm his identity.
This is really ridiculous and absurd since though a supposed body from the truck had become unidentifiable due to it having been burned to a crisp, his passport document was somehow miraculously left mostly intact with the exception of a very small burn mark on it.
Here are some screenshots of the, 9/11 reminiscent on the ashes of the Twin Towers debris, miraculous passport:
The second passport image from above showing the tiny burn mark doesn’t at all seem to match that of the purported one on the first image (plus, isn’t that large white square covered area on the passport a bit strange?). Moreover, since when do 2016-issued U.S. Passports have a light aqua blue covers?
I mean really. You’d think they would put a bit more of an effort to make this look like it were actually true/real and hence authentic.
With all the highly-charred metal objects in the trunk of the cybertruck, they want us to believe that this passport was not later planted there?
Furthermore, the Deputy Sheriff wants also wants us to believe that the SDMI chip recovered – also miraculously not charred from the Tesla Cybertruck – indicated [presumably upon verification with the folks at Tesla] the “vehicle was not in full self-driving mode,” which of course would have disproven their allegation that Livelsberger committed suicide.
And, rather conveniently, Elon Musk confirms the narrative.
They must really think we are dumb and gullible, FFS.
Further along in the press conference, the LVMPD Deputy Sheriff acts his part by presenting the “manifesto” of the perpetrator.
I swear to God, there is always some kind of infamous manifesto edited in these fairy tale scripts.
Firstly though, this “manifesto” was supposedly recovered from the chip of the cell phone (via some kind of note-taking app) of the perpetrator which they show of photo of (which is largely burned).
To believe that data was recoverable from this burned device is dodgy at best.
But nevertheless, this is the supposed contents of that manifesto that miraculously and conveniently (or providentially – like with the magic bullet that missed Trump’s head) survived,” elsewise we would have no motive from the protagonist of the flick.
A few things from this “manifesto” and supposed motives for the attack are worth noting.
Firstly, Matthew Alan Livelsberger, an active-duty United States Army Special Forces (Green Beret) soldier, “wrote” that the United States was “headed towards collapse.”
This is true, but I think the purpose here is to plant the seed of the actual coming collapse of the Financial/Monetary System which I previously wrote about.
At around the 17:37 mark of the press conference, they roll out their handler-actor from the not-so-corrupt FBI to attempt to add credibility to the op; oh, sorry, I meant the investigation. He basically mumbled that there was no connection between this event and that which occurred in New Orleans in the early hours of January 1st , and that there existed no ill will between Livelsberger and Trump.
But what is notable from the FBI Las Vegas Division agent Spencer Evans pertains to the perpetrator’s “PTSD.” Agent Evans said that it was a “tragic case of suicide of a combat veteran struggling with PTSD.”
Livelsberger conceived, planned, and acted alone.
Once again, how convenient.
Spencer also said that they sampled some DNA from Livelsberger to match against family members with provided a “positive match.”
Not sure how long it takes to get such DNA tests conducted (if anyone knows, please post it in the Comments section for this post), but as this press conference was held on January 3rd this seems rather quick, wouldn’t you say?
Also, why would you need a DNA test if his passport, Army card and other ID cards recovered from the truck already identified him?
Effin shady...
The press conference also had a Q&A session at the end with obvious loaded questions by the Gatekeeper Media.
There were a couple of questions about what had appeared on the Shawn Ryan show, probably aimed to hint at the key ingredient to this PsyOp, namely an alleged email Livelsberger had sent to another intelligence officer on December 31 which I will discuss later in this post.
You can watch the full press conference hereunder:
Notice how Comments are turned off for this video so nobody can comment, question, or provide counter arguments to debunk their fairly tales.
Fittingly convenient.
The Alleged Email Letter sent (smoking gun, key ingredient for this PsyOp) & the Shawn Ryan Show
As appeared in a January 3rd article on ZeroHedge, there was an alleged email letter (see hereunder) sent by Livelsberger to Sam Shoemate, a “retired” intelligence officer, dated December 31st at 10:42 am.
What is particularly noteworthy with this letter (and is the key ingredient to this PsyOp) is a warning that the "drones" seen around the United States over the last month are using "gravatic propulsion systems," which only China and the United States [supposedly] possess.
That’s the best they can come up with to imply the Chinese have state-of-the-art drones that work on such anti-gravity systems?
And to state that China is “the most dangerous threat to national security” and that it is “poised to attack anywhere in the east coast,” is quite farcical.
The whole thing comes across as mad conjecture with absolutely zero tangible evidence to back any of it up.
Yet, this is the smoking-gun, or key ingredient, that drives this entire PsyOp.
And, isn’t it convenient how this unknown “retired” intelligence officer gets to appear on the Shawn Ryan Show which, at 3.68 million subscribers, is one of the most watched podcasts in the United States – and one that is heavily watched by former and current members of the U.S. Military?
What better way than to rapidly propagate this key ingredient of the Hollywood 2.0 PsyOp flick?
Once again, ridiculously convenient.
I’ll explain in the last section of this post why China is the chosen boogeyman for this particular Psychological Operation.
Cue in Trump-supporter Laura Loomer for extra nudging
What better way to amplify a PsyOp but to hire a Trump-supporting pundit?
