D. Chump is a chump

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Absolutely fascinating. As a Quebec-er, especially appreciated the attache-ta-tuque warning.

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I think I saw another Youtube video state that another guy who came back from the War in Ukraine was the person who was killed on the roof instead of Crooks. The second shooter at the golf course was also back from the War in Ukraine and knew the other guy from Ukraine. And the second shooter was also on a Blackrock video look Crooks was. PS, Miles Mathis figured the shooting was faked right away. See https://mileswmathis.com/crooks.pdf

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Hi Len. Thanks for commenting, I will definitely have a close look at that PDF you link to since it seems very detailed.

There is of course a theory that the guy on the roof could be Maxwell Yearick - like you said who had come back from the Ukraine. It is very difficult to tell. And since they cremated the body so quickly, this adds doubt to the claim. It is very difficult for sure to know whose body was up there and how it got moved/positioned to where it is. I even have suspicions regarding that long stream of blood, as it could have been poured/added later. (because like I said in this post, according to the bodycam footage Crooks' dead body didn't seem at all close to where he was supposedly shot).

The fact that both "shooters" appeared in Blackrock videos is also strange/suspect. But I am not sure what to make of this, unless it is some kind of warning/predictive programming.

What still gnaws in my mind are the two snipers (Nico + SS "Agent Sketchy") - these guys haven't been properly (or publicly) questioned yet. My instincts tell me one of them could easily have been the sniper firing into the crowd. And Nicol could have been the one who took out Crooks on the roof - whom they could have just allowed him to go there as a sitting duck as the patsy; to me, that is a possibility.

Unfortunately, without access to clear information on these and many other aspects, we will most likely never know what really happened.

One for the ages!

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I have added your article to my (woefully incomplete, but large) Trump graph:


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Thank you. Wow that graph is so big I can't find my little space.

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I put it multiple places, but I have a node above assassination attempts named "Not Buying It." That's the one I included you that is easiest to remember.

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For much more on Trump and his associates see the 6-part series "Trump Controlled by KGB/Mossad" by Timothy Fitzpatrick: fitzinfo.net/2016/10/29/trump-controlled-by-mossad/

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Thanks. I'll definitely check it out! It looks packed with info.

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A young man is dead.

His family and friends are left with the grief.

And the stigma.

This has happened before.

Some are dead, while others rot in prison.

These are the facts we forget when exploring the facts.

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It's all about phishing for votes. Great article Dan

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If you mean about maintaining the illusion of the vote, then agreed!

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You truly have a knack for digging into a subject and uncovering the truth. Or bringing more questions. Thanks for this, Dan!

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My pleasure. One thing I try to do with many of my articles is to provide the BROADER CONTEXT and how things are related or connect together. Often, people see some aspects but not others. There's certainly a lot more to this story, but I think it serves as a good starting point.

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Wow, excellent article! I’m glad this information is finally trickling out into the light.

I thought right away that something was fishy about the first attempt to take out Trump and the rapid healing of the ear. Do they actually think we are all that gullible or are they testing the waters to see how their narratives are working? Too many coincidences now with Musk being onboard now as well and perhaps implementing the technology for the so called “digital future”.

It’s going to be a wild ride and one which we have absolutely no control over.

Thanks for the great writing Dan!

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Thanks. When you say " It’s going to be a wild ride and one which we have absolutely no control over," please keep in mind that you DO have control over your life. Never let anyone take away your freewill, rights, and right to opt out of any of their slave systems.

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"you DO have control over your life."

Incorrect. The Machine has perfected mass mind control to the point that it is reduced to the principles of fluid dynamics. Penury, ruin, mayhem, slavery and death will all descend upon each of us precipitously, as a function of mechanisms far outside of our control.

When the TeeVee announces that a "nuke" has exploded in your state, and that everyone is being evacuated to "safety centers" to protect them from the "fallout"... nobody reading this right now will have any power to resist the flood of humanity into the gateway of final enslavement.

