This Pandora's Box obviously contains an abundance of questionable facts, that could be debated forever and a day.

I am inclined to try to elevate out of the mess on the ground, to try to get a more wholesome overall perspective.

I have no problem in theory with the intent of Britain, supposing that was actually her intent, to provide a homeland where Jews could live in peace, free from the endless persecutions and horrific abuses they had been unjustly subjected to in Europe for a very long time.

Provided as stated in the Balfour Declaration, the rights of non-Jews were fully respected.

The plan went haywire for very debatable reasons.

I am stunned by what I see as the the lack of historical clarity in this debate.

Whatever "historical facts" support the argument, are the real facts regardless!

Any facts inconvenient to the argument, simply do not exist!

Europeans settled in north and south America for various reasons.

Initially there was relative peace between the natives and the settlers.

Eventually the natives realised the intent was to take all their lands, by force if necessary.

The Indians defended their lands, were branded as terrorists and justly or unjustly genocided, depending upon your perspective and your interpretation of the historical facts.

Britain gave the 77% of the British Protectorate of Palestine west of the Jordan river to the Arabs, which became the nation of Jordan.

The Jews got the remaining 33% of the Protectorate, which became Israel.

The Arabs were never happy with this and wanted Israel destroyed regardless.

So five Arab armies attacked, with the intent of destroying Israel.

The Arab armies failed to destroy Israel, so the "Palestinian" Arabs - those living in Israel - resorted to terrorism to defend their lands.

Justified or not?

There are many factors to consider in trying to answer this question.

Arabs lost exclusive control of their lands to the Ottoman Empire, then Britain.

So arguably Arabs could not legitimately claim, that the Protectorate was Arab land.

Many other people groups besides Arabs, owned properties in the Protectorate.

A significant number of Jews, owned land in the area of the Protectorate that became Israel.

If "Palestinian" Arabs had been willing to live in peace with Jews in Israel, as they had done under the Ottoman Empire and the British Protectorate, could conflict have been avoided?

Who actually started the conflict?

What actually ignited the conflict?

How? Why?

Was resort to terrorism by any party or parties, justified on any grounds whatsoever?

American native Indians forced to defend their lands by force, because they were being taken from them by force, were branded as terrorists as a result and genocided.

American native Indians had no choice - defend their lands by force or lose them.

Either "Palestinian" Arabs had a choice - live in peace in Israel or make war.

Or some Israelis were forcing "Palestinian" Arabs out of Israel, and they had no choice but to fight to defend their homes and properties and what they saw as Arab land.

The jury is still out.

And maybe always will be.

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1948 is when these atrocities started! There's an excellent breakdown of the supposed October 7th attacks. The funny thing about about AI video is that it is not very skilled at improvising footage. The footage has been broken down frame by frame and it shows that it is AI, not real footage.

These are the same people who want us to accept just 3 frames of footage from one the most protected sites in the world. The Pentagon. And just like how the powers that be went around to every business to confiscate any video footage, the same thing happened when they pulled off the Oklahoma City Bombing. The people who run these psychological operations and the complicit presstitute media need to be put on trial like Nuremberg. Guess which country failed to sign the 1974 Bioweapon Convention Disarmament Treaty? The same country using White Phosphorus.

Who runs the Council on Foreign Relations who controls all that is aired by the msm? Zionists. The same people who have to create laws to protect their lies and propaganda. The Truth does NOT fear investigation! But the powers that shouldn't be sure do!

Censorship is only needed when your lying narratives are failing.

Fact checkers? I thought the essential part of investigative journalism was fact checking, but not when it's propaganda! That's when you need the people running this world to back up their propaganda with paid yes men, the fact checkers are paid by the the people who don't want the truth to be known. Bill Gates and Rockefellers have been loning the pockets of the Presstitute media for years in order to get good Public Relations and immediate hit pieces on any journalists who actually expose them.

Another system that reinforces all the lies and propaganda, Hollywood. O wonder who controls that?

In their minds October 7th justified their genocidal psychopathic actions. In the minds of rational critical thinkers, they've exposed themselves for 3hi they truly are. Soulless Creatures. The same is True for the Organized Crime Syndicate in the The Divided States of Absurdistan. But the ideologically possessed statists are too busy calling each other names to see reality.

Idiocracy is the new normal!

