
1. Never use the phrase "Judeo-Christian". First off the "Jews" are talmudists. They do not share Christian values. Secondly, even if they are "good Jews" they reject Our Lord Jesus Christ. We share with these people some natural values only.

2. Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro was not merely a Mason, he was inducted into the Ordo Templi Orientis and took part in the most obscene Satanic rituals.

Emperor Franz Joseph was a Freemason. The whole conclave was set up so that people like Monsignor Jouin would be placated by Pius X, the son of Polish Immigrants from the Pale of the Settlement. Under the reign of Pius X Rampolla was grooming Eugenio Pacelli, the future Pius X, whose paternal Grandfather, Marchantonio Pacelli, was a Rothschild Agent. Pius X began the reforms that would culminate in the "New Mass", especially with his approval of Vernacular Missals for the laity, which until then were banned by Canon Law. Rampolla also knew fellow OTO members Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland. Consider Pope Pius X's praise of the United States in the context of how that country destroyed Catholicism in the Philippines and Puerto Rico after the war of 1898.

3. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a Deep Church Deep Plant. He was positioned to do damage control during the McCarrick debacle and subsequently deflect attention to other issues. Vigano called Donald Trump the Katechon- totally absurd- and his continued support for Trump should obviously disqualify him. His "opposition" to Pope Frantic is just so much theatre.

4: The "ST Gallen Mafia" is mainly smoke and mirrors. It is to distract people from the fact that the whole church and the popes have been advancing the "New World Order" agenda since at least the reign of Pius VI. Pope Pius XII is on record praising both Bishop Carroll and George Washington. The United States has been praised consistently since ins inception as an Anti-Catholic Freemasonic Entity in 1776. There is a much deeper "Mafia" in the church. The New Mass was actually created in the 1850's, and was being tested in Germany in the 1930's, under the watchful eye of them Cardinal Pacelli.

But keep up the good work. You will find the rabbit holes are very deep.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!

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Thank you for the reporting that you do, Dan. I hope you enjoy the coffees. Everything you write is very thorough and that is appreciated.

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Thank you for your kind comment and the coffees Nicole. All very much appreciated!

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"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from the beginning to the end, with the exception of only one by-degree and a few words in the obligation... It is impossible to be well posted in Masonry without having a Jewish teacher…”

-- Rabbi Isaac M. Wise, leader of the "Reform" sect, in The Israelite, 03-Aug-1855, pg. 28


"The history of Jesuits of Jewish ancestry in the sixteenth century mirrors the earlier 'converso' history... From the initial acceptance of these 'New Christians' (sic) and the rise of their influence and power to the consequent deep resentment of 'Old Christians', who had made increasing efforts to curb and possibly eliminate the 'converso' presence first in the civil and then ecclesiastical institutions... This chapter shows why and how Jewish 'conversos' played a key role in the Society of Jesus from its inception in 1540 through the generalates of Ignatius of Loyola, Diego Laínez, and Francisco de Borja."

-- Robert Maryks, Catholic scholar, "The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews", chapter 2


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The Catholic Church is and always has been a Satan worshipping, child sacrificing group of pediphiles!

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Well, I wouldn't agree that it has "always" been nor that all its members are on Satan's side. The precise numbers are very hard to tell, but we can judge members of the clergy based on their actions and not just their words. I am sure that a very large number are still very devout and true servants of God and Jesus Christ. As for the faithful laypeople, Catholics and Christians still represent the largest set of adherents out there.

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Fournier, why would you allow a repugnant, ignorant comment here? Please consider deleting hateful comments toward Catholics. There are threats against the Church now.

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I have deleted some comments in the past but, as much as possible, hesitate to suppress free speech unless it appears outwardly hateful or even appears to break existing laws that I am aware of. This person shared their opinion; I replied to this comment showing my disagreement.

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Nice blood red painting, extremely similar style as the recent one of King Charles.

