Fauci funded DARPA Defuse for $14.1M in 2019:


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Outstanding work. Thanks for sharing!

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I am usually very impressed by Bobby Kennedy's fact checking team, but I think this one slipped under the radar a bit: "girls vaccinated with the DTP vaccine died at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated kids".

The literature I've seen shows that this is only true for girls who got the DTP, but NOT the Oral Polio vaccine. Comparing all DTP-jabbed girls to unvaccinated, meaning non-DTP-vaccinated girls yields a Hazard Ratio of 7, not 10. And comparing all DTP-jabbed girls to non-DTP-vaccinated "kids" (of both sexes, which Mr. Kennedy seems to imply) only yields a Hazard Ratio of 2 to 3. As if that wasn't shocking enough :(

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Please carefully read Part 3 of my C19-Holocaust series, for it has many of the major Gates' crimes in India and elsewhere pretty well sourced and documented, including many journal articles - here is but one instance:

> International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The August 15, 2018 paper was titled Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India which highlights the following staggering numbers [with emphasis added]:

URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/


“We calculated the number of paralyzed children each year which exceeded the expected numbers (assuming a NPAFP rate of 2/100,000) and the results are displayed in Table 2. A total of 640,000 children developed NPAFP in the years 2000–2017, suggesting that there were an additional 491,000 paralyzed children above our expected numbers for children with NPAFP.”

Other parts of my expose reveal Gates & the BMGF ***numerous*** endeavors including those related to Planned Parenthood (abortions & sterilisations, eugenics), population control - especially in African countries, supporting DEI/Wokeism/LGBTQ+ abuses of children and teens. If you can see/realise that, then I can do nothing for you my friend and you will be part of the problem and not the solution. - Respectfully

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Haha, you must have misunderstood my comment completely!

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No, I'm afraid I didn't. But next time, do try to be clearer on what you are insinuating, for I was very much under the impression that you were trying to sidestep Gates' crimes.

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If you didn't misunderstand, then I would ask you to explain to me how you went from a fraternal and friendly communication style to "you will be part of the problem". Perhaps I missed something, so I'll ask you for any indications you were basing your impression of me "trying to sidestep Gates' crimes" on.

To be clear: I wasn't "insinuating" anything at all. Far from it, I explicitly stated that I am no friend of Gates and his involvement in people's affairs.

I pointed out a minor error in Kennedy's representation of the Mogensen study, that I had come across in many of his interviews (he always quotes the tenfold mortality figure which only applies to the non-OPV subset of girls in the study).

Furthermore, I finished by saying "[a]s if that wasn't shocking enough", which can only be correctly understood as "these figures are shocking enough". So again, I am pretty certain you just misread me here.

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Sorry mate, I guess I did misunderstand you.

It would just be easier next time if you could link the specific works you are referring to and the specific areas of contention/mismatch therein.

I am so swamped with tons of research to do for other articles in the pipeline that I don't really have the time to hunt those you were hinting to, nor would it be good to assume I have located the right ones in question.

Peace my friend and thanks again for your comments and interest.

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I see now you must have been referring to my other comment about the Malaria vaccine paper. There, too, I only pointed out a minor factual error and I reject your notion that I was "insinuating" this or that. My only aim was to help you provide this material free from factual errors that make you an easy target for slander.

If you read the NEJM study on the Malaria vaccine carefully, you will see that 151 children died overall, that is in treatment and control groups combined, and that there was a small groupwise difference in mortality only between the younger children in the study, not the older ones. To be precise, 1.1% of younger children died in the treatment group versus 0.8% of those in the control group, yielding a mortality difference of 0.3% of younger children, which though possibly telling, will likely (just eyeballing the data) not allow for a statistically significant finding on the mortality metric. That is what I was telling you, though in fewer words for brevity's sake.

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Apologies for yet another reply, but there's more.

