"Some DEW lasers are fueled by a toxic cocktail of environmentally- damaging chemicals which require special handling. As a result, electrically powered systems are now preferred."
This is strange because by "electrically powered systems" brings to mind HAARP like technology which is equally, if not more, nefarious and damaging.
Thank-yoy for sharing your resources and perspectives. I am a bit newer to some of the aspects of geoengineering. I had heard a little about weather ago, yet I stored it in the back of my mind. I had been watching the clouds ⛅️ and following weather since I was a child. Over time, I did see obvious changes. The more I see the connections to the larger picture I cringe. I see the evil that is created in the green agenda to make a profit. I see what is dramatically wrong with ngos and their fake environmentalism. I see the dangers to ecosystems, food, and water. We live in strange times. I merely found document on dew through a search. It is amazing the thi gs governments are not public about.
You can clearly see the overall picture Lisa, bravo!
You said: "nd following weather since I was a child" - this is KEY.
That is why I am currently on a team writing a children's book about geoengineering. Education is so important, especially from young ages. Kids need to learn how to question things and be critical thinkers, not sheep-like followers which is what, sadly, we see in our education system. And I speak as one who has worked 36 years in education, 22 as a teacher.
Thanks for this. Ive searched for video of the plane Trump brought down in 2016, It was removed from the net. It was full of tanks like this one. This will be removed too but Im sharing with all those who still think its a conspiracy. Obviously, everyone’s in on hiding this.
If you have that video link, pls send to me or post here in the comments section. Trump, imo, is actually part of this larger play and not to be trusted (I may make a future post on that later one).
As for my posts, these are good "test cases" for Substack. I anticipated the possibility and is why I archived them immediately and inserted links at the beginning of each post; here are the archived links:
As an avid fan of Chinese history and having read Sun Tzu's The Art of War, I know how to anticipate the moves of my (our) enemies. Plus, it helps to have the Armor of God on one's side, along with his archangels and guardian angels. They've saved me from sure death once and know they have my back.
Loads of plastic being absorbed from this evil endeavor. After a blood test I was told I have extreme high plastic in my blood. I eat a very natural diet, no or little fast foods. Plastics act as a hormone and disrupting a healthy body. A product called DIM was suggested to remove it however when you take the DIM which is made primarily from the tips of broccoli, it causes the body temperature to rise, mine to 102, trying to remove the plastic, feeling like a flu. Making you feel terrible. Major cause of Breast Cancer, is this Plastic, im told by a Natural DR. Its chasing the dragon because of the constant absorption from this plastic dumped on our heads. Can't get rid of it. Detox doesn't work either so humans are being poisoned and there's no real solution to this ongoing assault. Prayer!!
Don't have that video link, as I've stated, it's been removed from the net. GeoEngineeringWatch.org may have it. 80 million tons of this has dropped on us per GeoEngineering info. They have discovered GAG orders going back 70 years forbidding this info out. Blocking the weather reporters from reporting on it and obviously Air Traffic is keeping it secret as well. Likewise, I've contacted the EPA, who deny it. Air Traffic I called to ask about it as well, and was told, they are not allowed to report to Americans on any air traffic info. I do not believe TRUMP is part of this at all, but like the rest of us, he can't help but to be aware. Who is going to stop it, is anyone's guess? After his exposure, I did not see these trails day after day over our heads but since Biden, it's been nonstop. Either way, this black project has been in effect for 70 plus years. Lyndon Johnson started this program stating "Those who control the weather, control the world" Maniac!!
Talking about comms with EPA or the FAA, I almost included the following site and video (CHEM or CON?) in my post (maybe I will later on), but its author communicated with the FAA in a very clever manner about the SAIs (chemtrails). You can listen to his exchanges here:
Very good Information. Copied this video and will attempt to forward it to those who need to know. Still listening but thanks for enlightening me to a new level of ABUSE by our government. Nothing surprises me when it comes to these Maniacs.
