Thanks Dan for your thorough work on this topic. If there is one topic that needs reform it is this, monetary reform. You convinced me to support your work, haha!
At the core of this issue is just a simple sleight of hand, and bold faced chicanery. The authority that money and power gives the 'owner' of it, makes the other players in the economy believe that everything is legit. Renting the money supply at interest has indeed intensified in Canada since 1974, giving an unavoidably increasing debt that grows exponentially. Permanent debt for temporary currency.
The problem here in Canada, you see, is that 100% of our MPs are compromised and mostly do not work for our interests either (same can be said for our appointed 105 Senators). This even includes the likes of MP Dr. Leslyn Lewis who in my opinion is merely controlled opposition (I have 2 strong reasons to say this and can post the goods if need be).
Have you written anything on the digital ID they want to bring in for Canada?
My son wants to return in April to work for 6 months. As a Canadian citizen do you think he will be required to get this if he is not a resident only a seasonal worker?
Thanks Dan for your thorough work on this topic. If there is one topic that needs reform it is this, monetary reform. You convinced me to support your work, haha!
At the core of this issue is just a simple sleight of hand, and bold faced chicanery. The authority that money and power gives the 'owner' of it, makes the other players in the economy believe that everything is legit. Renting the money supply at interest has indeed intensified in Canada since 1974, giving an unavoidably increasing debt that grows exponentially. Permanent debt for temporary currency.
Excellent research and summary. Helps fit more puzzle pieces together. It’s as depressing as hell though.
Sadly, I rarely write about jovial things.
But for a reprieve, you can read the short story I wrote in the early days of the C19 pandemic when I was cooped up inside my flat when living in China at the time, perhaps a bit more uplifting:
Gerard Rennick of Australia is a good man I think.
There are other good players.
Can "the system" be fixed from the inside though?
When bad players are constantly polluting the swamp, good players can only charge around constantly trying to clean up some of the mess.
Lost cause.
Pulling the plug on the whole political system, which has essentially nothing to do with the will or the welfare of the people, is the answer.
People are unfortunately unlikely to refuse to vote en masse though.
Most think that the system is basically good - we just need the right players!
If the system is basically corrupt - good players cannot drain the swamp.
Two men entered politics in OZ hoping to make a difference.
Both bounced right back out, saying the system was too corrupt to work in.
This all raises critical questions.
So true. The system is corrupt as hell So much of what we do as ‘good citizens’ is just a farce and feeds into the fiction
We can all rant and rave as much as we want.
The tentacles of the banksters are manipulating or controlling finance worldwide.
No use going for the tentacles.
The octopus must be decapitated.
For Canadians
Dan, look at this. Senator Gerard Rennick of Australia grilling the head of the Reserve Bank of Australia about the BIS:
Bonus speech imo the best political speech in modern Australian history (wait for it...):
Thanks for your stellar work. I will definitely be using this article.
Thank you for sharing this my friend. I have just added it to my pinned tweet for this article on Twitter/X (see
The problem here in Canada, you see, is that 100% of our MPs are compromised and mostly do not work for our interests either (same can be said for our appointed 105 Senators). This even includes the likes of MP Dr. Leslyn Lewis who in my opinion is merely controlled opposition (I have 2 strong reasons to say this and can post the goods if need be).
Off the topic Dan.
Have you written anything on the digital ID they want to bring in for Canada?
My son wants to return in April to work for 6 months. As a Canadian citizen do you think he will be required to get this if he is not a resident only a seasonal worker?
Yes, I have but the article focused on Canada (1st below) is a bit outdated.
Senator Rennick was dumped from his party (one of the majors) and is now going at it alone - his major platform is banking reform.
I am pretty down on 'voting' at the moment but he is making the right noises.
Hang in there my Canadian friend. I completely understand how all of you feel up there. God Bless.
So, you are in Australia (the belly of the beast)?
Yep. I write about covid democide, biodefence racketeering, Five Eyes, and the US DOD.
I also published Australia's vaccine contracts after the Senate voted not to release them lol. If they won't do their jobs, I will.
I have never given up my inalienable rights. God gave them to me, and only He can take them away.