I was thinking like a fifty year old asking for sex with a five year old you can't say well I asked and she said yes has to be boundaries..

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Totally disgusting and depraved 0-4

There babies.

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Not sure about this line: "That means that sex with those under the legal [...] age of consent is not to be considered be unlawful, but merely a 'fact,' or happening." I see that that is the implication, but the more logical interpretation of the paragraph in question to me would be that such sex is to be considered factually consensual (but not legally consensual).

Otherwise: Very important stuff. I would say shocking if my potential for shock hadn't been fully depleted over the last couple of years.

I do think it's not trivial though to tell apart legitimate points from perverse ones. Two examples:

1) Even very young children do spontaneously touch their sexual parts for "sensual" reasons. While I certainly would not call that masturbation and personally think of it as non-erotic and proto-sexual AND believe adults would do well to steer clear of this, it is what it is. Many kids touch themselves. Makes it awkward for many parents.

2) Of course there will always be sexual activity between teenagers. A legitimate discussion can be had over what constitutes age-appropriate sex ed and hardly two people will agree on what that is. What's easy to see, at least I thought it was, is that keeping minors protected from any sexual advances by and encounters with adults is paramount. But life is complicated, weird things happen and any scenario (early heavy sex ed, late moderate sex ed, none at all) can lead to adults taking advantage of minors where another scenario may not have.

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May 30, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Hi Dan, I just watched your excellent interview about this article and much more with Shaun on the SGT Report (https://www.bitchute.com/video/OkMv2uwM65h5/), which has a huge audience to share your info and platform with. The more people that can hear the truth the better in defeating the demonic psychos who want to rule the world. Congrats, I wish you much success!

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Well...I don't know what is more disquieting - the fact that there is what amounts to a globalized cannibal movement on the loose or the fact that the contents of your chilling post received a mere 15 "likes" and 1 comment so far.

I guess the weather was good on the weekend and there are priorities, aren't there?

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Maybe When They Taught

About The Holocaust In Schools

All That Today's Youth Were Interested In


The Unisex Showers.

I Am Dead Serious.


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