I think that crisis politics is a control mechanism.


Keep the flock focused on the latest crises and they will not notice the wolves closing in.

Focus on manufactured international crises, keeps the flock in an unsettled state of anxiety, forcing them to concentrate on everyday essentials, rather than confronting the critical issues.

Solzenitzen said that if they had realised what was coming, they would not have cowered in fear while the wolves thinned the flock - they would have activated to eliminate the wolves one by one.

Many who have been through the rise of oppressive regimes, have been trying to warn us for a long time, because they can see the signs clearly and are far less likely to blindly trust government.

I think we do need to do all we can, to inform people and motivate them to act decisively.

The Canadian truckers convoy was great in awakening others and motivating them to action, although they suffered as a result and were widely misrepresented.

The movement was so big, that it could not be kept out of the media, informing and inspiring others to act worldwide.

Groups in other nations, not well reported in any media, were severely suppressed with police brutality, even burnt with EMF rays of some sort in at least one case.

Some smaller groups suffered greatly and did not receive the support or respect they deserved, but they still stood for what is right and that is of great value regardless.

We can all do something, no matter how small, to assist in the fight for freedom for all.

All the heavy weights can pile into the boat, but if the mouse does not jump on top, the boat will not sink!

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What hits me after reading your article:

Israel : total population 9 000 000 , total army 600 000 = 1/20

Iran : total population 90 000 000,total army 1 100 000 = 1/90

Canada: tot population 41 000 000,total army 50 000= 1/820

I suck at math so correct me if wrong, and i rounded up lesser for the boasting opponent, and higher for us since we really look like ….sigh…i dunno put a kind word like pacifist or a nasty one like weakling army. Both are correct and the one that comes to my mind is insecurity.

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Yes, and recruitment in the Canadian Armed Forces is way down compared to past years.


Because they forced service members to get the experimental injection, aka the bioweapon jab. Plus, they've been shoving DEI/Woke ideology down their throats for the past few years even insulting them by putting TAMPONS in the bathrooms of CAF facilities FFS.

In addition, Canada has been largely neglecting its own military supplies instead opting to send over nearly $8 billion in arms and cash/aid to the very corrupt Ukraine. I've written several articles about this in my Substack:


So, there is a very long way to go before Canada has a strong military once again. And in the meantime we can no longer stay we are "Strong and Free"

God help us.

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Well ... in God we are strong and free - those of us who believe at least.

If we don't believe in God, then we have to believe in something else, like a large, well equipped and competent army.

Is that the way wars are really being fought and won now?

The military, industrial machine keeps making mincemeat for profit.

Are these real wars though or just war games, being played by the major power brokers on the political chessboard to deceive and eliminate the pawns, so both sides can party?

Baddies can never agree for long.

Hopefully they will fight and kill each other and we can party!

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I get the evil bankers and Co rule bit.

I do not get the following:

"Can a world without such parasites not only be imaginable, but also become a reality?

Of course it can; but, for that to happen, the undertaking of waking up millions of zombified sheep will require nothing short of an emancipatory, perhaps divinely-inspired, intellectual and physical revolution."

Something not adding up here.

Why can't the sheeple be woken up en masse?

Yeah I know about the controlled media, but that isn't the root issue, because this agenda exists historically before mass media existed.

I used to belong to the herd, but circumstances beyond my control gradually opened my eyes.

If I can be awakened, why not others?

Seems most people are sheep, who will follow their shepherds regardless, unless they are forced to re-evaluate their shepherds.

Seems most shepherds today are bad, but the sheep still follow because they are programmed to follow regardless.

The shepherds are not responsible for bad events - they are our protectors and saviours in all circumstances.

Well yes that is the default position in an ideal world.

We are not living in an ideal world and our shepherds are not good shepherds!

What is the key to unblinding the sheep, so they can see that their shepherds are wolves in sheep's clothing and deal with them accordingly?

The wolves are not so well disguised that they cannot easily be identified.

What exactly is blinding people?

They are naturally programmed to be good people and follow good leaders.

As in all genocides, the realty that the leaders are evil and are killing ruthlessly, without compassion, conscience or accountability, dawns slowly because it contradicts all human nature.

Realisation of the necessity for good people to kill evil people to survive, has to be forced upon most people, for them to accept the reality.

Even when the genocide is over, people tend to deny what has really happened as if it was a dream, because the reality is too evil to accept and integrate.

My humble effort to explain some of the inexplicable.

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Good Qs you have:

- Why can't the sheeple be woken up en masse?

- What exactly is blinding people?

Several reasons. Firstly, it happens on an individual level. Though the Covid-19 Scamdemic did "wake" many (arguably millions) up in the short span of a year or two, there are still many that can't connect the dots.

This is largely due to our education system - one which I was part of for 36 years, 22 as a teaching having taught students from ages 9 to 90.

We often use (myself included) this [somewhat of] misnomer of a term "awaken". I think the term to be "deprogrammed" would be more appropriate. Firstly, because one cannot become "awakened" in just an instance. It is a *gradual* process that takes a long time - a lifetime - to go through.

Contemplate the recent tweet of my fellow investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore:


Most people experience a paradigm shift, and then they think they’ve totally “woken up”.

They then follow new people who confirm their newly adopted paradigm and then they quickly go back to sleep.

You don’t wake up just once, it’s a perpetual journey. It’s called “life”.

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Other alternative media people agree with Johnny Vedmore's input.

The need to deprogram from mass education indoctrination is critical.

However, mass education is recent, while mass deception is not.

I have been in the home education community for a long time.

I think, that many if not most homeschoolers are deceived, by the same phenomenon Johnny identifies.

Having supposedly boarded the train of educational enlightenment, they switch off all other input and just go back to sleep.

Real education is not a train track - it is a free flowing stream.

There is a great deal of difference between homeschooling, home education and natural learning.

Homeschooling can be just be another form of indoctrination.

As you and Johnny state, avoiding deception is a lifelong journey, that requires constant, diligent integrity and reality checks.

Like the preservation of freedom requires eternal vigilance.

Thank you for your input and efforts to keep the freedom flag flying.

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here thats on the french side of canada. there’s been turmoil since covid with army loss, and guy boulianne had some interesting meetings with major serge faucher who intended a puirsuit . i watch the live meeting of that but didnt follow up to busy else where.

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What you are suggesting makes a great deal of sense. First off it’s the easier “flag to falsify”. Secondly, it requires very little in the way of hardware. Most of all though, it can cause massive disruption, like the kind we were promised with Y2K but multiplied. StuxNet here we COME!

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Indeed. It is both strategic and cost-advantageous for Israel to go this route. And the masses will not be able to understand/decipher this level of deception, as I explained to fellow investigative journalist Johnny Vedmore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4nyN71rj8o

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What's up with all these banks getting hacked?

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Right?! BofA getting the SouthPark “aaannnnnd it’s GONE” treatment ?!

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Yeah, there's some suspicious stuff going on with BoA. Not even a public statement by their parasite CEO Moynihan. Plus, Warren Buffet sold millions of shares in BoA weeks ago. He knows what's coming.

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