Excellent article, Dan

Sadly police services including the RCMP were too busy wearing face nappies when no provincial or federal government mask mandates were in effect while they violently assaulted, permanently injured and handcuffed Canadians who rightfully refused to comply with treason in the highest levels of government/crown corporations.

Police, RCMP and CSIS are full of obedient cowards and full-blown psychopaths who knowingly commit crimes against whistle-blowers, activists and dissidents. These brown shirts are a disgrace and they aren't going to be the ones to save us. They are often the worst among us.

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Well, Angie, they still have an opportunity to redeem themselves by replying to my Open Letters which I will gladly append to this post. If they don't, then you will have confirmation about where their allegiances really lie. Time will tell whether they choose to be on the right side of history. The ball is in their court.

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Ten Years ago Matt Landman made an excellent documentary on the history of clandestined geo-engineering - stratospheric/atmospheric (high altitude) aerosol injection .... he's been on Coast to Coast AM - slandered as a conspiracy theorist sadly - Matt's film "Frankenskies" is here: www.frankensies.com

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A frog is new to Substack. First time seeing someone use a Table of contents on this platform. Is your 'table of contents' at the top auto-generated by substack platform? (or did you use an external tool to stage both the content and the Table of contents?) 👍. And super glad to see long-form discussion of geo-engineering in Canada, and decent activity in reply-section.

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Hi there. The TOC is not auto-generated. It is a way I use to break-down longer articles so as to make it more accessible to viewers. And actually, thanks for indirectly reminding me to add the internal links to within the same post from that very TOC. I just did it moments ago for easier access to those who are just interested in accessing specific parts of this long post.

As for "long-form," yeah most of my articles tend to be very long (and referenced). That is just my personal style (to include as much relevant and verifiable info as possible in order to support my points).

Substack is a great platform for this kind of writing; so, I am grateful that it is still here (though TPTB have already been trying to silence those more prominent voices on this platform such as that of Dr. Robert Malone, see https://fournier.substack.com/cp/142821957). This is all part of their 5th generation warfare tactics (where WE are their targets) which I actually discussed on a podcast alongside Dr. Robert Malone himself, see 'REPLAY: PSYWAR & Global Censorship, with Dr. Robert Malone & Dan Fournier on the Jason Lavigne Show (aired March 21, 2024)' https://fournier.substack.com/p/replay-psywar-and-global-censorship.

Thanks for your attention.

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Feeling welcome aboard already. That looks like you were in a good chat with Jason Lavigne and Robert Malone in the linked video. Great to see! 👍

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Bloomberg blames cloud seeding for Dubai flooding. They put the headline out then changed it a few hrs later.


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"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Voltaire

Who do you think controls/rules over Michael Bloomberg?

This is conjecture on my part, but check out my Synagogue of Satan series and you will clearly see that it is the International Banking Cabal.

As I wrote of there, the glue that will hold the CBDC/Digital ID apparatus of control together is "Climate Action" (see my section 'The Great Reset: A Fascists New World Order', https://fournier.substack.com/i/141199761/the-great-reset-a-fascists-new-world-order).

So, going against the Climate Change narrative is a big no no for the press (who the same cabal controls), lest they be digging their own grave.

But, if you think I am off the mark, you can post who you think is in control.

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Over the target as always Dan.


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The "Umbrella Ladies of Quebec" are a poignant throwback to a time when real(not Greta-faked)'grassroots' action could gain the attention of news editors, politicos, and thereby... the public at large. Indeed, in those happier times, the work you've done here would itself gain the attention of those same parties, with an impact at least as great.

But these are not those times; and neither the press or the politicians are free to indulge those previous 'core responsibilities' to the public good. They are owned, lock stock and barrel, by the very same agency which interprets our very skies to be their own domain to use as they see fit.

Where you've sought 'remedy' there is none. Where you've sought 'disclosure' there is silence. What this should be telling you is that the 'institutions' you hold "in greatest respect" are not at all worthy of it. That the 'security services' are no less bought and controlled than the politicians & the press. And that the incalculable damage already done will be added to without pause.

And if 'gut instinct' doesn't provide enough to go on, then rational inspection of your own body of work should serve to show you - "Mind Control Using Soundwaves.” is the least "wacky" element of your presentation. After having traveled down paths similar to your own, for more years than I'd care to count, I can say without hesitation that the peoples of the western world have UNDOUTABLY been subjected to 'sonic mind control' and ancillary evils.

NOTHING else serves to explain the incredible trajectory towards complete annihilation which has been allowed to proceed over the past quarter century with nary a peep of real pushback from the intended victims - now reaching it's apogee in front of the 'eyes wide shut' of an audience of 'JONESTOWNERS' indifferent to their own fates.

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Thank you for your comment.

I would agree with your statements in the first two paragraphs. The press, exponentially since Covid, are not working for the people and to report real news, but to rather service the corporate oligarchy who funds them. Independent journalists like myself and many others are now the news and place where Canadians seek truth and more honest reporting. The dwindling viewership numbers clearly demonstrate the trend (read The Postmedia Effect by Marc Edge).

The moms of the 50s are not the same of today, indeed. This is the result of decades of indoctrination at all levels of our education system and a lot of propaganda that has been provided by the dinosaur media over the past few decades. I say this as one who has worked 36 years in the education sector, 22 as a teacher.

Very few politicians seem to be really looking out for the masses, instead opting to serve special interests. That is why I wrote an Open Letter to Dr. Lewis, as she seems to be the only one standing up for us. We hear mostly crickets from the others with regards to the real issues, challenges, and threats this country faces.

