James Cameron was incredibly prophetic. The oligarchs, with the stated intent to depopulate the world down to a “sustainable” half a billion people (100,000,000 to rule, 400,000,000 to serve) BY 2030, are busy at their task while simultaneously building the system that will ultimately destroy them, too. SkyNet will eventually rise.

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What Was Mao.

Is What Is Now.


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Very similar. I lived in China for 13 years and am a student of their history. Except now, we are very much in an environment of a fusion between fascism and communism/Marxist-socialism.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

...and techno-utopianism as a latter-day pseudo-religion. Mustn't forget that part of the "fusion"!

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You Need An Ideology.

To Fight An Ideology.

Work It.


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Christianity will work.

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Christianity, especially the Catholic Church has been infiltrated. See the work of Dr. Taylor Marshall and his book Infiltration. They are destroying the Church from within, especially through the false pope currently at the helm.

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yaay, bring oon thhe jootopia...no stoone left unturned, eh...

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💕✌️Wage Peace

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