Drag Summer Camp offered to Children by BC Theatre Group supported by the Canadian & BC Governments
by Dan Fournier, Opinion, published Saturday, April 1, 13:30 EDT on fournier.substack.com
Sorry folks. This ain’t no April Fools joke.
It is a manifestation of pure evil.
Just yesterday, Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada tweeted the following:

Bernier said “This is utterly disgusting.”
And, as a parent to a young child, this author has to agree.
Carousel Theatre for Young People based in British Columbia has advertised two drag camps – JUNIOR & TEENS – for children and teens on their website that are scheduled to take place in July.
As can be seen from the image above, the first group (JUNIOR) is destined for children from as young as 7 years of age to 11, while the second group (TEEN) is for those aged 12 to 17.
The website further states that each child or teen will be given a "Drag Makeup Starter Kit!"
The four-day $900 price tag for teens is nearly twice as much as for the younger group which makes one wonder what this gap entails.
The description page for the events seems to be targeted directly to children, for the questions from its website are addressed to them:
Do you enjoy expressing yourself through clothing, makeup and performance?
Do you have an alter ego that is just waiting to hit the stage?
One has to wonder whether children under ten would even know the meaning of an ‘alter ego’. As young individuals who are developing physically and psychologically, children and teens are often confused enough with their own principal identity.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term as “the opposite side of a personality.” So, one would think that if a youngster has yet to know or define who they are, adding a second personality in their minds could easily create additional confusion.
Children and even teens are highly impressionable individuals. Apart from feedback from their peers, they often seek reassurance from their parents and teachers. Moreover, younger children tend to imitate or emulate the behaviors they are exposed to. Any parent out there will have easily observed this developmental characteristic in children. Right after parents, teachers are usually the key authoritative figures that children look up to for guidance, reassurance, and feedback.
While the Drag Queen camp seeks to help children learn “how to access their inner confidence,” which is not a bad thing in itself, the type of role models they have chosen for this type of cognitive development leaves much to be desired.
As for who the instructors for these camp events will be, Carousel Theatre mentions the following:
“Led by some of Vancouver’s established and emerging drag artists, you’ll learn how to access your inner confidence, show your true colours, and maybe even let out that inner diva!”
Who exactly are these “established and emerging drag artists”?
“You might be wondering, is drag for kids? Drag is for everyone! Parents, ask yourself, what’s the difference between what you wear at home versus what you wear at work? You’re doing drag honey, you just don’t know it!”
It is difficult to tell who will on the short list for “drag artists” at this summer’s Carousel’s Drag Summer Camp.
But if we are to look at possible candidates, they could include those showcased in The University of British Columbia Magazine’s July 2022 edition.
First, there’s Liam Hart, better known as Exter, who is also the founder and Director of UBC Drag which is described as “queer nightlife by students, for students.”
Drag queen Exter. Photo source: The University of British Columbia Magazine’s July 2022 edition.
UBC Drag’s March 15 Kings & Things event provides an eye-opening sampling of the kinds of activities they hold, albeit in an adult setting.
Then, we have the seemingly very popular Peach Cobblah, Dave Deveau, who UBC Magazine boasts as an accomplished playwright – someone who could easily match Carousel’s requirement for an instructor to their Drag Summer Camp, given it is a drama school.
Drag queen Peach Cobblah. Photo source: The University of British Columbia Magazine’s July 2022 edition.
Also described as the “Baddest B&*#h of Vancouver or East Van’s Cheapest Date” by the magazine, Peach Cobblah has hosted the “devilishly regretful” drag show Shame Spiral in Vancouver.
Drag queen Maiden China. Photo source: The University of British Columbia Magazine’s July 2022 edition.
Then, there’s the lovely Maiden China, Kendell Yan, who the magazine describes as a “non-binary and trans-femme, and an intersectional feminist drag performance artist.”
Maiden China was also a reader at a so-called family-friendly Drag Storytime event in 2020 for a UBC Homecoming. At the event which featured “captivating readings of children’s books by local Drag performers,” Maiden China read from “They, She, He Easy as ABC” from authors Maya Christina and Matthew Sg.
Screenshots from the video showing pages of the children’s book They, She, He Easy as ABC from authors Maya Christina and Matthew Sg.
As we can see from some pages of the book for this reading, personal pronouns are presented in a manner that can be confusing for very young learners.
Many would argue that normalising the use of such pronouns from an early age is a form of grooming, while others will see it as a means to be more ‘inclusive’ and ‘tolerant’ of others.
Getting back to the lovely drag queen Maiden China, what is perhaps even more troubling is the fact that she admittedly draws a lot of her inspiration from none other than Marina Abramović, a very controversial figure who many view as a devout Satanist.
Are these the types of individuals a society should permit story or class time with children?
Which “drag artists” will be chosen to mold the minds of children and young teens at Carousel’s Theatre this summer?
