Feb 20, 2023Liked by Dan Fournier

Hi Dan, you've done a fine job here revealing yet another shade of darkness which has settled over this country with your latest dispatch from dystopia (dystopia: formerly known as the sovereign nation of Canada).

Although I read the piece shortly after it was published - and had many thoughts about it - I found that I was at a complete loss for words in expressing them without a reflexive recourse to expletives. We wouldn't want that would we, however understandable and justified!

The two phrases that come to mind, among others, are "slippery slope" and "Overton window". It seems here in Canada we have not only "shifted the Overton window", but smashed it right out of the wall, burned the house down and left the property altogether.

The trajectory of our public discourse regarding state-sponsored death (and I use the term "sponsored" accurately here, I think) is lurching into some dangerous territory. We should remember that Canada was a much different place, with a much more sane and sober moral/ethical climate thirty years ago when the controversial cases of Sue Rodriguez and Robert Latimer were at the forefront of Canadian public attention. It also wasn't a client state of Globalists. Back then, the notion of life and death were the matters of grave (pardon the pun) concern that they ought to be. Fast forward thirty years, and these conversations have been reduced to the equivalent of discussing "fast-tracked" infrastructure spending bills.

We should not allow ourselves to be lulled into indifferent, disengaged passivity just because a "panel of experts" or a "Joint Committee" (headed up by a former astronaut!) is "overseeing the situation". Don't think, with blind and credulous innocence, that just because a formal "framework" is instituted that abuses and atrocities will not be committed.

Think for a moment, what happened over the last three years: we had a Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as Common Law - the Law of legal precedent - supposedly enshrining our protections as citizens in "The Law of The Land". These instruments were ostensibly there to protect us from the arbitrary power of the state. We laboured under the assumption that "checks and balances" were in place to forestall egregious overreach by federal and provincial governments.

Charter protections include freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression including freedom of the press and other media communication; the right to vote and participate in political activities; the right to a democratic government; mobility rights to travel across the country, and enter and leave Canada; legal rights to a lawyer; language rights; the right to life, liberty and security of the person; freedom of religion and conscience; freedom of association; freedom of peaceful assembly; and the right to equal protection and benefit of the law without discrimination based on personal characteristics including race, religion and sex.

To anyone who has been paying attention, there is no need to elaborate on the various and myriad ways in which these "protections" were cast aside and obliterated. "The Law of The Land" so quickly morphed into "Anything Goes & Nothing Matters" and the implicit, if not overt message from our regime could pretty much be summarized by "Shut up and get used to it!"

As concerned, engaged and vigilant citizens, we should accept no reassurance in this instance that nothing can or will go wrong; that human dignity and the sanctity of life will not be tossed aside in service to political ideology or "key performance indicators"or simply bureaucratic incompetence and indifference. This regime has already shown and proven by its behaviour and "policies" that it has little to no regard for actual human lives, be they "mature" minors or otherwise. Rather, it coldly discounts citizens as a kind of amorphous substrate, a mass, subject to technocratic and totalitarian edicts and decrees, "collateral damage" be damned. (e.g.: https://takeactioncanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/TAC-Deaths-of-Despair-2021-White-Paper-B-LR_Final.pdf).

The report itself - Report of the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying - is fraught with purblind and tone-deaf statements that only disconnected bureaucrats and politicos are capable of. Are these people extraterrestrials, like John Kerry claims to be in his recent statements at Davos? Have they not mingled for the last few years or even decades with the people they now claim to be governing?

For example, this thorough and wise committee, which held "36 meetings and heard from close to 150 witnesses" and "received more than 350 briefs and other correspondence" and was comprised of well over 60 distinguished, notable and in most cases "honourable" members, nevertheless seemed almost surprised that perennial and chronic issues that have been plaguing Canadian society for decades had only recently come to their attention.

Such statements include these. Let's unpack them.

"On the topic of palliative care, the committee heard that not everyone has access to

palliative care, and that access can depend on where you live. Witnesses talked about

the need for palliative care to be provided earlier and not only at end-of-life."

"Access to palliative care" has been an ongoing and chronic issue for as long as anyone has been paying attention and listening to the news for the majority of their adult life in this former nation! Innumerable reports and "Action Plans" have been issued repeatedly and ad nauseum for the last 20 years at least. (e.g.: https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/03/building-future-palliative-care-together.html)

(e.g.: https://journals.lww.com/jhpn/Abstract/2009/07000/Homecare_Nurses__Attitudes_Toward_Palliative_Care.6.aspx)

And yet, the committee seems to have implied that they have only recently "discovered" this explicit fact! Hearsay and witness testimony from the real world are so useful to governments trying earnestly to take the pulse of the nation from plebs down on the ground!

Similarly, the following statement is a prime example of the extent to which our above-mentioned "honourable" betters are completely abstracted from reality. This is as mealy-mouthed a statement as I have ever seen written or recorded in the annals of government bullshit!

"For persons with disabilities, the committee heard that more financial supports are

needed so that persons with disabilities do not live in poverty."

To which I can only say...Duhhh! Did ChatGPT write this? Or an actual human?

Here's one more, lest we don't yet realize our regime does not have our best interests, never mind any of our interests, in mind:

"That the Government of Canada continue to support persons with disabilities by implementing measures to reduce poverty and ensure economic security."

What does this squishy word "support" even mean in this context? Blow them kisses? Issue provisional CBDC vouchers for 'Quietus'? And ditto for "implementing measures". What measures? Oh...I think I get it: it's that old "officials continue to monitor the situation...for ever and ever" stuff.

We should find it more than coincidental that for the last 3 years our reigning regime seems to have done everything under its power to exact widespread immiseration, precarity, and a world of hurt upon its citizenry (e.g: https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/nearly-60-per-cent-of-canadians-find-it-difficult-to-feed-their-families-poll-finds-1.5748898), (https://vancouversun.com/health/local-health/covid-mental-health-issues-soar-young-canadians-report), and yet now seems to be hell-bent on fast-tracking and ramming through legislation to "remedy" the fallout with expansion of GuvDeth to the very victims it has heartlessly hastened to create.

And so I ask, because I cannot help myself: Do the phrases "Life unworthy of life" or "Useless eaters"ring a bell, or am I being "hyperbolic"? (How dare you!) Are there historical precedents, inscribed in the annals of history, which would do us well to pay attention to? Or should we go back to sleep like the numb, ignorant, mis- and uninformed Canadians that certain parties would like us to be?

I think not.

For it is easy to imagine, given the craziness we have already experienced, that in 5 or 10 years hence we may witness "MAiD Brigades", having "expanded" further, going around door-to-door conducting "Wellness checks" in order to ascertain who is or who is not fit for life. Already we have seen the idea floated on the part of some political parties (notably Quebec Solidaire in Qc and the NDP in Alberta) suggesting, in their roles as "official opposition", that the governing parties of those provinces ought to have sent teams around door-to-door, especially in recalcitrant and minority communities, in order to incentivize "vaccine uptake" and eradicate "vaccine hesitancy"

Last, one would have to be saturated with spike proteins and suffering from iatrogenic brain fog not to recall that emergency room waiting times and health care waiting times or even access to a friggin' doctor generally have been a recurring topic of perennial concern for some time now. What's more, our health care system is becoming ever-more militarized and subject to a Command and Control structure from the very top. Why is it then that access to MAiD should suddenly receive such accelerated priority even as access to other medical interventions, such as cancer screenings, remain languishing in intolerable queue?

The report expressly states:

"There is no waiting period for people who apply under track one."

One might find oneself concluding that to our "government", access to death "care" is a more important priority than access to health care.

I leave you with this. Let's not go here!


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