Ive sent everyone in a position to do anything about this to include politicians in my state, EPA, FAA, AGs in all States, Mayor, and city council, schools and local businesses. Flyers from geowatch, so that they cant use the excuse," they didnt know" . Hopefully one day this will end but Im not holding my breath, although I wish I could... so I didnt get any more plastic....lol Enjoy the sky if its visible tomorrow.
Off topic, but movie buffs and people who think we are now all living in a giant insane asylum might be interested in this essay ...
In the movies, film-goers can easily identify the “Bad Guys” who are seeking more control and want to suppress freedom. However, in the Real World, the public actually seems to pull for the Bad Guys who are doing this.
For example, “Star Wars” is arguably the most popular movie franchise of our lifetimes. One might think a few of the millions of Star Wars fanatics might identify with the freedom-fighters who are resisting the Evil Empire. Instead, Luke Skywalker was quickly cancelled and labeled a science denier/threat to society. In the Real World, Darth Vader would probably be given a Nobel Prize and be feted as the great protector of the galaxy.
I also identified some more germane examples from iconic Hollywood movies.
Hi Ruth, I take pictures and video of these just about every other day. I have way more than I can spare the time to process and add to this series (at least for now, maybe will add more in Part 4) I have also received news from some growers that it has been the worst year for growing and will probably add that info to Part 4. Are you a grower? You can find my email on my About page if you wish to exchange more. Best, Dan.
Wow, I didn't know our own gov't published this even though it was published after my geoengineering series (May 22, 2024 is the earliest: https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://science.gc.ca/site/science/en/safeguarding-your-research/guidelines-and-tools-implement-research-security/emerging-technology-trend-cards/directed-energy-weapons).
As for the Environmental impact, they state:
"Some DEW lasers are fueled by a toxic cocktail of environmentally- damaging chemicals which require special handling. As a result, electrically powered systems are now preferred."
This is strange because by "electrically powered systems" brings to mind HAARP like technology which is equally, if not more, nefarious and damaging.
Thank-yoy for sharing your resources and perspectives. I am a bit newer to some of the aspects of geoengineering. I had heard a little about weather ago, yet I stored it in the back of my mind. I had been watching the clouds ⛅️ and following weather since I was a child. Over time, I did see obvious changes. The more I see the connections to the larger picture I cringe. I see the evil that is created in the green agenda to make a profit. I see what is dramatically wrong with ngos and their fake environmentalism. I see the dangers to ecosystems, food, and water. We live in strange times. I merely found document on dew through a search. It is amazing the thi gs governments are not public about.
You can clearly see the overall picture Lisa, bravo!
You said: "nd following weather since I was a child" - this is KEY.
That is why I am currently on a team writing a children's book about geoengineering. Education is so important, especially from young ages. Kids need to learn how to question things and be critical thinkers, not sheep-like followers which is what, sadly, we see in our education system. And I speak as one who has worked 36 years in education, 22 as a teacher.
Thanks for this. Ive searched for video of the plane Trump brought down in 2016, It was removed from the net. It was full of tanks like this one. This will be removed too but Im sharing with all those who still think its a conspiracy. Obviously, everyone’s in on hiding this.
If you have that video link, pls send to me or post here in the comments section. Trump, imo, is actually part of this larger play and not to be trusted (I may make a future post on that later one).
As for my posts, these are good "test cases" for Substack. I anticipated the possibility and is why I archived them immediately and inserted links at the beginning of each post; here are the archived links:
Part 1 archive: https://archive.ph/OvvzE
Part 2 archive: https://archive.ph/iYtFZ
I know I am shadow-banned on Twitter and am surprised that I have not yet gotten the boot. I challenge Elon a lot (see just today: https://twitter.com/DanFour09653856/status/1713319543165112637).
As an avid fan of Chinese history and having read Sun Tzu's The Art of War, I know how to anticipate the moves of my (our) enemies. Plus, it helps to have the Armor of God on one's side, along with his archangels and guardian angels. They've saved me from sure death once and know they have my back.
Great video. Thanl-you for sharing.
