Excellent piece that puts together all the important information around this dirty war. From the start the western side has never had a decent leg to stand on so propaganda and censorship are increasingly necessary to keep the public from revolting.

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When you do NOT have good evidence, substitute QUANTITY FOR QUALITY.


I was among the first 22 people to join the PPC on Day One. I quit because:

1) Max promised that PPC would be the People's party, then he imposed his own beliefs.

2) Max is a 1940ies style QUEBEC ISOLATIONIST.

3) I get the feeling that Max likes being the Centre of Attention, doesn't give a damn about Canada.


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Your three comments don't measure up with reality at all. Not sure what your real beef is, but he seems to be the only politician that is connecting with people on a large scale, granting interviews to independent journalists like myself, and not going along with all the woke & war agendas and the like. How many politicians from the other parties do you see doing this? If you have better ideas, then by all means start your own party. I lived 13 years in China where the masses don't have opportunities like in Canada. So instead of complaining, why don't you take advantage of our existing mechanisms and rights to start your own platform?

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1) I do maintain a SubStack column. ... https://rocanada.substack.com/publish/posts/detail/141607923?referrer=%2Fpublish%2Fhome


2) Opportunities like in CHINA ??? ... On Jan 13th I was arrested for Uttering threats ... I have no idea, none what-so-ever what this is really about. It came 2 days after TURDOS visit with the Toronto Chief of Police, and the papers were written by 52nd Division, a few blocks North of Toronto City Hall.


My best guess is that they are EXPANDING LAWFARE.


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Additional note about METABIOTA:

- Nathan Wolfe, American virologist and founder of Metabiota.

- His connections to Jeffrey Epstein


- Did Epstein Create the C19 Pandemic?


> "The Biden-funded biolab company via Rosemont Seneca, studying bat coronaviruses in Ukraine circa 2014, via project PREDICT with CIA proxy, USAID."

> "He is the epicenter of the Deep State bio network.Not only is he the founder of Biden’s Metabiota, he is a WEF member, DoD employee, sat on the board of Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance involved in Wuhan, funded by DARPA, Gates Foundation, funded Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project with the Clintons, member of The Edge Foundation collecting microbes and housing animal viruses all over the world, AND Russia have accused him directly of being the key player in creating SARS-CoV-2 from a bat coronavirus he discovered in Ukraine."

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Dear ChatGPT


Find articles published within the past 48 hours by CBC, CTV, and Global TV that appear to be PROPAGANDA, and list the 20 that are most egregious.


Thank You


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Additional great resource: Hunter Biden: The In-Artful Dealmaker with Serious Connections To Intelligence by Jason Powers (substack), https://jasonpowers.substack.com/p/hunter-biden-the-in-artful-dealmaker

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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As an Orthodox Christian here in Canada, the moves against the canonical church are very worrying. President Zelenskyy is basically saying that a lot of defrocked or unordained, extremely politically motivated men can take over from the canonical church, whose pride is the long line of ordination stretching back to the Disciples of Christ HImself.

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The Orthodox Church of Ukraine is the canonical church in Ukraine, as recognized by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople. The non-canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the other hand is under the control of the schismatic and increasingly heretical Patriarch Kirill of Moscow.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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Thank you for your informative comment Stephanie. As it is coming from an Orthodox Christian like yourself, it is much appreciated. God bless.

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Hello, why was my comment removed? You said that my comment about Zelensky dancing in heels is "a blatant lie, and that does not mean he is homosexual and it was just a dance routine". Fair, I never said he was homosexual and who cares? Just watch the video for yourself you don't need to censor me. Did you search for the video? The song where Zelensky is dancing in heels and CLEARLY doing stuff that homosexual does is Kazaky - Love. Just google it: Kazaky - Love, you will see him dancing and promoting gay stuff. Let me know what you think about it. Also you don't need to censor me, I didn't promote hate or did anything insulting. Just watch the video and get back to me.


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I have a light stomach so maybe I won't search for the vid. Apologies. Thanks for commenting!

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Very ambitious and comprehensive writing here, Dan. Brave too. I enjoy your work; it's important.

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Thank you Bill. It is my most popular article by far. With Maxime Bernier's retweet and my Substack views, I am over 31k in one week. So, it really struck a chord I guess. I did submit it to Jeffrey Tucker, and he did acknowledge my email, but I (disappointingly) didn't hear back. Anyway, not sure if you shared it with the writer's group at Brownstone. I'd still love to contribute to them. My latest article from yesterday is really striking a chord amongst viewers too. Thanks for weighing in again my friend. All the best...

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Keep submitting to Jeffrey. I hadn't sent him an email about your talents yet, but will.

31K in one week is awesome.