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If it comes to the point where they would try to pick me and my family up in my home to bring us to some kind of nuke shelter as you say, it will be over my dead body. I was born free and will die so.

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Fair enough. The evacuation order will indeed be enforced by mortal threat, at gunpoint, by the Army. (For your own good, of course.)

From the state's perspective, to keep you will be no benefit, to kill you will be no loss. (HT: Pol Pot.) The sweep units who come to clear out your neighborhood will neutralize you with ruthless efficiency. (Remember the mass firearms confiscation during Katrina? This time they'll be collecting the bodies.)

You were born livestock, and you'll die livestock, sooner or later. Being culled at the whim of the State is not "freedom".

And you have no power to protect your family, or even to "take them with you" if you choose the bullet over the boxcar. The Army will be operating based on a full dossier of everything you've done online or said over a telecommunication device. (Including, yes indeed, this very exchange.) They will have all the necessary data to get the drop on you and make sure you're dead before you can off your family.

Your wife and children will be taken to the "Safety Center." There they will be forcibly injected with the "vaccine" against the pandemic du jour, etc.

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Though your scenario is extreme, it does have precedent (I lived 13 years in China where it happens a lot - they even shipped pre-schoolers on buses to C19 camps during the scamdemic ffs! - and even taught a lesson about Pol Pot to my students while teaching there).

Even in Canada during the scamdemic, some were taken against their will in BC. Dan Dicks from Pressfortruth.ca did some reporting/videos on this were a woman was held against her will in a quarantine hotel.

These measures/actions are completely unlawful.

That is why it is important for people to band together at the local level. And they also need to follow what bills are being proposed at their municipalities and for their provinces.

For example, in Quebec there is a bill in the works (Bill 50) where they seek to be able to do what you say. Here is the text for this specific scenario translated from French:

>> 6° order, when there is no other means of protection, the evacuation of people or their sheltering, including their confinement;”

I wrote an article about this Bill and need to keep an eye on its development.

- Climate Lockdowns coming to Quebec? Bill 50 suggests so., Feb 08, 2024


Not sure what other provinces are up to; if you know of bills with similar provisions, please share.

I'm sure that egregious Bill S-293 (https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/44-1/c-293) must have some similar crap in there...

Honestly, if a bill like Bill 50 in QC would become law, I would probably leave Canada for Asia a second time (and, if so, for good, i.e., permanently).

Ain't nobody's slave.

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That’s a fact and a great point! I’ve questioned everything about the past 4 years and opted out of the immunization program and the rest of the nonsense.

That’s really all we have is our own free will. The bigger picture is beyond our control, whatever will be, will be. They have a plan for whatever way any election goes so it would seem.

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Man proposes, God disposes!

Even if we do not believe in "God", there are numerous invisible forces at work.

Those who think they are in total control are not.

Reality chess has endless possible moves and potential outcomes.

There is always hope.

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Yes indeed. If you study history, there are plenty of resistance movements and successes whereby large groups of oppressed have overcome their tyrannical rulers.

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well done. either way we end up slaves or dead.

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This is the video you want to watch, the actual original, crystal clear & unedited Zapruder film. Any doubts you had about complicity or multiple shooters will be erased:


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You’re missing the divine intervention explanation. As soon as the bullet struck, God’s invisible hand intervened and plugged the 2cm hole. Then, the Lord fired an invisible plasma charge which superactivated Trump’s blood platelets, hence inducing a miraculous level of blood clotting. Trump’s blood barely made it out of the wound before being stopped in its tracks on his cheek. The wound then continued to super heal until the scar tissue and blending-in were complete within two weeks. Alternatively, Trump himself is the Saviour and is able to perform biological miracles without requesting additional support from his Father. Either way, this is a clear sign to the Lord’s faithful flock that Trump and the white hats have got it. Everything is under control. Trust the plan.

