1min02 native of mine, 15min13 the boys like your brother, is marie-pierre your sister in law or something close? That would make interesting family story's! at 32 min i think a good word for channel would be conveyor house or transmission house maybe. And i would have a question for you Mr.Fournier. Since you interested in spiritism from 14 years old to now, and went in china for a while. You must have an opinion on the different view occidental and oriental culture have, or similar who knows. probably you do =) Wanted to know what are your toughts on spirit and such over the oriental side and experience you had there, thank you.

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Hi Jean-Sebastien. Thanks for your questions.

Marie-Pierre has been a long time friend of my two younger brothers. I know her a bit, but not as much as them. That's why she briefly mentioned them during the podcast (because they would occasionally go to that particular cottage that was haunted).

For your other question, yes Western views about spiritual/ghost matters tend to differ from Eastern ones.

In China, this goes way way back a few millennia, and there's a lot of folklore and festivals added to the mix (e.g., Hungry Ghost Festival, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Festival).

It would take much to long to go over some of these, but I guarantee it is a very interesting subject to explore. There were actually four major haunted places in the city of Shenzhen where I use to live, each with a background story behind it.

Japan is a country in Asia that has many haunted locations and priests there are very well versed in the subject of ghosts and spirits. Demonologist Ed Warren use to talk about how gifted they were (he and his wife Lorraine - who had special abilities in also being able to see spirits - went to Japan during their career, see my Paranormal Phenomenon Episode 23 for more on them: https://rumble.com/v1g518f-paranormal-phenomenon-episode-23-paranormal-investigations.html/)

If you have more specific questions about China, feel free to ask.


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Awesome! Glad i ask! Will definitly check that out soon.

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