Charlotte Isrrbyt warned us with her Book Rhe Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.

Zbigniew Brzezinski also said this in 1972 the quote about repeating what they heard on the news.

"In early times, it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million. Today, it is infinitely easier to to kill a million people than to control a million."

Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news. (1972)

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era

Sounds like the outcome of the plandemic, had we not said Nope!

You can't comply your way our of tyranny.

Say no to digital ID's and CBDC's

Elon Musk is a Globalist! Not your friend.

Go watch or read some more Whitney Webb's books or recent videos.

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Hamas was created and funded by Israel to the tune of $30 million/month


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Hamas members are "Palestinians" regardless of who funds them.

Hamas is clearly a terrorist organisation.

Hamas has brought endless suffering and death upon Israelis and "Palestinians".

"Palestinians" have denounced Hamas terrorism even at the UN.

We do not have, and cannot have, all the facts.

However I am wary of constant repetition, that avoids any honest, independent investigation of the facts, because this is a clear indication of propaganda.

Some board "the Jews are all evil regardless" train and stick to the track regardless.

IMO this is an untenable position, because there are many different groups of Jews, covering the whole spectrum from good to evil.

As there are good and evil people in all large people groups.

The Israeli government certainly does not represent all Israelis or Jews.

Many Israelis and Jews oppose the Gaza slaughter.

However, they also want an end to terrorism, to enable peace.

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Indeed. Thanks for sharing.

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I think thats quite good strategy description but can i humbly add some stuff and tell me if it makes sens or not.

step 1: only possible after prerequisite of step 0 is achieved, meaning; eipstein stratagem and such

step 2: all good, fun fact: it can be observe in world domination considering 2 state as the same value of an internal schism. So religion and cultural difference usefull. tavistock and ideology etc

step 3: 100% true, masons in work! agents gatekeeper and such usefull tool

step 4: here is my differenciation: Not a false flag oblige, if its an egregor built of lie becoming truth. That turns a fake boogeyman at first in a true doomeyman in the end. lets take Hitler for exemple. compare this to trump, and what was good will turn bad. lots of variation here possible.

step 5: only revelant for hamas situation, but i understand it as position the middle in a no way out situation on both side. that would be a good idea and it makes me think of Drak Ula story stuck between 2 powers at war.

step 6: add to this that you can also re-used the blackmailing for further propaganda in society like many declassified documents 25 years later are put to good use for us to waste time or dig deep c.i.a projects with that purpose.

step 7: or invest in bitcoin from the state treasury stolen when the crypto-site are full time to plunder them, create also lots of justice retribution and costy events for fake payback on society that will eventualy make rich a couple lawyers and wrongfully repaired minority of society who suffered in majority. create fake cozy storyline to comfort while we capitalize. I call this smoke the hive, take the honey\money.

step 8: Of course! ce le bra tion time comon! Otherwise how would we comfort the bee's back into the hive to produce even more for us. mwhahahah ha ;)

overall its all perfect design, but always needs to keep in mind that many variants of every step is possible since every nation and society as different weakness and strentgh. would that resume it right?

by the way, love tyler durden, good ref.

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Yep, very interesting.

And I think we both forgot to include on the sacrificial aspects that the evil-doers are usually involved in. I've predicted some (Red Heiffers much?) for the upcoming bombing of the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem to clear the land for their much sought after precocious Third Temple (of Solomon) so that they can get that Golden Ark of the Covenant replica that is currently waiting in the wings at Mar-a-Lago. We can call that STEP 9, if you will.

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Your right with the arch at trump house, i found the declaration of the builders quite special. Like they want us to know this detailed but we cant get a clear glimps on so many others subjects. Sometimes i wonder if we are following the flute melody, or are the sleepy hollow citizens under the spell of pan. Or are we both in different echosphere working towards the same Rome.

Step 9: the sacrificial ending. Needs mostly a crowd and a crown and a crow. The witness who testify, the wisdom who gains, the wilderness who feeds and transform back to natural all that theater for a new one to be born put of this death.

Sorry if i am confusing, i am in religious lecture this morning so ur comment is inspiring me, but my answer is obscure as i read it twice.

Here is a book i rade about the arch, 1 of the three existing one now i guess. Its from guy boulianne a really good read with valid information with photo and all.