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Thank you Bill. I am not the style to chase after rainbows, for I am not the pushy type. But thank you for putting in a good word for me. Have a great weekend!

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Jan 18, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

You left out biden money laundering in Ukraine

Pelosi money laundering in Ukraine

Democrat RICO opetations in Ukraine

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There was some Biden money in there. But a lot I did not include, such as FTX shadiness in UKr, I had to choose what to keep in.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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Thanks for commenting, but your previous comment needed to be removed due to its language and target. See my About page in the Disclaimer section for more info. Please be mindful and respectful of these when commenting in my Substack. Thank you.

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Thanks for the thoughtful response. Never expected that. Personally, my So What will be to continue looking at the world through dubious eyes so I do not get sucked into false narratives. It is tiring and at times frustrating to have to be so diligent, and we live in a dark world. That said, super grateful that the truth does set us free, as the light shines in the darkness, the darkness did not overcome it, nor will it ever. It always thinks, or hopes, it will. But it always overplays it’s hand until it gets its own, whether in this world or the next.

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👍 Fantastic summary! And the most comprehensive one I have read so far. (even though English is not my native language and it took me what felt like 3 days to read it all the way through).

Greetings from Bavaria!

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Thank you for taking the time to read through it all!

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Here is my question, and it is not meant disrespectfully at all: So what? Untrusting of most sources, I have acquaintances working hard to escape Russia, residents who otherwise would never have left but who fear conscription as they see what Russia is doing as evil. Then, the darkness perpetuated in Ukraine, nation of my grandpa, suggests that Russia has rights to be concerned, and you did not even touch on trafficking. What am I to take from this? I trust no one and no thing I hear about this conflict from any media resource or government, especially my own. What does this mean? How do I pray? How do I help? Is there even a right? That the evil will ALL be brought to the light and that those accountable be held so. PS. Nothing you said surprised or shocked. You consolidated what has been said, neatly. Again, so what? What do I/we do with this and more information?

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Hello Joseph and thank you so much for your sincere comment. You bring forth many good questions. For your statement about not trusting anyone, you are 100% correct. Don't trust me, and neither governments in this conflict. Trust nobody bur yourself. There is a great expression in Latin: "De omnibus dubitandum," which means be suspicious of *everything*. I may be totally wrong in several "facts" that I have reported on here. Though I've used mostly secondary (and some primary) sources, we can never entirely know the real situation. Though I cannot entirely put myself in peoples' shoes who live in Russia under its current (also very brutal) regime, I do have some relatable insight, as I lived 13 years in China up until 2021, albeit as a foreigner; nevertheless, I have witnessed some nasty stuff on how the gov't and powers there can oppress citizens. So, to get to your question: "So, what?" and "What do I/we do with this and more information?" (which are excellent questions). I would say two things. First, when we become aware of some 'inconvenient truths' - whether they shine light on our own evil of those of our "enemies" - we must have the courage to speak out and share them. For example, many of us were crying above rooftops to push back against the C19 vaccines being "100% safe and effective". Many doctors and nurses did this too and were crushed by those who were supposed to defend them. How did this all turn out with the subsequent countless injuries and deaths? Maybe, if more people would have had the courage to speak out, the damage wouldn't have been as monumental (which it sadly is). Secondly, as for what do we do with this information. We *try* to sift through it to the best of our God-given cognitive and reasoning abilities to process it, then we attempt to present it to others in a manner that is understandable and "digestible". Some will accept it, many will reject it. That is called freewill and everyone is born with it and it is never taken away from us. I'll finish off with one of my favorite quotes about truth (which I mentioned in my Truth for 2023 article): "Truth is truth, even if no one believes it; a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." Not forgetting the cliche quote: "Truth will set you free". God bless you my cosmic brother and I hope that all your loved ones will stay safe and find peace. And I also pray for an end to this terrible war.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Great read, you’re a brave soul to produce it. I hope it is widely disseminated.

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Thanks Paul. Why brave? Truth is truth. As for widely disseminated, it is now my most viewed article here on Substack with nearly 5k views. And Maxime Bernier re-tweeted it which got 21K views. It is also on Activist Post now, but have no idea how many views.

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Ukraine reminds me of Egypt and Morocco.

Both countries have a horrendous human rights record but they support US policy objectives in regards to the Israeli nation building project.

I recall when there was a move a foot to demote Russian to a non-official language. The Americans stayed suspiciously silent during that debate.

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Money talks and state leaders are real good listeners.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

The tragedy is that all these questionable policies will ultimately hasten the rate of US hegemonic decline.

US support for the Israeli regional monopoly on nuclear weapons essentially sabotages the efforts to limit nuclear weapons proliferation. If anything, both the USA and Israeli are shouting from roof tops that nuclear weapons are not only useful for defence, i.e., deterrence, but also useful for offense. It turn out that nuclear weapons are great for accumulating land and resources.

