Paola Harris also sells 13 books.

After finding your article, I started putting together a Steven Greer graph, which was long overdue.


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Amazingly detailed and informative, thank you!

And yes, head on a swivel and believe nothing 100% but keep an open mind to everything.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Great article Dan! Looking very forward to part 2.

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Thank you Marc.

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Very welcome. I would appreciate you looking into Dr. Greer’s claims in his new movie about the “Lost Century”. It involves his allegations the USG has had “free energy” or “zero point energy” since the 1930s (which they allegedly reverse engineered from crashed or downed UFO crafts) but have kept it secret and used for military and other nefarious selfish purposes rather than to benefit all of humanity and tackle world poverty, hunger, climate change etc. It does appear that many inventors have met very untimely and suspicious deaths (including Aries M. DeGeus, Dimitri Petronov, Eugene Mallove, Stan Meyers, Tesla, Howard “Rory” Johnson, Joseph Newman to name a few). Greer claims this is because they all tried to profit from inventing free energy rather than open sourcing it to ensure it remains truly “free” for everyone to use. I would love to see a deep dive done on this story. If Greer is right about this then it could be one of the largest crimes against humanity ever committed. I think it deserves to be thoroughly investigated at the very least. Thanks.

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