Thank you for this brief and very clear piece.

Heads up: You might want to fix "[countries] who fought in WWII lives lost in the millions to rid the world of [...]" and "including providing raining these units"

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Thanks for spotting these my friend. I just fixed them. Cheers

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Thank you DF. Excellent article. Bit troubled by the chat below with what is either nit picking or just being pedantic. The clue being in the how big is yours compared to mine bit. Childlike willy waving!

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Hi Andy. Thanks for your comment. I just noticed these troubled comments and deleted them promptly, banning one user for the moment. I will not tolerate hateful comments at all. People are free to disagree and exchange in civil discourse in a respectful manner; anything else, I will not stand for.

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Thank you for responding, Dan. You write: “ He lied. He never made a sincere effort with Putin and the Russians. He seems more interested in enriching himself (as I thoroughly documented in my most viewed piece on Substack).”

1. Would not you agree, It’s quite arrogant to assume that you can be a judge of the sincerity of efforts, not to mention assign an intent and conclude truthfulness.

Sincerely or not, Ukraine had been involved in negotiations and came very close to an agreement, before Germany, France, and US forced Ukraine to stop, according to Naftali Bennett, who has been mediating.

2. Could you provide a link to your most viewed piece you refer to in the quote above?


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"All we can do is continue talks for a ceasefire." - just past the two-minute mark in the following video: https://youtu.be/AjZJrkz5RR8

But he never committed to any talks with Putin or the Russians (as far as I know).

And don't forget Boris Johnson, then PM of the U.K. who went to Ukraine to tell Zelenskyy to cancel the talks he had planned with Putin. (this was in my report) That was Z's choice. He could have told BJ to f off, but he didn't. BJ is a lapdog to the U.S. neocons and profits from war. Z chose the wrong side of history.

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So where is the link to the most read post please?

“ But he never committed to any talks with Putin or the Russians (as far as I know).”

Apparently for an investigative journalist, you don’t know much OR have weird logic. Real negotiations have been going on from shortly after beginning of the war through March and half April. According to then PM of Israel Naftali Bennett, the agreement has been reached when France, Germany, and US demanded the end to the negotiations. The main Ukrainian negotiator was brutally murdered in Kyiv …

Cannot wait for the link to your most read post. Thanks!!

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My post ''Ten Inconvenient Truths about Ukraine' has more than 10k views here on Substack and over 30k on Twitter with all the retweets. In it, I posted an addendum - Addendum #3, 2023-02-11 (link: https://fournier.substack.com/i/96525756/addendum). In that section, you will find the mention of Boris Johnson sabotaging the talks. There is even a link to a **Ukrainian** website (Ukrainska Pravda) that attests to this sabotage (link: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/5/7344206/) - quote:

"Details: According Ukrainska Pravda sources close to Zelenskyy, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson, who appeared in the capital almost without warning, brought two simple messages.

The first is that Putin is a war criminal, he should be pressured, not negotiated with.

And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they [the U.K] are not.".

I know the agreement you were talking about from the PM of Israel and you are right that those nations also didn't want peace, oh, sorry, to have negotiations that might lead to peace.

If you or the masses cannot see that Zelenskyy and the Ukraine are totally being used for this proxy war with all that I have presented in that article and others, then I don't know what else to present. I invite you to read or re-read those articles, for a lot of freakin irrefutable evidence is presented in there. Thanks again for engaging.

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Ок, it’s a long article. I have two questions.

1. Both sides, MSM and you, claim that Nazis are far-right. What makes German fascists, Nazis far-right?

2. Zelenskyy is being accused by both sides, MSM and you, of weakening free speech. What free speech can be in the country at war? Should not the President of the country at war have powers to shut down “parties” which openly and unabashedly aid and support the enemy?

What would you do, if you were the President of Ukraine?

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1. For your first question, semantics can play a lot here and be subject to interpretation. But, in my opinion far-right ideology or neo-Nazism is the use of hatred and violence to persecute the group (or groups) that you oppose and take power through illegal and immoral methods (such as beating and killing/murdering). If you need further explanation, I think the following two documentaries will demonstrate these aspects quite well:

- Ukraine, the Masks of the Revolution (2016)


- GlobalResearchTV: Welcome to Nulandistan: Propaganda and the Crisis in Ukraine (about the 2014 Maidan Coup)


2) You said: "Should not the President of the country at war have powers to shut down “parties” which openly and unabashedly aid and support the enemy?"

Excuse me? I thought the whole purpose of the West was to support the country and install, sorry promote, a "democratic" system. If this was the case, then why would/should its leader have the power to shut down opposing political parties? That is what we see with dictators and totalitarian regimes. This would be in total divergence and opposition with the proposed reason for supporting them. He did the same with religious rights, freedom speech, and freedom of the press. These are supposed to be bastions of a democratic country. Zelenskyy has failed and is failing miserably with regards to these fundamental aspects.

