My God, Gore is still at it, eh? I'll never forget when Zappa made minced meat of Tipper during her pearl-clutching moral panics in the 80s.

Oh, what I'd give to have Frank Zappa come back and reign mighty spits upon Manbearpig's head.

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The agenda is the destruction of life itself.

“We realize we are already in a relationship with plants because of the mere fact that we breathe. When we become conscious of the source of this breath our relationship deepens. When we pay attention to the fact that we are exhaling carbon dioxide which the plants are breathing in we then shift into the symbiotic reality of exchange of breath with all the green beings. We are constantly in a cycle of breath, a relationship where we are dependent on each other for our life.”

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WE are the carbon they wsh to reduce.

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Precisely. We are "useless eaters" as the higher-ups in the WEF contend. Thank you for your comment Gwyneth.

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