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Freemasons did not highjacked the church, the church was already a lie. If there's something I know about the elites is how well they can tell stories and make them so believable and how they instill them into our lives by telling us these stories are real and true. They need to keep the illusion alive by telling all kind of lies and religion is one of them.

RELIGIONS was the first story and system that was forced upon the population. This system basically highjacked spirituality. Zeitgeist the movie explain very well how it all started and makes a lot of sense.

FINANCIAL-BANKING SYSTEM along with the taxes is also another system to not only control who gets money but also to keep a class of poor.

POLITICAL SYSTEM is yet again in their control so they can commit crimes legally or get away with it and yet again, controlling the population. This is how they create rules and laws where it create criminals, jails and other things...






Funny how we all have this planet that grows everything for free and yet you think that we need money to live on it.

Funny how we all have a spirit to use for our lives, do some thinking, listen to your heart and learn to control thoughts and emotions to help you, guide you in your spiritual path but you want it more complicated and prefer to listen to other men to tell you how to behave, dress and so on.

Funny how this planet can be so abundant and yet food is scarce and nature is been destroyed. Is it because of the wrath of their God? or the wrath from other men who wants to make sure they have control on our food system and wants to transform all that is natural into fake material like plastic?




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I agree that all of these systems are inherently about control and power and generating wealth for the "elite" on the back of the majority of humanity.

Not sure, what it will take for the masses to truly wake up. It takes very large scale events like a world war or the like to start waking people up.

Please listen to my upcoming podcast which I recorded last night, as these were discussed with my brilliant guest. I hope to have it up by tomorrow.

Thanks for weighing in on this important issues Christiane.

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for as much I don't believe in religion, I do know that they wrote their bible and that's the reason why all prophecies are happening.

One these prophecies is that, they do know that we are going from the Pisces era into Aquarius era. This is the only thing they cannot control whatsoever and that's the reason why they're doing everything they can to poison us, particularly with fluoride cause it calcify our gland in our brain... and their meds. this is the medical system's job to do just that along with the education system. They're making us dummy and stupid and so busy so not to think about anything by lack of time, working to much first for others and then for us and all those entertainments to keep us busy with useless propaganda movies and so on. The era of Aquarius is the era of Awareness and knowledge... consciousness. And the world is waking up and faster than they thought. That's why they brought their agenda 2030 down to 2025 and rushes everything. Now they're making mistakes because of this non planned rush as they usually do things in step by step, one drop at the time and very slowly so that the people cannot see what they do but now we can.

People are slowly seeing what goes on and one day it will be all of us who will be awake. Then, there will be no place for them to go as they will be exposed. Revelation 18, C23

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Very astute observations on your part. I totally agree with your premise that they are rushing their Agenda 2030 to try to implement it by 2025. By doing so, they seem desperate and are getting sloppy, waking even more of the masses up. That is why they are so desperate to pass all these censorship bills and lock all the truth tellers up. Pure totalitarianism. They will lose. There are too many of us against their tiny numbers, despite all their levers of control and strangleholds on their minions.

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Lately with all the glossy videos of untouchable globalists making proclamations at their numerous extra judicial organizations, I always feel the chill of evil. It’s no wonder given all the signs and symbols in their carefully crafted productions such as those you pointed out in screen shot of Mark Carney. Every single person in that creepy production is evil incarnate. And they have power. This fight is going to be the battle for the ages between good and evil darkness and light. Before 2019 I was in the dark. Now my eyes are wide open. Excellent investigation into the machinations of the Vatican.

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Thank you Kittykat. I totally agree.

For Vatican-related stuff, I am less of an expert, but you can consult the videos of Dr. Taylor Marshall, Kennedy Hall, and also the channel Return to Tradition, as they all have great videos on these subjects.

- Return to Tradition


- Dr. Taylor Marshall


- Mere Tradition with Kennedy Hall



There's not a shortage of quality content to choose from in those places.

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"Whether the reader is religious or not, a believer or an atheist, God’s divinity lies in each and everyone of us."

This I wholeheartedly agree with.

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