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Guy Boulianne is a gifted author; I am currently reading his Societe Fabienne which is eye opening.

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The people who believe the Palestinians attacked Izrael probably also believe Al Queda took down the World Trade Center.

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If it was not "Palestinians" who entered/invaded Israel on October 7, terrorising, injuring and killing civilians, then who was it?

Are those responsible, not responsible, just because Israel left the gate open?

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"...then who was it?"

It was black-ops mercenaries outfitted as 'Hamas' terrorists that attacked Izrael and blamed it on the Palestinians. So Izrael slaughtered the Palestinians.

Its the same people who took down the World Trade Center and blamed it on Al Queda which led to America's war in Iraq.

Same players, same Playbook.

Remember Seeds, no planes hit the World Trade Center.

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I appreciate your input and your respectful, informative attitude in general.

I am well aware of the facts regarding 9/11.

I am aware of your Gaza position and that of others.

I am also aware of the testimony of people at ground zero on October 7th; some of the hostages who returned safely; dissenting Israelis and "Palestinians"; and others credible reports.

We cannot just say: "Mossad black-op" and try to force everything into the box regardless!

Clearly from an honest, independent analysis of the available facts, many "Palestinians" were involved on October 7 and acted like terrorists for whatever reasons.

How many of these "Palestinians" were independent civilian players; independent Hamas members; Israeli paid Hamas operatives; or Israeli paid mercenaries, is unknown and unknowable IMO.

There appears to be clear video footage indicating that "operation invasion" was coordinated by either Israeli mercenaries or Israeli controlled Hamas operatives.

Some of the hostages released verify, that they were abducted and held by "Palestinians" from Gaza, apparently of various political and moral persuasions, who may have been being paid to hide the hostages, sometimes in private homes.

Regardless of who is paying who to do what, or what flag is being waved, false or otherwise, terrorism - violent action against others - is a choice.

This goes for Israelis as well as Arabs of course.

However, war claims to be full blown justified terrorism.

Justified for whom?

Never the innocent victims of the ruthless wars of the power hungry.

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Its always the same players Seeds.

Just like the horrific videos from the Izraeli press, the world saw the horrific videos of the same Izraeli atrocities on innocent Palestinians. Except here in the West. We were shown the Izraeli press.

Just like no terrorists took down the World Trade Center in a perfectly executed controlled demolition of high rise buildings, falling into their own footprint and dustification, which led us into war with Iraq, and ultimately Afghanistan. Why Afghanistan? Because the unfortunate Afghanistanis happen to have the second largest poppy fields in the world. And those poppy fields cut into the CabaI's South American drug trade.

Do you know which country USED to have the most poppy fields in the world?

Viet Nam.

Its all the same players Seeds, and all the same Playbook.

Take the red pill.

Watch the movie 'Wag The Dog'.

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I understand your position.

I am just not sure that this is just another page out of the same playbook.

Something is wriggling under the carpet and I want to know what it is.

Perhaps I am just imagining the ripples under the carpet - battle fatigue!

There are many obvious reasons why Israel would want to control Gaza.

Not to mention Greater Israel.

But something is just not adding up here.

Evil Jews supposedly control Israel, the US, Russia, the world even!

Haven't heard that they control China and some other nations yet!

This rhetoric is definitely from the old worn playbook - blame the evil Jews - they are responsible for all the suffering in the world!

That is definitely a false flag!

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I don't blame the Jews Seeds.

I blame the Evil that attacked Izrael and convinced the masses that it was the Palestinians so that Izrael could slaughter the Palestinians.

Just like they blamed 9/11 on Al Queda so they could attack Iraq.

Same players, same Playbook.

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Pretty much. And that the C19 shots were safe and effective.

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Many, many Israelis were injured and killed by the shots.

Israel ran one of the most aggressive vaccination regimes.

Is Israel then opposed to both Israelis and "Palestinians"?

Trying to genocide both?

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They were horrible during the scamdemic, using their citizens as Pfizer's Guinea Pigs and decorating/awarding Bourla for doing so. And, don't forget their CBDC to further enslave their people. Check out the work of Efrat Fenigson on these and other atrocious things her gov't has introduced. https://www.efrat.blog/

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Everyone forgets that the Christians of Palestine, a name as old as Christianity itself, are also the victims of the satanic Jews.