As for your 3rd paragraph, I think a more nuanced look is required. The way I see it, it is Trudeau and his Cabinet/Liberal gov't that has abused its power and authority in that they weaponised some agencies for his own motives. For instance, despite many warnings from CSIS about Chinese election interference, Trudeau basically balked at their Director's numerous warnings. I'd invite you to have a complete listen to Northern Perspective's excellent analysis that demonstrates this failure on the part of Trudeau and his cohorts:

- Northern Perspective - CSIS Returns to DEMOLISH Trudeau's Testimony - This is HUGE!


What this tells me is that it is not a failure of an institution, in this case CSIS, but rather a reckless government that is hell bent on doing whatever it wants.

We also saw this in all its glory during the Truckers Convoy in Ottawa. Trudeau's gov't illegally/unjustifiably (see judge Mosley's judgment, https://theccf.ca/wp-content/uploads/EA-challenge-fed-court-reasons-FINAL.pdf) used certain law enforcement agencies for his own personal vendetta against law-abiding protesters. This included strong-arming financial institutions to freeze people's bank accounts without any warrant or due legal process. There is another landmark case that has been filed in this (and related) respects:

- Re: Loberg Ector LLP Announces Legal Proceedings Against the Trudeau Government Edward Cornell et al v. Justin Trudeau et al


- Notice of Action PDF: https://loberg365-my.sharepoint.com/personal/mloberg_lobergector_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fmloberg%5Flobergector%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FGoogle%20Drive%20Archive%2FEdward%20Cornell%20et%20al%20v%2E%20Justin%20Trudeau%20et%20al%20%28Notice%20of%20Action%29%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fmloberg%5Flobergector%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FGoogle%20Drive%20Archive&ga=1

As for whether or not the agencies I called upon through my Open Letters will open official inquiries/investigations remains to be seen. You can revisit this post regularly and check out the section '4.5.5 Addenda: Responses & Actions to these Open Letters' where I will provide updates when they arrive.

Finally, I think your last comment about 'JONESTOWNERS' is very a propos. I know that you are referring to the Jim Jones cult whereby followers were brainwashed to the point of collectively committing mass suicide. In as sense a large part of populations around the world are somewhat brainwashed in the form of Mass Formation Psychosis.

A big goal of my Geoengineering/WeatherMod series is to EDUCATE. I am a very long-time educator. So, I tried my best to simplify this very complex topic so that the average Joe or Jane can be better informed about the true nature of our skies and these activities. The more we can awaken people to this reality, the more push back they can offer which could further incite change. In absence of change from the authorities, we will have to devise our own methods to counter these evil and illegal activities (more sampling/testing, posting, citizen reporting, etc.) People need to get ACTIVE about whatever issue they have a beef with, rather than just complain about it.

Thanks again for your comment.

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Houston …

You Are The Problem.


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Can you be a bit more specific Thomas?

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Thank you Dan, really appreciate all of your work.

I live right on the flight path to our local airport and I have never seen a commercial jet leaving a trail. And believe me, I have been closely observing this for at least a couple of years.

The planes that are spraying my area in Ontario are from a not too distant military airforce base and the flights can be tracked on FlightRadar24. They do a grid pattern crossing the skies and then back to the base.

I recently flew out of country and at the beginning of the flight another plane came directly towards us, and slightly lower. He was spraying. Unfortunately I did not have my camera in hand or I would have caught it on video.

I am 65 years old and I know the skies are different than when I was young. They also lay trails right in front of where the sun is rising starting very early in the morning. By noon the sun is blocked and the skies are overcast.

It is devastating to all of life to be without sun. The plants, animals etc.

I have always been a REAL environmentalist, not like the co-opted movement that is in force now and I believe we need to hold our governments accountable for this crime.

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Hi Lynda. Thanks for your comment. Can you tell me what general region your are in observing these?

I believe there is a combination of military + commercial airline aircraft spraying operations. For the commercial, it seems to be mostly the result of the jet fuel components and resulting exhaust soot (black carbon, as largely described in this post; the evidence is there. For military, too much is still hidden/secret, and classified. I can only imagine what is being done.

What I barely touched upon in this post and series is CONSENT.

Most criminal codes around the world recognise a crime called ASSAULT; and by almost any definition, being involuntarily sprayed on with toxic and deadly metals/chemicals is assault.

With proper evidence - sample tests, medical results, and the like, this kind of assault can be proven in a court of law (a **proper** Common Law court, by jury trial) with the possibility of a guilty verdict along with compensation for damages.

I know some in Australia have tried to bring these assaults to the courts, but am not sure whether they have had success.

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I am in Ottawa, Ontario.

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Oh, yes. Sorry, I have a bad memory some times.

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Thank you. I rarely came across info from Canada so I truly appreciate this.

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Thank you Christiane. Even though the focus of this series is on Canada, it is actually a worldwide issue that affects every single country on Earth.

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I seriously do know about this. I have a decade or so of looking into the elites and their lies, all kind of lies and from a very long time... there are plenty of them.

Everything we think we know is not what it is.

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Sorry, I meant Christiane, of course.

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That's a good approach Christian. Question everything as lies are prevalent everywhere. The topic of geoengineering & weather mod is quite complex, hence subject to many lies and deceptions.

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Here's something that most people have no clue about that I believe can help you see why is the justice system is as it is. Here's 2 PDFs & a VIDEO with Jordan Maxwell explaining it.

It will help see why we're having a Hard time exposing these crimes. Part of it anyway.

-- From Canada https://ia601606.us.archive.org/26/items/admiraltylawand00courgoog/admiraltylawand00courgoog.pdf

-- From U.S.A https://archive.org/details/TheSecretOfTheSpecialMaritimeJurisdictionOfTheUnitedStatesExposed

-- VIDEO https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=qmAz6UpzM1I

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