What will they be teaching them?
And, more importantly, how will the attending youth be groomed or changed by their participation in the novel summer camp event?
This author has contacted Carousel Theatre for Young People with several questions for comment – including which ‘drag artists’ will be presiding over the events, but has yet to receive a response. Should one be forthcoming, it will be added as an addendum at the end of this article.
Drag queen story times events are increasingly becoming omnipresent across Canadian and American public schools and libraries, some destined to kids as young as those who attend kindergarten.
The Vancouver Sun, a division of Postmedia network which publishes the National Post, ran an article this pas January titled Why drag queen story hours at B.C. libraries are drawing outrage — and 'bubbles of love' which noted the division between protesters and counter-protesters for a story time event which took place at the Coquitlam City Centre library in B.C.
“Let’s make sure this remains a fun and family friendly day by standing up to those anti-2SLGBTQ+ bullies and showing everyone that your love is stronger than their hate,” an Anti-Hate Network’s Facebook page said, according to the article. And a protester against the event said “what we consider progress might be too far over the line. We are trying to push gender identities and ideologies on to children.”
About the reading itself, spokeswoman Abigail Saxton said adding “a drag performer makes it extra special,” and “It’s definitely age-appropriate.”
Even LGBT groups such as Gays Against Groomers have been vocal in their opposition against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of "LGBTQIA+," as they put it.
Moreover, Libs of Tik Tok creator Chaya Raichik has made it her mission to expose what she refers to as the extreme or radical Left’s agenda of grooming children though classroom indoctrination. Her twitter account has a loyal following with over two million viewers.
More and more citizens from the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere are becoming concerned about these disturbing trends.
Wikipedia even has a term for this type worry – “Drag panic” which they define as “an ongoing moral panic in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom stemming from the belief that drag when exposed to minors, can be harmful due to its perception as sexual in nature.”
The article touches upon protests against these types of events, further stating: “Throughout 2022, there were 141 attacks recorded related to drag culture and general homophobia in the United States.”
It’s almost as if by this entry, they want to create some kind of “phobia” label to attach those who oppose, or will oppose, these types of events. Perhaps ‘dragophobic’ will emerge as a frontrunner. That wouldn’t be a surprise at all.
While everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this controversial subject, the fact remains that there are numerous troubling aspects surrounding it which can easily be concluded as forms of inappropriate child grooming, or even child abuse.
Under our current Liberal government and its “more inclusive” leader Justin Trudeau, the country’s moral compass has become radically and depressingly twisted.
In fact, they along with the government of the province of British Columbia, the City of Vancouver, and the Canada Council for the Arts are supporting this event, as is shown on Carousel Theatre’s own website.
Ultimately, it will be up to parents and people who espouse more honorable moral values to push back against this and other destructive woke’ist agendas, lest we find our nation completely demoralised and this kind of behaviour completely normalized, as Yuri Bezmenov once put it.
In Peace and Liberty,
Addendum #1 (April 2, 2023 at 8:40 EDT):
Thanks to a commenter for this post, Person, it has come to my attention that ‘Peach Cobblah’, Dave Deveau - the one whose portrait appears on the image for this post, is in fact a staff member of Carousel Theatre. Therefore, my instincts were right. He is a likely candidate to be an instructor at these Drag Summer Camp events. I sincerely hope that the other two drag queens, Exter and Maiden China, will not be on the team that will be indoctrinating and grooming young impressionable minds whose parents are careless enough to send them there.
Addendum #2 (April 2, 2023 at 9:09 EDT):
This morning I came across a post from a popular fellow Substacker who goes by the handle Peachy Keenan.
Not long after the first school shooting committed by an admitted transgender at a Tennessee school last week, she published a post called Breaking the Kevlar Ceiling, Homegrown Terror Gets a Gender Swap which is an eye-opening, somewhat disturbing yet important, read.
The post covers the violently disturbing response by certain members of the trans community who were calling upon revenge - in the form of murder - along with an organised “Trans Day of Vengeance” (I will not publish the poster here, but you can see it in her post) along with other important insights as to why a lot of this insanity is occurring.
I strongly recommend you all read through this post (I will cross-post it too), for it will give you a glimpse about the trends emerging from this radical trans ideology and its devastating impacts and consequences it reserves for our vulnerable youth.
Here are some key notable excerpts worth reiterating from the post [with some emphasis added]:
This fear mongering is inciting and radicalizing an army of autistic, depressed, mentally ill young people who have been told that transgenderism—and radical activism—will give them the happiness that eludes them—or the suicide-by-cop they seek.
Here’s the thing: we would love to leave these [trans] people alone.
I wish no one harm—I believe in peace and love, okay? I am a woman of peace! But you are trying to teach kids to take part in your lifestyle under the guise of “acceptance” and “inclusion.” We fully accept that you want to be transgender, okay fine, go for it, have fun, but no, you don’t get to include our children in your vision against our will—and against everything that is sacred to childhood.