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If "satanic Jews" are responsible for the the vaccination regime, then mostly Jews but also Israelis of different races and religions, are the victims.

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Correct. Why did Netanyahu sign a deal with Pfizer to roll out the experiment on Israelis? The rich and powerful satanic Jews don’t care about other Jews, look what was going on with the Rothschilds in Nazi Germany.

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Utter bilge . Brought to you by the Foreign Service of the Russian International Development Office .

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Yes - only recently understood what ‘plunder capitalism’ is ... sadly they are perfecting its use ..in the most brutal way

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Very timely and well prepped article Dan, thank you. I would just like to comment on your last paragraph/sentence in the piece. You wrote: ‘When will the world wake up to this evil and hold these murderers and plunderers accountable?’ I wonder what you mean with terminology like ‘the world’, when you ask when it will wake up. What is ‘the world’? The way i understand the term ‘world’, is that it is a conceptual construct referring to the collective realm of humanity and as such is is neither a thing, nor is it a person that could ‘wake up’. Even if one were to view ‘the world’ metaphorically and represent its collective reality with an avatar so to speak, or embody it as a individual person; that being would be characterized as deeply psychotic, delusional and unable to distinguish reality from its deeply disturbed living nightmare-like illusion state. The collective ‘world’ of humankind, is no more capable of waking up from its fever-dream, than is the raving psychopath in the midst of a killing spree. Your question seems to indicate some type of division between this ‘world’ entity and ‘these murderers and plunderers’; when in fact they are one and the same. Even the Bible refers to the ‘world’ as the ‘sea of mankind’, turbulent and unruly, from which arises the murderous seven headed beasts and the blood soaked harlot. When will the psychopatic killer develop a conscience and empathy, realize the the evil of his ways and hold himself accountable? Never. He never will ‘wake up’. Why? Simply because of what he is, a false personality, a distorted mind/ego, formed out of the crucible of fear, hatred, in a loveless and desolate emotional wasteland. A distorted, illusory landscape devoid of God and goodness and eternal sleep.

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"Inconvenient Truth" but the TRUTH nevertheless.

Where to from here?

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Only God truly knows.

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Maybe but he/she/they ain't gonna give us the answer so it's up to us all to figure this out ourselves...

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I am not essentially pro-Israel in this debate.

I am not going to unsubscribe Dan.

I just like to contribute a few points.

I do not believe that there are any "Palestinians".

If the claim has any credibility at all, Palestinians are simply Arabs who lived in the British Protectorate of Palestine.

The British protectorate of Palestine after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, was simply a geographical area, where many different people groups lived, possibly mostly Arabs, but a very significant number of Jews also and others.

The Palestinian orchestra, the Palestinian Post and the Palestinian Brigade in the British army were all Jewish for instance.

Five armies invaded to destroy the new state of Israel after its formation.

The Nukba, that "Palestinians" claim caused them to flee from or be expelled from Israel, was arguably directly caused by the invasion of Israel by Arab armies intent on destroying Israel.

Yasser Arafat created the myth of a Palestinian people via a massive propaganda campaign, arguably to justify his extensive terrorist activities under the banner of the PLO - Palestinian Liberation Organisation.

Yasser Arafat's mission was to destroy Israel with UN and international backing, based upon the propaganda of a people being displaced from their homeland by an evil invading empire.

I am not omniscient, so I do not have all the facts.

However, it appears that the Arabs living in Israel could have continued to live there in peace, if not for Arab hostility regarding the establishment of the state of Israel, the invasion of five armies and ongoing plans to destroy the nation.

Seemingly the claim that only Arabs, not Jews, have any valid historical claim to the land of Israel is blatantly false.

I explored the "Palestinian" side of the issue.

The Nukba is widely emphasised even by a "Palestinian historians".

The invasion of the five armies is not mentioned.

The PLO mandate to destroy Israel is not mentioned.

Young foreign "Palestinians" are ignorant of the facts, having been brainwashed by their aggrieved relatives and the propaganda narrative.

Yes Israel soldiers are grossly mistreating "Palestinian" people.

Israeli people have been subjected to ongoing "Palestinian" terrorism for a long time.

Arguably there is no justification for any of this.

However, the provocation must be considered, not negated or denied.

"Palestinians" have demonstrated in western nations, publicly denouncing Israelis in public in most offensive terms.

