It is noteworthy that in Canada the treeline is gradually moving north due to warming temperatures. Is this not a good sign that we are getting more trees to help with establishing new wildlife terrain, lumber source, oxygenating the air and their physical beauty?

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Thank you Peter and Dan for posting this article.

Much of my scientific work on Climate and Covid, the two greatest frauds of our time, is posted in this free online book:


“The ability to correctly predict is the best objective measure of scientific and technical competence.”

Our predictions on the Covid and Climate scams are the among the earliest and most accurate.


The book is long but the Chapters are usually short - a 5-minute read.

I've expanded into "The Corruption of our Institutions" - almost all of them have become woke leftist criminal enterprises. Many are contributing to child abduction, child abuse, extortion and child trafficking. We have a huge problem.

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Abusers are being exposed and will continue to be exposed.

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We are currently living at the edge of the dystopian society that George Orwell gave us a glimpse of in "1984"... This current situation has been made possible by a general lack of awareness and education on the part of the general public... and it will only be by an increase in awareness and education of the general public that the plans of our would-be overlords will be thwarted. The alternative is almost too dismal to be considered as a possibility.

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We breath out CO2. They’re going to tax us just for living.

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We are the carbon they want to eliminate.

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