In this case cue in Laura Loomer who has 1.4 million followers on X.
The second paragraph in the letter attempts to validate Livelsberger as its authentic “author” by providing his supposed first car, a 2006 black Ford Mustang V6. Now that’s a great security question, eh? Livelsberger had allegedly imported his “first car” from Germany.
And on January 3rd Laura Loomer posted on X that she has confirmed the existentially crucial fact that the 2006 Ford Mustang did indeed belong to the Cybertruck bomber (really, I think the poor chap deserves his own proper moniker, like the MKUltra Unabomber, don’t you?) through a copy of the port shipment from a source showing it had indeed come from Germany.
Good detective work Laura! We always need a smart chick in the flick to add flavour to the tale.
I mean, really?
Kidding aside, how and why would Laura Loomer come across this kind of information?
A “source”?
That’s all we get Laura?
Maybe she can be nominated for her supporting-role in this Hollywood 2.0 production.
Why she was chosen is a bit obvious.
Apart from having a huge social media following, she is a Trump-supporter.
Early last year she was photographed at Mar-a-Lago in front of a replica of the Ark of the Covenant which was donated to Trump by a rich donor (and will likely be installed in the Third Temple [of Solomon] once Trump helps Israel to bomb the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem once the land is cleared in order to rebuild it).
You see, Laura is in the inside and is in-the-know with these operations. Sure, this may seem like pure speculation on my part; but, honestly her involvement in this PsyOp just screams of convenient complicity and obligedness.
China: The King of Evil Boogeymen
Okay, so why China?
You see, the three main boogeymen that the U.S. Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Complex wishes to vilify in order to preserve their destructive hegemony include: Iran, Russia, and China.
They are already in a proxy war against Russia via the Ukraine, they (Israel & the Mossad-CIA) have been setting the stage for an actual war against Iran, but ultimately, China is the main target since it can ensure HUGE and lengthy financial profits (and large-scale destruction) for the never-ending USA-NATO hegemonic war machine.
I alluded to earlier that Livelsberger mentioned in his “manifesto” that the United States was “headed towards collapse.”
Well, what is really meant by the collapse is the end of its U.S. dollar-dominant world reserve currency system.
Mathematically, it is unsustainable and has been so since the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis, as the U.S. Federal Reserve (with zero reserves) is essentially insolvent.
The house-of-cards system was propped up during the Covid-19 PsyOp (which was prepared almost a year before the actual pandemic officially commenced) to the tune of $6.2 trillion.
So, in other words, they absolutely need the next HUGE [FALSE FLAG] EVENT that could either justify printing and pumping tens of trillions of dollar more in to keep the dying system afloat, OR to clear the stage for the new global financial system.
I have written a two-part series on this Fourth Turning predicament in August of 2023:
Part 1: The Alien Deception Distraction, August 16, 2023
This part explains how we are at the end of the Financial/Monetary system and how a large-scale event (like 9/11) is needed to bring about the new system.
Part 2: Cyber Attack Crisis, August 31, 2023
This part shows the most likely scenario which will consist of a large-scale false flag large cyberattack that will be blamed on either Iran, Russia, or China; I’ve added 11 addenda to this article to document the various [smaller level, bogus] false flag events which have already occurred.
In Part 2 of that series, I wrote two addenda which shows that Trump is either in on script, or is being incredibly naive or stupid to think that his campaign was actually hacked by Iran:
So, is Trump being bamboozled by his intelligence community, or is he fully onboard with the script?
What will be his stance on China once he takes office?
Time will tell.
Prepare accordingly.
What are your thoughts or observations on all of this madness? How would you rate this Hollywood 2.0 flick out of /10? Insert them in the Comments section below.
Addendum (2025-01-05): Terry Wolfe’s Analysis on the PsyOp
Guys, I strongly encourage you all to check out Terry Wolfe’s recent analysis on this Psy Op:
Deep State to Trump: Sell the Aliens or America Explodes published today (January 5, 2024):
I’ve interviewed Terry before on my podcast (see Episode 18. The Post-Collapse Aquarian Age, w/Terry Wolfe).
In his piece, I find his analysis to be spot on, and he also provides a lot of tidbits (anomalies) that I did not pick up on.
I do agree with him that it will be interesting to see whether or not Trump plays along with the shenanigans of what he fittingly calls the Pentagon Collapse Group.
My other previous podcast guest, the distinguised Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, also pondered whether Trump will go along with the Deep State. Be sure to check out my clip with Dr. Roberts Presidents don't run things!
2025, including this month will be very telling indeed.
Get the popcorn ready!
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It is ok here. We've been here 10 years now. The government is socialist, even the supposedly conservatives are really socialist, but at least the government is broke, so they can't do their stupid socialist ideas. Most of the markets for food are black/free market. There has been very little inflation here even thought the USD is the official currency. The 2 best things about Ecuador are the weather, not too hot or cold and the low cost of living. My wife and I live on less than $1000 a month with our house paid for, no rent. Ties with US getting closer with new President, but he will probably be gone next year.
Excellent article. You certainly seem to have a handle of what is really going on! Thanks for your search for truth as a Christian soldier!