Israelis do not conduct themselves in this way, even with just cause.

I rest my case.

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I see your point, but regardless of who these people are, where they came from, what they call themselves, this genocide is unacceptable and repugnant. It should never have happened. Israel is a bully. They are literally wiping an entire group of people off the planet to steal their land while the world watches. And most of the world is pretty ticked off about it. Again, thank you for your perspective and I do appreciate the historical references. I think we all could be become better acquainted with real history.

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Israel is a bully?

What is the US?

The US is responsible for endless suffering and death in many nations, under false flag "regime change" empire building operations falsely claiming to promote "freedom and democracy".

This is not "unacceptable and repugnant" to Americans?

This is not genocide?

Whose land did Americans steal?

What peoples did they genocide?

I doubt that "ticked off" is the appropriate response to genocide.

I think that many people are very angry, about America's delusional assumption of the right to rule the world at any cost, regardless.

Pursuit of this demented delusion may yet cost Americans dearly.

America and her allies, may realise this too late.

Arguably America is being covertly genocided.

If that genocide becomes overt, Americans will be enraged!

Genociding others is OK.

Genociding the glorious inhabitants of the land of the brave and the free is not OK.

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Two things:

1) We can easily get into a debate about the precise nomenclature of the peoples who have inhabited that land. Jews have, of course, also inhabited it. But the main point of my article is to emphasize that the 2.2-2.3 million individuals (now reduced to about 1.7-1.8m, see https://x.com/RnaudBertrand/status/1887047702346916316) have had their lives devastated for decades and in particular since the last 15 months. Of course, many on the Israeli side have also been subject to acts of terrorism over the years. But the fact remains that we have nearly 2 MILLION SOULS that have been gravely affected by this fabricated incident (Oct. 7 was a clear false flag - with anyone with eyes to see and a functioning brain with critical thinking and questioning skills) whose purpose certainly appears to be to get them all out of the region for the Greater Israel Project. I won't even begin to say what Israel has done in Syria and how much land they have stolen there, as that is for another discussion.

2) When you say <<"Palestinians" have demonstrated in western nations, publicly denouncing Israelis in public in most offensive terms.>> you have not considered many were in fact Soros-funded paid groups paid groups of protesters - especially on U.S. campuses - made to look that side look bad. So your two later statements don't really make sense.

But thanks for weighing in with your thoughts in anyway.

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Your point Dan is that about 2M “Palestinians” have been “genocided”.

My point is: WHO exactly is responsible?

Clearly October 7 was a false flag!

Exactly WHO invaded Israel terrorising, killing and taking hostages?

Wasn’t it “Palestinian” terrorists?

Or were they Soros agents too?

Paid agents of the US or Israel directly or indirectly?

Regardless, these “Palestinians” had a choice.

The choice they made precipitated their own “genocide”.

THEIR CHOICE to pursue terrorism regardless, has caused ongoing suffering and death to THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

Would Israel have targeted Arabs living in Israel if they had been willing to live there in peace?

The clear intent of “Palestinians” and other Arabs has been to destroy Israel from the beginning.

Is that genocidal intent too, or something else?

American false flag operations have caused endless suffering and death in many nations, where “regime changes” were desired to facilitate American empire building, under the pretext of furthering “freedom and democracy”.

The people of Ukraine are being genocided to facilitate US and NATO empire building goals, while falsely claiming Russia is responsible for the ongoing slaughter.

Some “Palestinian protestors” may have been Soros or other agents.

Regardless, they were “Palestinians” and they had a choice.

Syria is a heartbreaking story, like many others perpetrated by evil actors, who have no regard for life and regard civilian deaths as just “collateral damage” in the ruthless pursuit of their goals.

Regardless of exactly WHO is manipulating and controlling Syrians to fight for “regime change”, it is SYRIANS who are causing great suffering and death to THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

Obviously many Syrian “freedom fighters” are terrorists of various colours.

Syrians and “Palestinians” are CHOOSING to be terrorists regardless.

Syrians and Palestinians are responsible for their own choices regardless.

Not Soros, the US, NATO or anyone else!

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"The people of Ukraine are being genocided to facilitate US and NATO empire building goals, while falsely claiming Russia is responsible for the ongoing slaughter."

100% agree on that and I will add that it also to weaken Russia, as per the neocons & Fabians' goals.

