Challenge the authorities to provide proof the "vaccine" will not injure or cause death. They won't be able to. Neither can they show evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus even exists.



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There is more and more supporting evidence "mortality rates increased with additional vaccine doses":


It will take time for the truth to become obvious and self evident but it's moving in the right direction.

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True, even in the Canadian courts they have failed to prove the virus has ever been isolated. (see the early cases about Pat King).

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Criminal charges must be laid by employees against individual directors who administered mask and jab mandates under Section 504 (private informations laid by citizens) of the Criminal Code because complicit, obedient and cowardly police have been ordered to stand down.

Specifically charges of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher and SMART Artificial Intelligence nanotechnology biosensors for under under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.










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Thanks for sharing. I've written a little about Horizons Canada's Biodigital Convergence before, but need to look into the others. I know that attorney Todd Callendar in the US has done some digging on this.

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I just discovered your Substack. Your research is outstanding and I love that you are a fellow Canadian.

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Thank you Angie!

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We have an uphill battle in our courts in both Canada and Quebec. They're refusing to let the people be heard by denying the right to present the evidence on the preposterous basis of 'mootness' or "no public interest'. And when they do hear it, you get a bizarre incoherent judicial opinion as we just heard with the curfew case which a judge laughably upheld. In it, she admitted it was unconstitutional and violated civil liberties but still went ahead and sent a terrible signal in saying it was 'justified' nonetheless.

There's no moral courage in Canada.

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J’aurais aimé l’entendre en français. Il y a si peu de témoignages dans la langue de Molière au Canada qu’il n’est pas étonnant que l’immense sapin que tentent de nous passer nos gouvernements par mille magouilles ne soient pas débattus par les citoyens francophones, ce 33% de la population canadienne! Je m’interroge sérieusement sur ce fait, car il semble cacher des intentions malveillante visant à occulter des sujets de grande importance au tiers des Canadiens, et ce, depuis le début de la « pandémie » afin qu’ils ne fassent pas pencher la balance en faveur des « désinformateurs-mysogynes-minoritaires-complotistes ».

Certains sujets sont pratiquement absents des plateformes numériques et des médias alternatifs en français, tels :

- La modification mondiale des lois en préparation de l'organisation en catimini d’un unique gouvernement mondial au détriment de la souveraineté des pays;

- L’instauration d’une monnaie et d’un passeport digitals uniques aux fins de contrôle et de suivi des individus; - L’interdiction de débats ou de commentaires sur les grands enjeux concernant le faux virus Covid et l’hypothétique Maladie X;

- La main mise par l’Organisation internationale de la santé sur notre souveraineté en matière de santé par son Traité international sur les pandémies et les RIS;

- L’association Nations-Unies/OMS pour un « Monde et une Santé uniques » (concept de « One World » du Forum économique mondial);

- L’empoisonnement orchestré de nos eaux, de nos aliments, de nos corps, de notre air par les microplastiques et les traînées d’avion persistantes (chemtrails) depuis 1960, année qui a vu une augmentation incessante des cancers, Alzheimer, Parkinson, allergies, asthme et autres maladies auto-immunes dont on avait jamais entendu parler auparavant;

- La censure incroyable exercée par les ordres professionnels sur le personnel soignant, les avocats et autres professionnels qui osent contredire les discours officiels, etc.

La cause de Me Blais est donc également passée sous silence dans sa province même… dommage!

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Lawyers defend rights and the rule of law that strays from the dictators wants get punished. Ethics professors that speak out on the ethics of the abuses in universities get punished. Doctors that treat and heal a patient with approved drugs get punished.

This is all an exercise to get complete obedience for everything going forward no matter the insanity.

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Professionals with integrity and backbone do not submit to thuggery, nor show their obedience. The other spinless cowards do so, and collect their paychecks. Who would you rather have as your neighbor?

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I only have one path to follow, no matter how much they want to make me submit to the dictator's peculiarities .

Neighbors be damned, by their own choices.

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