In fact, we promise to never talk about you or show any interest in you again once you decide to stop targeting kids and their parents with an ideology that leads vulnerable young people to dark corners they will never be able to escape.
After reading this, you will gain additional insights as to exactly why exposing and grooming children to this transgenderism ideology is utterly destructive and evil at its core.
Read her full post here an you can follow her on Twitter.
Addendum #3 (April 2, 2023 at 11:30 EDT):
Yesterday, Pressfortruth.ca reporter Dan Dicks reported on the assault of a man who attended a rally in Vancouver, B.C. which took place on March 31, called #InternationalDayOfTransVisibilty.
The nearly 40-minute long video report can be viewed on Rumble.
In short, a man who is referred to as Billboard Chris often attends rallies and demonstrations related to the transgender movement to protest their indoctrination of children.
He is called so because he usually wears a sign on his person. For this recent trans-rights rally which took place in Vancouver he wore a billboard which said “CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO PUBERTY BLOCKERS“ on the front side, and “dad /dad/ noun a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology billboardchris.com“ on the back.
The video shows at least two assaults on Billboard Chris committed by trans participants. After the first assault, he called the police which arrived shortly. Dan Dicks showed the video footage of the assault to a female officer of the Vancouver Police department with badge number 3081. But the officer made no effort to locate or apprehend the assailant.
On a separate occasion, Billboard Chris was more violently assaulted by a trans man. After the assault and, despite there being multiple members of the Vancouver police force on the grounds, the man didn’t even appear to be questioned, let alone arrested.
Shaken by the lack of any semblance of duty on the part of the Vancouver Police Department, Billboard Chris stated:
“I can’t believe this is the Canada I grew up in.”
To add insult to injury, Dan Dicks later pressed the female officer why nothing was being done about the situation and the assaults. She justified their lack of action stating that the altercation was a “mutual engagement,” hinting that Billboard Chris was equally complicit. She doubled-down on her nonsensical argument, further stating that it was a “consensual fight” which is utter nonsense since it was clear from the video footage that Billboard Chris had never physically instigated anything.
Screenshot of the Vancouver Police Department officer reporter Dan Dicks spoke to and showed video evidence of the assault.
“Yes,” was her reply to when Dan Dicks said “you think he [Billboard Chris] came here to incite violence because they got offended by his sign.”
Sadly, this type of illogical and immoral behaviour of protecting abusers by various police departments across Canada is a clear sign of troubling times.
The day after the trans-rights rally, the Vancouver Police Department announced that they would be conducting an investigation about the “alleged” assaults.
One would be naive to think that anything serious, including arrests, would come about of this investigation. For, a substantial amount of credibility has been foregone by those in uniform who are suppose to “protect and serve” and “keep the peace” in our once proud and peaceful nation. This is not to say that all such public servants are so, but this nevertheless remains an ugly reality.
As a journalist, I have emailed the Vancouver Police Department with an official media inquiry for comment and will post their reply as another Addendum should it be forthcoming.
Added 2023-04-03:
Billboard Chris tweeted the following on April 2:

Addendum #4 (April 8, 2023 at 9:00 EDT):
Last week, Billboard Chris was interviewed by Viva Frei.
In the interview, Chris comes across as very well informed, researched, and spoken on all matters related to the very destructive health and mental effects that puberty blockers and other transitioning methods, including destroying minors’ genitals, bring to minors who are often rushed and pressured into making these decisions by the trans community and irresponsible (and abusive) educators and parents.
Some people think that Billboard Chris is an instigator and is just looking to cause conflict merely by attending many trans rallies and similar protests with his billboard. This cannot be further from the truth, for he has never showed any signs of violence - neither verbal nor physical (if he has, post links to them in the comments section below). In fact, all he wishes is to have a civil dialogue with others on the subject. In the video he says that about 90% of people he meets with around the world are on the same page with his concerns about this serious issue.
I’d encourage everyone - especially those from the trans community who may be reading this - to watch the exchange. All parents who are considering permitting their children to embark on this transitioning process must watch it BEFORE proceeding with actions that will be permanent and irreversible. It starts at the 1:27:10 mark. Click on the following image to access the video:
Most articles are free, but please support the work of this independent journalist by considering a paid subscription to his Substack (for only $5 a month, or $50 a year) and following his Twitter. You can also buy him a coffee.
See the author’s About page for full disclaimer.
I think what I find most confusing is not that these events/venues exist (restricted theatre has been around for many decades), but that any parent/adult would even consider allowing a child or underage minor to attend or participate.
"When individual conscience becomes the enemy of society because it is considered an “act of discrimination”, then only evil can prevail."
Dave Deveau (aka drag queen) Peach Cobblah) IS the co-artistic director of Carousel Theatre