Ukraine is also a major center for money-laundering, bioweapons production in their biolabs (see Hunter Bidens work, companies, and connections on this), human (especially child) trafficking, but to name some the obvious side-ops.

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Deliver us from evil?


Information is power to do good, only if it leads to action to dis-empower evil and empower good.

Seems apparent that governments are empowering evil, supposedly empowered by the people.

Or the people have been dis-empowered and evil players are running governments to empower evil.

We have to regain control of our governments or dissolve them.

Or go on suffering and dying until we do.

We cannot hope to sponsor endless suffering and death overseas and not pay the cost ourselves sooner or later.

The excellent quality of your research is much appreciated Dan.

Carry on regardless!

Don't worry if a barbarian overturns the apple cart now and then!

Some just like to examine the fruit carefully.

And make sure there is nothing else hiding in the cart!

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Thanks for your kind words.

Interesting when you say: "We have to regain control of our governments or dissolve them."

I think many people in Canada, including myself, and especially freedom-oriented / independent-thinking ones, are trying to do the former (as best we can). But out of curiosity, what ways do you think citizens/residents would go about the latter (dissolve)?

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1. Engineer financial freedom from criminal banking cartels.


Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America.

By Brendan Ballou


I enjoyed all the chapters of Plunder, but my hands-down favorite is “PART III: How to Stop Them,” divided into two chapters: “What We Must Do” and “An Agenda for Reform.” Ballou describes why it is possible to turn things around, names some of the groups who are working to do so, and then lays out the specifics of what a wide variety of players can do. (Catherine Austin Fitts)

I do not have the capacity to analyse the financial scene and assess possible routes of escape from financial slavery and plunder.

IMO the route to reform in the financial arena will not deliver us from evil in time.

2. My favourite is: refuse to vote en masse! If the majority refuse to vote – the government is dissolved in theory at least.

Not in practice though, as according to the analysis of Iain Davis and others, governments are ruling with minority support anyhow.

Most people are completely unaware of the true status of most politicians!

The “leaders” of many if not most nations, are wolves who are devouring the sheep!

Show people that almost all politicians are liars, thieves and murderers, like the one they serve, and people will not vote.

3. Enable people to grow the teeth needed to deal effectively with the wolves.

Sheep are not natural killers – wolves are.

Show the trusting sheep that the wolves are ripping them to pieces!

Then people will be able to deal effectively with the wolves.

4. Disable the propaganda machine.

Expose the Ministry of Truth (Lies) for what it really is, by spreading the truth far and wide, by any and all possible means!

This is all about camouflage, lies and deceit – propaganda!

But the wolves control the propaganda machine!

But we control the grape vine!

Rip the camouflage off governments!

Rip the sheep’s clothing off political and all other types of wolves.

Then people will do what needs to be done!

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Who the hell pays you for your comments on substack? Or are you really this ignorant and deluded?

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Did you have a deprived childhood?

Didn't anyone ever read Bambi to you?

"If you ain't got nuthin' nice to say, don't say nuthin' at all."

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Wow Dan, keep these wool over the eyes eliminating posts coming!

Such clarity it the way you post the connections you weave together! Thanks!

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Thank you Cheri.

As I very well expected for publishing this, I already lost a couple dozen subscribers and a paid one as well. But, I don't care; for, the message and alert to the world is way more important. When I meet my maker when my time comes and he asks me what I did during my short passage on Earth to stop this evil I will have something to show for it.

Thanks again for your kind and gracious support Cheri!

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Yes I can see you are in this for the reality and not the readership! Thank goodness!

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You nailed it Dan and it’s sickening, “they” are getting away with this … who is next ?

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Great piece Dan. I had to laugh yesterday when I seen this latest move by the Don. Sadly it was very predictable and not at all surprising. I don’t believe that there is a western politician of any stripe who hasn’t been captured or compromised by either Israel or China. Israel has had the US by throat for decades, and anytime they fall out of line something like 9/11 happens. Here in Canada our very own dictators father was swooned and captured by the PRC 50 years ago making us nothing but a puppet for China. Leading us into the massive economic and social collapse that we are currently experiencing. Maybe someday people will realize that this so called upcoming “trade war” is no more than a proxy political pissing match between Israel and China, not the USA and Canada. But that won’t happen until the hypnotized masses stop believing what the tv screen tells them to believe. What a crazy time to be alive.