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2. You see no difference between the country at war???? Hmmm

1. Your description is made up by the left and diametrically opposite to reality.

What Nazi is short for?

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This just recently released I think:

UKRAINE: MASKS OF THE REVOLUTION - Documentary by Paul Moreira (51:03)

(English subtitles)


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Great documentary.

Do you happen to know where it was originally aired (if it ever reached the airwaves)? In the end credits it says "Canal +" and I assume in France.

It is similar to the one about the 2014 Maidan Coup I posted in my 'Addendum #4, 2023-02-13' of my 'Ten Inconvenient Truths about Ukraine largely ignored by the MSM' article (my most viewed by far). The link is hereunder (age-restricted -requires a solid stomach to watch):


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I literally "bumped into it" recently on Chris Martenson's Twitter page, and decided to look it up on Rumble, where I easily found it. So no, I have no knowledge yet of where it originally aired and when.

I cannot stand YouTube with its creepy fucking surveillance, and try to avoid it at all costs. They can fuck themselves when they ask me to "sign in"

to "verify my age". It's yet another cybernetic lobster trap/Trojan Horse in this Brave New Normal of wraparound surveillance bullshit.

Is your link above to one of the Oliver Stone pieces?

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I have seen the Oliver Stone piece (if it is the one I think you are referring to) which is quite good. In it he interviewed Putin.

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If memory serves me there were two episodes by Oliver Stone: Ukraine on Fire & Revealing Ukraine. Or did I get that mixed up in what's left of my mind?

If you want to be as much of a crotchety absolutist refusenik as I, you may steer your readers away from YouTube with this alternative link, which I just looked up. I think its the same doc you linked above.

Just being a pain in the ass!


Page Link: https://rumble.com/v29i74c-welcome-to-nulandistan-propaganda-and-the-crisis-in-ukraine.html

Mp4 file Link: https://sp.rmbl.ws/fw/s8/2/m/w/o/k/mwoki.caa.mp4?u=3&b=0

On another serious note: Where are the 2023 versions of pitchforks and torches? Everywhere I seem to look, there is a disengaged and indifferent estrangement within the people.

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Thanks for the links Neo. Much appreciated. The ignorant masses are too busy with bread & circus to pick up "pitchforks and torches", or even bother reading up on, or discussing on these important matters. All by design, of course. A sad state of affairs indeed!

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Thanks my friend. I will have a look!

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Colin Kahl is a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), along with other key players on the "Biden team" including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce, and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.

The CFR network includes the major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations. Many of their execs and directors are members. This includes Larry Fink (BlackRock), a CFR director and WEF trustee, who recently pledged financial support for the Zelensky regime: washingtonexaminer.com/news/zelensky-blackrock-reconstruction-world-economic-forum

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PS I always ask benighted medical colleagues if they have ~ or will at least plan to ~ read the Pfizer clinical trial only which was shared over its and the FDA’s objections during our lifetime. If not, they will say I trust or have faith in the captured CDC or the WaPo or the NYT etc. And no point in continuing. Same is true about Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s laptop is likely the Pfizer clin trial equivalent for the truth about Ukraine. The media is bought. The millions sent from the US and the risk of nuclear war one hopes will give us all pause about the profiteers before buying their destructive narrative.

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Azov was founded by Kolomoisky, once the wealthiest jewish oligarch in Ukraine. Azov is hardly the SS, I wish they were. All is masquerade. Giving the Rothschilds our money supply in 1913, sealed the fate of this world. Khazerian or Lost Tribe, the checkmate is fait accompli.

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We who are Orthodox Christians know this to be consistent with this anti-Christian leader who has violated the canonical Orthodox Church and been responsible for the deaths and harassment of canonical priests and civilians throughout his immoral, corrupt and uncaring Biden-like attitude toward human beings, especially his own citizens. See the Inkless Pen wordpress blog of an American priest who lived in Ukraine as a teen and young man and is deeply aware of the realities there, very different from the captured media’s distorted reporting about Ukraine, in parallel to its distorted reporting about anything related to COVID.

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“Stating “They are what they are,” attests to the president’s indifference of having members of these hateful groups who revere Nazi values.”

I would not call his attitude “indifferent” I would call it realistic. He knows that Nazis put him there, and will not bite the hands that feed him. One day, the west will collectively wake up to Ukraine having been taken over by Nazis, and maybe then they will do something other than arm them.

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While I see what you mean by calling it "realistic" (from a military point of view), Andriy Biletsky, the first commander of the Azov Regiment and others have actually stated that they would slaughter Zelenskyy himself after the war. I don't have the links with the precise quotations handy, but have seen them and you can research to find them if you wish to verify. Thanks for weighing in Dave.

