This was a great read. Really enjoyed! Knew some, learned some new. 😊

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Thank you my friend. I am thinking about doing symbology in the United Nations next. What do you think?

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Yes please!!😊

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Great article 👍 share this already. Cathy fox used to do threads 🧵 https://x.com/PingThread/status/1291837680121151489?s=20 https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/?s=Symbols+

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Thanks Ranger, I'll check these out!

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Your welcome I meant to post her substack but I think she has more stuff on her website. (Just in case) https://open.substack.com/pub/foxyfox?r=ykqw5&utm_medium=ios

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Oct 16, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Excellent article. Would you discuss the number 11 please.

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Thanks. I will make note of it. Numerology is an important aspect of symbology. I will surely discuss more on important numbers (like 33, 8, 88, and more) in future posts.

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Very convincing evidence. Scary! Funny thing-- I was the 7th child in my family. My father used to say "7th child is always blessed'.

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Apple’s colours are out of whack. Green at the top (money most important?). Then yellow/orange/red (lower chakras, base instincts?). Then blue/indigo at the bottom (higher chakras and spiritual wisdom being stomped on?).

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I also wanted to mention the colors on the original Apple logo are out of rainbow order (ROYGBIV).

However, I had attributed that to ignorance as I've observed many people are unaware of this basic reality.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Yes. He is the great liar and they may not have died physically but their disobedience caused separation from God.

I wanted to point out that the temptation to “be like God” is very strong from Satan as that is what he wanted for himself. I just think it is the basis of all sin and is the ultimate sin behind the whole transhumanism movement. They want to be “God.” But we know they never will be.

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Exactly! I actually should have inserted that Lucifer's most prominent attribute is PRIDE. And thus, the Pride movement is firmly anchored in this core tenet. Pride is perhaps the most capital of the seven deadly sins.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Recently I was leading a study on Philippians 2 and we were talking about the character of Christ especially the humility of Christ is emphasized in that passage. It occurred to me that by using the word “Pride” they are declaring themselves to be the exact opposite of God. Just that alone should be enough for true Christians to understand that nothing is right about that.

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Indeed. Pride and arrogance is "do as thy wilt" kind of mentality which they carry. Jay-Z, a high level Freemason, exhibits this all the time. Same with Freemanson Taylor's Swift's new bo, NFL's Travis Kelce, a.k.a. Mr. Pfizer. Pride and arrogance galore. Symbolism will be their downfall.

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Yes, the fruit (apple) with a bite out of it directly relates to the sin that Satan tempted Adam and Eve with in the garden- “to be like God.”

“But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.””

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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Christine, thanks for sharing this great passage, for it is indeed quite relevant.

Satan was then, as he is now, a master manipulator and liar. That is why he is called the "Master of Lies." I often listen to some of the top exorcists in the world talks on this attribute (Fr Vincent Lampert, Chad Ripperger, etc.)

That being said, he is right in a sense when he says "your eyes will be opened," because he is implying that she will learn of things in the occult world such as witchcraft. (so, he's not lying here)

But when he says "You will not surely die," he is lying; for, if she (and Adam) continue down the sinful path and sinful ways in disobedience to God, they will not meet him in heaven at their physical death, but rather dwell with Satan in hell for eternity.

Bible passages are always great references, but certainly open and subject to interpretation. Accordingly, it's always better to go to their original language (usually Hebrew or Ancient Greek) for the precise meanings of words, as well as know the context in which they were written and are used.

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Interesting that of the seven colours, indigo is the only tertiary one. I was born with a predominant Indigo aura (along with Crystal and Sensitive Tan) on the 16th day of the month. 16/7

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The old jewish "Pale of Settlement" flag in Russia was the gay rainbow flag, on a white background. That has been assiduously swept from Google, and even Yandex.

And many of us, proud, intelligent white nationalists, are understanding who wields, promotes and prays to the symbols you correctly identified Dan:


Hail Victory. War is coming.

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