Imagine some future limited, regional nuclear war -- the optimistic scenario. I reckon that 1/3 of Americans if not more will get sick and most of those people will eventually die.

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Agree. The Americans never needed to use the nukes in Japan. The war was over. This was a horrible offensive attack that lead to 100k+ deaths of innocent civilians, pure and simple. Never forget! This was particularly to warn the Russians at the very start of the Cold War. Actually many U.S. generals and higher-ups in the military were opposed to launching them. But the traitor President didn't care. Pretty messed up. And it's hard to tell where this madness will end.

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Japan did not pose an existential threat to the USA. It was a Mercantilist competitor for influence in the Pacific.

But on a purely personal note, I am glad that the Americans experimented with their atom bombs on civilians, not once but twice. I believe the resulting deaths and damage have kept the post-war period relatively peaceful (at least for folks in rich western democracies).

Russia lost 22 million (to perhaps 30 million) people in order to beat back the Nazis. Then US-lead bombing of civilians in German industrial cities finished it off.


American terrorists won WW II with more terrorism.

As Nazi Germany did pose a real, serious existential threat, I support killing all those German civilians.

The contemporary US War on Terrorism is another matter. The sheer hypocrisy invites the enraged to hit American targets. The rhetoric encourages, uneducated, uninformed and righteous Americans to support self-loathing foreign policy decisions.

Pro-American, authoritarian regimes around the world have adopted the US rhetoric on terrorism and exploited it to deny basic human rights, conduct torture and perform arbitrary executions.

The irony is that the vast majority of American voters support political violence. Despite protestations to the contrary.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

kudos, Prof Dan, many thanks! but lest we forget the 11th elephant in the room, sayeth this ret.mechanic,UofT ukie... global-politics.eu /israels-secret-plan-second-israel-ukraine/

Israel’s Secret Plan For A “Second Israel” In Ukraine 8/24/2020

The Times of Israel, an independent Israeli newspaper that counts among its staff a number of former reporters for the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, published a fascinating but largely overlooked story datelined Jerusalem and Zhitomir, Ukraine, March 16, 2014, and which was written by its respective Russian and Ukrainian correspondents, Hirsh Ostropoler and I. Z. Grosser-Spass, citing a secret report provided to the Israeli government [1]. The report, written by a select panel of scholars of Jewish history drawn from academia and other research centers, concluded that that European Jews are in fact descended from Khazars, a war-like Mongol-Tatar group that ruled over Ukraine and southern Russia, which mass-converted to Judaism in the eighth century AD. [...]

veteranstoday.com /2022/04/10/exclusive-zionism-khazarianism-has-already-won-the-russian-ukrainian-conflict/

Exclusive: Zionism/Khazarianism Has Already Won the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict | VT

Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff

While many experts note that the conflict in Ukraine smoothly predicts a nuclear war, it is worth pointing out that in any case, there is already a winner from today’s crisis in Eastern Europe and his name is Zionism.[...]

fitzinfo.net /forum/topic/chabads-khazarian-heavenly-jerusalem-project/


Timothy Fitzpatrick@fitzinfo_1kgymt381 Posts15-19 minutes 10/16/2021

Heavenly Jerusalem (project)



Heavenly Jerusalem on the basis of five southern regions of Ukraine

Heavenly Jerusalem (also New Jerusalem, Israel 2.0, New Israel) is a project whose goal is the formation of a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Zaporozhye , Kherson and Mykolaiv .

The project is long-term, its terms are determined by the Board of Benefactors, the time is described until 2049 and even after 2060 [1] .[...]

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Hi dar, thanks for your very interesting material. I am only slightly aware about some historical relevance re the Ashkenazi, Khazarianism/Zionism for this region and others. But this is way beyond my pay grade. War and conflicts are extremely complex and almost always have various participants behind the scenes with all kinds of motives. I just presented one angle of the contlict as I see things, namely how the MSM is hiding all the facts I've outlined. I've read some of the materials you referenced above. The VT articles are fascinating. And the possibility of Zelenskyy rendering part of the Ukraine into a Jewish abode as mentioned should not be excluded as a possibility, given the $100+ billion being funneled by the U.S. (of which a significant portion of the Congress hold Jewish citizenship coupled with the fact that the U.S. has supported Israeli geopolitical endeavours in the past decades to the tune of many more hundreds of billions of $). Thanks again for your thorough comment. I will have to do more reading and digest it a bit more. Feel free to add anything else at any time. Cheers

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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IMF = Israeli Military Fund

ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF

NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization


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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Excellent research, Dan. Consistent with a lot of my own findings, but at a much greater level of research/effort. A valuable resource for any critical thinker!

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Thank you for your kind comment.

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