Uggh, Canada..... we love and miss you....come back...... 🍁

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It just so happens that a friend of mine has finished using Eleven Labs AI voice synthesis tool to turn "A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations" into an audiobook. Despite being originally published in 2009, I'd consider it highly relevant. In hindsight, it's a very prescient warning.


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I was an avid reader of Curtis Yarvin for numerous years (off and on - there's just 24 hours in a day) - but I think I saw him, come Pandemic time, turn into a real pro-covid-restrictions guy - positively salivating over the possibilities of pushing the strong hand of government, big it-worked-in-China-let's-do-it-here guy. I was pretty disappointed; at this point, I don't have 9+ hours for A Gentle Introduction! - I think I have seen where it really leads.

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He's sadly not unique in that regard. Many people with worthwhile works have done the same, including Noam Chomsky...but I'd still recommend his book Manufacturing Consent as context.

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Thanks for sharing Gabriel. It is nearly 10 hours long. Do happen to have a Time Machine I could borrow?

Have a great Sunday. Hope it is as nice and sunny in your neck of the woods as it is here. Time to get some sunshine...

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