Loads of plastic being absorbed from this evil endeavor. After a blood test I was told I have extreme high plastic in my blood. I eat a very natural diet, no or little fast foods. Plastics act as a hormone and disrupting a healthy body. A product called DIM was suggested to remove it however when you take the DIM which is made primarily from the tips of broccoli, it causes the body temperature to rise, mine to 102, trying to remove the plastic, feeling like a flu. Making you feel terrible. Major cause of Breast Cancer, is this Plastic, im told by a Natural DR. Its chasing the dragon because of the constant absorption from this plastic dumped on our heads. Can't get rid of it. Detox doesn't work either so humans are being poisoned and there's no real solution to this ongoing assault. Prayer!!
Don't have that video link, as I've stated, it's been removed from the net. GeoEngineeringWatch.org may have it. 80 million tons of this has dropped on us per GeoEngineering info. They have discovered GAG orders going back 70 years forbidding this info out. Blocking the weather reporters from reporting on it and obviously Air Traffic is keeping it secret as well. Likewise, I've contacted the EPA, who deny it. Air Traffic I called to ask about it as well, and was told, they are not allowed to report to Americans on any air traffic info. I do not believe TRUMP is part of this at all, but like the rest of us, he can't help but to be aware. Who is going to stop it, is anyone's guess? After his exposure, I did not see these trails day after day over our heads but since Biden, it's been nonstop. Either way, this black project has been in effect for 70 plus years. Lyndon Johnson started this program stating "Those who control the weather, control the world" Maniac!!
Talking about comms with EPA or the FAA, I almost included the following site and video (CHEM or CON?) in my post (maybe I will later on), but its author communicated with the FAA in a very clever manner about the SAIs (chemtrails). You can listen to his exchanges here:
Pretty good stuff and very much worth watching & listening to!
Very good Information. Copied this video and will attempt to forward it to those who need to know. Still listening but thanks for enlightening me to a new level of ABUSE by our government. Nothing surprises me when it comes to these Maniacs.
Ive sent everyone in a position to do anything about this to include politicians in my state, EPA, FAA, AGs in all States, Mayor, and city council, schools and local businesses. Flyers from geowatch, so that they cant use the excuse," they didnt know" . Hopefully one day this will end but Im not holding my breath, although I wish I could... so I didnt get any more plastic....lol Enjoy the sky if its visible tomorrow.
I've been reading this over the last few days and still so much to go through.
Thanks for this incredibly detailed investigation, Dan!
My please. Just hope the length doesn't scare too many away...
I'm just sipping...to gulp would be to miss too much. It'll take me all week but that's ok. I really do have a big love(hatred?) of this subject.
Thank you for your passion and interest my friend!
Off topic, but movie buffs and people who think we are now all living in a giant insane asylum might be interested in this essay ...
In the movies, film-goers can easily identify the “Bad Guys” who are seeking more control and want to suppress freedom. However, in the Real World, the public actually seems to pull for the Bad Guys who are doing this.
For example, “Star Wars” is arguably the most popular movie franchise of our lifetimes. One might think a few of the millions of Star Wars fanatics might identify with the freedom-fighters who are resisting the Evil Empire. Instead, Luke Skywalker was quickly cancelled and labeled a science denier/threat to society. In the Real World, Darth Vader would probably be given a Nobel Prize and be feted as the great protector of the galaxy.
I also identified some more germane examples from iconic Hollywood movies.
Truth is stranger than fiction. In the movies, heroes are rewarded. In the real world, the villains are.
You summarized my thesis in one sentence. Thanks!
At your service Bill.
Incredibly detailed. I look forward to jumping into this. Well done Dan, this is clearly a massive to put together.
Yeah, took like 4 hours just to proofread it, lol.
Hi Ruth, I take pictures and video of these just about every other day. I have way more than I can spare the time to process and add to this series (at least for now, maybe will add more in Part 4) I have also received news from some growers that it has been the worst year for growing and will probably add that info to Part 4. Are you a grower? You can find my email on my About page if you wish to exchange more. Best, Dan.