My motivation for reading your series (carefully, as you recommended, which I indeed have been doing) is not to learn anything new. I am already familiar with pretty much all of the information you put forward here. My motivation is rather to ascertain that this series and, by extension, your work, is so accurate that I can recommend it to interested people.

That is why I nitpick like this. I find your work highly valuable and would like it to be flawless at least as factual statements go.

In that spirit, two more comments:

You wrote "Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were very effective drugs at combatting the coronavirus as early as April 2022" where you surely meant "April 2020".

Finally, while the ScienceDaily article is indeed titled "New SARS-like virus can jump directly from bats to humans, no treatment available", the paper it references is titled "A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence".

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The NEJM paper on the Malaria vaccine does not support that the BMGF had their hands in killing 151 children. If anything, then the data support that 0.3% of the younger children in the study might have died as a consequence of the intervention, but that almost certainly is "comfortably" within the confidence intervals.

I do not like Gates, his Foundations and other organisations, or practically any of his involvements in global affairs. His only idea I remember feeling really positive about is TerraPower. But like you said, we have to be careful in our factual analysis!

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A great, must watch, discussion between two gifted investigative journalists - Whitney Webb & Johnny Vedmore - about gain of function research and the dangers of the WHO choosing the very corrupt Jeremy Farrar (of Wellcome Trust) as their Chief Scientist (see https://brownstone.org/articles/lockdown-advisor-jeremy-farrar-promoted-who-chief-scientist/).

You can watch the video titled The Gain of Function Industry With Whitney Webb (March 25, 2023) here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/good-morning-chd/the-gain-of-function-industry-with-whitney-webb/

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The full name of Darwin’s book is “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, Or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” but we never really talked about that last half in school textbooks.

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Yes, I stumbled upon this in my research and almost included it in my post. Despite his contributions, Darwin was indeed racist. Watch the Maafa documentary film and you will see that many U.S. Presidents like Ford and Nixon were also openly racist (at least through their actions/policies).

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Thanks Dan. Bill Grates' parents leading lights in the eugenics movement. Fact. No surprises, where he gets his supremacy gene from then?

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Good question. Bill Gates sees himself as a God. Just listen to the way he speaks; he talks like he is the world authority on so many things health and medical despite have zero training in the field. His is a deep-rooted eugenicist racist pig murderer. How he as not been arrested for crimes against humanity baffles me.

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Dan, if you are not familiar with J.J. Couey's perspective on the cause of the "pandemic" you should make yourself aware of it. I'm not sure what might be the best source, he does so much, but if you watch just 6 minutes of this video, beginning at minute 34 and going to minute 40, it will give you the essential idea: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1768771940

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Thanks for sharing Andrew. I watched the segment. A lot of this science is a bit out of my domain, tbh. But Dr. Paul Alexander is a very credible expert in the field whom I trust for the most part.

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Everyone should take the time to watch this. Prepare to be shocked: Geert Vanden Bossche Warns Coming Super Variant “Could Put an End to Western Civilization" https://youtu.be/hT7M68-vDHA

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Thanks. Will check it out.

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Thank you for your stellar work.

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Thank you Gwyneth!

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Not being particularly talented in the fields of statistics or analysis, yet, I can recognize and sincerely appreciate your prowess in the above.

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Well, I am not much of the statistician, but I did try to offer some analysis on the claims made. I actually left a lot out; otherwise, I'm afraid even longer expositions will scare away the average reader.

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I'm probably not your average reader having just read (and enjoyed) 43 pages of a substack article. I love books, reading is a joy when the author is articulate, intelligent, well-informed and writes elegantly. Thank you

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Yes, this is an absolute tour de force. I can't say I enjoyed it though. It's too upsetting.

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Thanks for the kind words my friend. I appreciate your honesty too. The real ugly truth is something that is hard to bare; hence, the reason why so many choose to stay asleep and blue-pilled. Watch the Maafa documentary if you really want to see smtg upsetting. It's incredible how people don't know the history of were they grew up.

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Wow. Thank YOU Gwyneth!

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