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Zelensky's billionaire patron Igor Kolomoisky originally sponsored the "Azov Battalion" during the 2014 coup. Note the interesting red-and-black flag here: silview.media/2022/07/29/the-jewish-father-of-the-nazi-azov-paramilitary-is-trained-by-idf-and-equipped-by-elon-musk/

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I mentioned Kolomoisky in a previous article: see 6. Zelenskyy’s hidden fortune, https://fournier.substack.com/i/96525756/zelenskyys-hidden-fortune

The corruption was off the charts.

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Stating that Ukraine has been taken over by neo-nazis is as stupid as saying that the state of Illinois has been, because of the neo-nazis demonstration in Skokie.

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I don't see that either me or anyone here said "that Ukraine has been taken over by neo-nazis". So, not sure where you got that. While these groups may account for a very small minority of the Ukrainian Forces, the fact remains that they are openly welcome and NOT condoned by the U.S., the U.K., Canada, NATO, et al., which is absolutely reprehensible given that these allies fought and lost tens of millions of souls to rid Europe of these hateful parasites. The idea of NATO was actually to establish a coalition so that this would never happen again. But, guess what? They are permitting it. And this is very dangerous, for it could grow/metastasize to even more worrying levels.

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Best you sit this one out while you get some real information into your head. The problem in Ukraine is not an “all my enemies are Nazis” kind of Nazism. Do better.

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What did you just say? 😁

Speaking about doing better, humor me, where is your “real information” coming from?

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Dan, your post parrots MSM talking points, which lack in many ways. What you claim to be a neo-Nazi symbol is, in reality, a letter I inside a letter N and stands for Independent Nation.

I’d also remind you that Roosevelt and Churchill during the WWII, not only aligned with genocidal Soviet regime, which, depending on sources one believes, killed between 20 million and 69 million innocent lives of their own, but also supported this genocidal regime in any way they could. Sadly, This is a reality of wars.

What would you do if you were in Zelenskyy’s shoes?

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The U.S. (and the UK) played both sides of the coin in the war.

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Thanks for engaging. While campaigning Zelenskyy went on public record that he would seek to negotiate for peace. He lied. He never made a sincere effort with Putin and the Russians. He seems more interested in enriching himself (as I thoroughly documented in my most viewed piece on Substack).

The Soviet regime argument, while partially true, is a bit off topic from my article. If you want to trade views on atrocities, the Americans dropped 2 atomic bombs on civilian populations killing them in the hundreds of thousands EVEN THOUGH the war was won by the allies. And this against the suggestions of many of the highest level military commanders in the U.S. Forces. What have you to say about these atrocities?

To answer your question - What would you do if you were in Zelenskyy’s shoes?, I would answer in the following.

I would tell the U.S. neocons and NATO to fuck off, mind their own business, stop using the Ukraine and its people as cannon fodder, kick out their troops from Ukrainian borders and negotiate an end to the war with Putin, signing a Treaty to never allow the U.S. and NATO to use the nation and its officials as puppets. Once this is done, I would apologize to the Ukrainian people and ask for the forgiveness. Then, I would confess and repent for all sins before God and ask for his forgiveness in order to not burn in hell in the afterlife.

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Well stated. Azov is not antisemitic (I wish they were, Ukraine is the only nation in the world with both a jewish PM and President). They are one of the most corrupt nations in the world, and yenta Yellen and all the rest of the Bidenstein Tribe, have rewarded their fellow wanderers.


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The Russians are indeed no Saints either. I am not a fan of Putin and any of their actions - against their own citizens and militarily, but understand why they decided to invade, as I have documented in my major piece on this war.

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I will not tolerate hateful comments like you wrote. Refrain from doing so again, otherwise I will have to permanently ban you from the discussion.

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Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts again. While Zelenskyy does indeed appear "tough" and committed to defending his country - which can be perceived as admirable, what he doesn't seem to realize is that he is being played like a fiddle by the American neocons and NATO. By doing so, this has lead to hundreds of thousands of his own soldiers and civilians being slaughtered. While Putin and his forces may have pulled the triggers, Zelenskyy and his corrupt government apparatus have enabled it by acquiescing to U.S. & NATO that have but selfish motivations for being in this war. Have people not learned any lessons from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, etc.? They haven't. Once this war/conflict is finished in the Ukraine, the usual suspects will find another country to destroy. The U.S. neocons stupidly and ignorantly think they can subdue Russia before going for their ultimate prize in China. Pure effin folly, if you ask me.

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Well said Dan, spot on. All is masquerade in this world, and Victoria Nuland is well paid for her color revolution(s).

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Nuland is a warmongering beast that will be welcomed with open arms by Lucifer himself upon her demise, that cannot arrive too soon.

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Even Lucifer doesn't want her. Expulsion #110. :-)

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