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So, acoustic analysis confirms 11 or more shots, some tenths of a second apart and less and we're supposed to believe that both whoever was doing the shooting (and it wasn't the kid on the roof) were able to coordinate perfectly? Humans cannot count time that accurately, within tenths of seconds or less. If he had an earpiece and someone shouted turn, the bullet would already be past his ear. Someone with experience calculated distance and time for bullet to strike. Far too fast. Even if Trump instructed the shooter, "I'll turn my head at precisely this moment" unless he has some implant in his head with precision timing, it's still flat out impossible. And this is why people say it may well have been an act of god.

Oh, and photos at a party prove nothing.

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OK - so voting is useless.

So secure my own sheep fold and carry on regardless.

Trouble is the wolves are constantly raiding other sheep folds!

The plan is to safeguard (imprison) us all in a secure sheep fold (security state), where all our defenses will be removed because they will not be needed anymore!

Not voting leaves the wolf den intact and its plans for us ongoing.

Methinks we need to be working on our own plans, to secure our own future safety and well-being.

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Indeed. That is why they are going after peoples' guns.

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Trump's mentor was Roy Kohn!

No more input needed.

For more input on Kohn: ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL by Whitney Webb.

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Hi dan, just wondering…i totaly agree with all that is said in this post( i usualy never agree 100% so thats refreshing) but now i want to go forward with that. I have seen a couple resumé of trump fake ass a sin nation, and yours is of the most complete. I did try to explain all this to many of my fellow quebecois brothers. None listen! Its as they have this big maga cap going over their ears and eyes. You know like the 3 monkey’s🙉🙊🙈

So how about we get our info out of our sphere of echoes and confront some activist who runs the popular thinking with some slapping truth? Im thinking alexis cossette trudel and radio quebec. As how to make a giant elephant falls( giants for glorious trump, and elephant cause their is definitly one in the room) so the two of them falls by the achille weakness. Cut the 4 pillar’s tendon holding them and it goes down. One of it in quebec is trudel( streamers like him), the other is gouvernement propaganda, the third is us sadly, and the fourth in my view is the macons 3 letters agency working hard behind the scene. (i wont name them but i know who works for who in many organisations)

Of all these the pillar of streamers and such is the easiest to invade and clean up. If at least on our side we would all see part of the truth clearly it could help organize ourselves. I am willing to help you get into a debate with guys like him. I know a great deal of intelligent people who saw trought this supercherie, and i just wish all of you wise working fellow can put some reality in their desperate mind looking for hope were the trap is set.

I dont think we can help the world in canada military and economic situation, at most we are utterly depandant on the others action in a near futur. I only care for my country and its Quebec. So lets help ourselves and clean our land.

If you are interested in developping this idea more, i can help/try and i would wish to write to you in private to explained my view. I bet we could come up with something without getting out of our own agenda. If not id still like to be acquainted with a worthfull fellow like you definitly are.

Here is my mail adress: zatoichi22@icloud.com

You can check my substack but wont find anything about all we constantly hear about (chemtrail, vaccin, politik, israel, ukraine) for real talk lets go private. Anyway i dont want risk being ban, neither having to back my words, you all doing a great job with that, im only here and there for a personal goal i will gladly tell you later if curiousity is one of your quality. I bet you do with that open mind concept, if my project aint good in your opinion, i wont mind you closing that door afterward.

I know now about your past and works, i also understand why you talk chinese. From 2008 to 2021 in china and a lovely chinese wife it makes sense. So after learning about you, i think your journalism skill would be interested in some of my dossiers.

D’un. CH.I.Q type

Ps: loved ur pri demon th word game. I made lots of them in my stack i bet you will love it.

The 4 elements one espescialy ;) words are swords and letters are tellers. La plume est legerte pourtant l’encre qu’elle utilise peut stoper un navire (idée) sur l’ocean (monde) aussi abrubtement qu’une ancre jeter a la mer( humanité).

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Just emailed you Jean-Sebastien.

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Will soon get on it! Thanks 🙏

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