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C woody, you have no idea what China is today, the most advanced country in the world. It's left the West in the dust. Israel and the US are like cavemen living in the dark ages.

Your best article, Dan. Thanks.

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Thank you Rob. I doubt this is my best article, as I have merely mostly linked to previous works.

BTW, I lived and worked in China for 13 years up until late 2021. Though I am no fan of the CCP, the Chinese people are friendly, kind, welcoming, industrious, and hard-working people. I hope to God that Trump doesn't fall for the Intelligence/Military BS to start yet another costly war with them. https://fournier.substack.com/i/136598439/addendum-china

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off topic, but did you become fluent in Putonghua?

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Not entirely fluent. At my peak I was started to reach upper/advanced-intermediate level. But now, I don't get to practice too much so it's surely gone back down to just intermediate level. It's a tough language to learn, especially to read.

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A tremendous amount of advancement is happening in China since even 2021. They have conquered Nuclear Fusion for totally clean energy, thus they are building solar stations in space, their cities are modernizing daily, their companies have razor thin margins because, unlike the US, they believe in fierce competition, not monopolies, which keeps costs low to consumers and wages increasing. I’m seriously thinking of moving there or to Russia, where I’ve been and seen the lifestyle there, pretty wonderful (spoyless cities, no homeless, free excellent healthcare and education). Ready to leave this backward place, and, except for friends and family, I’d already be gone. Hey, how about paying $5 a month for electricity and $2 for water? Sound good?

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They have? Or are these orbital solar stations a way to outsource nuclear fusion to the reactor in the sky? Energy storage not really needed as a geosychronous station would only be occluded 80 minutes a night, and they could have more than 1.

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The cost of living in China is indeed very cheap, apart from rent & mortage (if you buy a property with a local).

Their economy has been actually struggling in the past few years since C19 due to very bad economic policies and the previous Zero Covid policy. They have many other problems, but overall they are doing much better than places like my native Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the like

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May God help us all and return the evil ones to the right path.

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As an elderly loaded (73) disabled by the vaccine and confined to my unit, I have been on a huge learning curve. Start with the Khazarian empire originally from the area around current Georgia/ Ukraine area. They worshipped Ball and other gods and child sacrifice. Russia was devoutly Christian, and wanted to rid them. In the 8th century they were convinced by the Vatican to convert to Judaism. Basically they stole the mantle of an existing religion as a cloak of respectability. I came across a podcast on Brighteon .com titled 6million Jews. It goes through the archived newspapers of the day in MSM where there was a push to support these persecuted Jews. Most migrated to European countries. The Rothschilds were one of these families. Since the battle of Waterloo they have funded both side of every war. None of them have any genetic connection to the Middle East. Balfour had multiple discussions with the original Rothchild before he wrote his declaration. They started moving to Palestine in 1922. And were the original terrorists in the Middle East. Later 3 of these terrorists groups became Mosad. They had no claim, but it suited post colonial countries. Add to that Trump converted to Chabad Lubavitch Judaism in 2017. This is connected to the group of rabbis you featured in your post. Add to that, in 1991, the Noahide laws were incorporated into legislation in the US education department. These laws include children aged 3 years and one day being sexually available ( paedophillia) among a couple of hundred other laws. When Trump says he will reintroduce god into the curriculum, which god?

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Julie, just a suggestion to check out the web site The FLCCC Alliance, now the Independent Medical Alliance, for treatment protocol for post-jab side effects.

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Hi Julie, I am very sorry to hear about your plight with the vaccine bioweapon.

You stated a lot of important points - many of which I have touched upon in my 3-part series called Synagogue of Satan. In Part 1 I do look at the Khazars and you can have a look here: https://fournier.substack.com/i/139082366/a-bit-more-history

Though I am far from any kind of authority on that branch of history (also given the very small amount of good/reliable primary sources), it is certainly important to look at.

Thanks for weighing in, and I wish you improved health going forward.

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It is illegal in Israel to have DNA tests, I recently came across a video on YouTube where some Ashkenazi Jews in new York took DNA tests and discovered their DNA was Northern European- none DNA connecting them to the Middle East.

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Y chromosome would probably be more informative.

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I have been told by a Jewish friend, you are only Jewish if your mother is Jewish

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