Canadians will start worrying when they come to discover that their Froot Loop supply might be in jeopardy, and that cricket chitin doesn't taste very good after all.

On a more serious note, this passage is useful to keep in mind:

“Why do farmers farm, given their economic adversities on top of the many frustrations and difficulties normal to farming? And always the answer is: "Love. They must do it for love." Farmers farm for the love of farming. They love to watch and nurture the growth of plants. They love to live in the presence of animals. They love to work outdoors. They love the weather, maybe even when it is making them miserable. They love to live where they work and to work where they live. If the scale of their farming is small enough, they like to work in the company of their children and with the help of their children. They love the measure of independence that farm life can still provide. I have an idea that a lot of farmers have gone to a lot of trouble merely to be self-employed to live at least a part of their lives without a boss.”

― Wendell Berry, Bringing it to the Table: On Farming and Food

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That's a stellar quote Neo. Thanks for sharing! Farmers, similar to Truckers, are the most under-appreciated members of our society.

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Dan, I know you write about the sorry state of journalism. Did you see this article about Gannett? The company and its newspapers has been obliterated in the past decade.

Where's real "watchdog" journalism going to come from? Even if journalists did cover taboo topics (which they don't), there's no longer enough of them in newsrooms to devote the time to complex stories and time-consuming investigations.


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Marc Edge -- @marcedge1 on Twitter -- has been doing amazing work to document how Alden & Gannett style vulture capitalism has been deployed to decimate news coverage (with all the consequences that brings) across 🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦

His freshly published book: The Postmedia Effect


Excerpt from Chapter 3:

"Scholars who studied media economics in Canada found that The Shattered Mirror exaggerated the plight of newspapers and the threat of foreign Internet giants with selective data, exaggeration, and glaring omissions."

If you are in any way interested in the topic, Marc’s blog is riveting, depressing, & a must-read. Sampler (explores their art of cozying up to power while extracting cash as corporate welfare bums):


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Hi Jan, thanks for these amazing resources, as they seem quite solid to help explain what has and is been going on in Canadian media. I will have a deeper look at them.

I would add the following to this "takeover". Though I will be making a more comprehensive posts on **this particular aspect** (i.e., particularly on how so-called mis/disinformation is used as a pretext to censor us - as has heavily been the case during C19) of the takeover of Canadian media in the near future (time is too scarce for me these days). I would have too much to say on it, but here is a teaser I will leave you with in the form of BREAD CRUMBS you can look at, one-by-one. It won't be difficult to CONNECT-THE-DOTS, as you will easily see.

1) World Health Organization (WHO) - Leveraging data insights to keep communities informed


2) News Guard Technologies

> Michel Cormier, former Director of News at Radio-Canada (French CBC)

> Edward Greenspon, President & CEO of the Public Policy Forum (PPF) Canadian Think Tank - Extremely influential figure in Canadian news

3) Ottawa Citizen - Greenspon: A proposal to combat harms to democracy on the Internet


4) Public Policy Forum (PPF, a powerful Canadian Think Tank): Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression | Harms Reduction: A Six-Step Program to Protect Democratic

Expression Online, https://ppforum.ca/articles/harms-reduction-a-six-step-program-to-protect-democratic-expression-online/

PDF: https://ppforum.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CanadianCommissionOnDemocraticExpression-PPF-JAN2021-EN.pdf

Brief initial take / summary:

- Notice how this operation stems from the TOP, i.e., the WHO, surprise surprise;

- They have many partners in this fight for dis/misinformation (read control of the narrative - be it C19, Climate Change, Ukraine War, etc.) + censorship to silent voices speaking against them. One of those partners is NEWSGUARD "fact-checking" outfit which is basically a MILITARY-LED Operation led by the criminal (Ret.) General Michael Hayden who is the key "commander" of Newsguard;

- Newsguard's Senior Advisor for Canada (i.e, the Canadian "General" in this operation) is none other than the aforementioned EDWARD GREENSPON (CEO of Canada's highly-influential-on-Canadian-legislation/legislators Public Policy Forum (PPF); moreover, he is like the great Climate Change Con architect Mark Carney who is responsible for that global takeover which is costing Canadian taxpayers in the hundreds of billions (as I extensively reported on in my Substack), but just in a different sheep's cloak.

- Greespon seems to be the architect of the PPF's "Six-Step Program to Protect Democratic Expression Online" - which seems to be code word for online censorship of voices like me (and many others) in order to maintain/control the desired narratives through the Canadian mainstream apparatus;

- While too long to go over, READ the 6 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PDF and you will ***clearly*** see WHAT THEY HAVE IN STORE FOR US and the future of news in CANADA;

- Bill C-11 was just the APPETIZER, but this 6-point PLAN (and similar/adjacent tools) is going to be the MAIN COURSE;

Can you start to see the pieces of the puzzle nicely mesh together nicely?

I wish I could form a team of ex-journalists like Rodney Palmer, Mark Edge, and yourself to better expose this evil plan, for it is a bit heavy for a single neophyte investigative journalist (who has only been doing this for 9 months) like myself to give it full justice and attention it deserves.

Regardless, I'm gonna try, for I am sick and tired of seeing our country disintegrate to the hands of Canadian politicial and bureaucrat sellouts and these foreign agents and it certainly won't be our CSIS who is going to stop them. It's up to us and the citizenry!

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Thanks, Jan. I think we have the "death of real journalism" for a couple of reasons.

The corporate journalists are obtuse or captured.

Their numbers are rapidly declining.

And these "news organizations" are now heavily subsidized by Big Pharma or "excellence in journalism" grants or even government subsidies.

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Thanks, Dan. You are trying to warn a few more people of what's coming (or already happening).

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Thanks Bill.

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