Guys, please be mindful when commenting. I will delete any messages that are deemed hateful, or that are of a racist nature, or target/slander specific groups of people. People can have differences of opinion and are free to exchange with one another; but please remain respectful. Thanks!

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merci bien, Prof Dan! a lot of these absurd comments are totally sans facts et any proof...

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Hi dar, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you directly why I had to delete your comment since there was no mechanism in Substack to tell you directly. The reasons was regarding the latter part of your comment which referred to a certain group of people that could have lead to interpretations of "hate". Just be mindful of these when commenting and everything should be fine. Thanks for weighing in and please continue to do so going forward.

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Too many people are angry and frustrated and disoriented. It's understandable why they comment like they do. We're living in a cosmic shitshow, that is utterly incongruent with human sanity, well-being and health - both physical and mental.

That being said, how difficult can it be to maintain at least a modicum of decency?

The "elites" would like nothing better than for us to be so disoriented, directionless and randomly angry that we direct our ire sideways rather than up. A divided society is, in Klaus Schwab's inimitable parlance, so much easier to "shape".

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Exactly. Divide-and-conquer. By doing so, they want to keep us divided & demoralized. That is what the whole DEI/Woke agenda is a all about. Gathering a lot of research on this to write a huge expose in the coming months.

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