The only needed syrup for

Covid madness that works best is buckley’s😉 irony is apart from the word game it is really the usual syrup i take.

Secondly, if you were at the event hosted in may at chateau bonnaventure in quebec. Well i was there. Maybe we alrdy met✌️

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Thanks so much for this Dan. It will take me some time to get caught up on all the good stuff presented by the NCI. That Book of Exhibits of Rancourt’s is one hell of a compilation of data.

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My pleasure. They do the heavy lifting, I just report on their work.

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'tis too late, that turd already whored the country's sovereignty to WEF; after the control of the internet coming next the CBDC i.e., theabsolute enslavement of the hoi polloi...

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Fantastic summary of the testimonies at the NCI. Thanks for putting in so much work to expose the lies of the government. Too bad nothing can be done to bring the perpetrators to justice - yet.

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This is really great work, many thanks for this effort! It seems to effectively condense the real history of "Covid vaccination" in Quebec, and the results are utterly damning. I appreciate you putting this "out there" where inquiring minds will find it.

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Thank you Dr. Forte. And I only covered 4 guests. There are many more I didn't yet get a chance to get to such as Prof. Chossudovsky (Day 3 in QC) from GlobalResearch.ca where I also have articles published (see https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/dan-fournier)

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Excellent work! The powers-that-be in this country have been f***ing with Covid data since the start of this scam, and you and the others have done a great job breaking down how.

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Thank you Patrick. Collectively, we can accomplish a lot. I also get so much valuable feedback and resources from those who comment. So, thanks again!

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You bet. I posted a couple of vaxxed vs unvaxxed donut charts from BC and MB on your Twitter page;; did you see them?

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Do you mean recently? I can't recall, but I know I had saved some in the past, so maybe they were those, not sure.

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But is this getting through into the mainstream or is it going to remain in the echo chamber?

This is my concern. Lots of good revelations and information comes from this but if no one hears about it, what good is it?

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This is getting into the historical record for future generations to study and observe how those mainstream media outlets were in breach of their ethical duties to report on, but they didn't. That is how they will be remembered my friend.

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I agree with that part. It's all about getting it into the historical record.

But we're in sore need of accountability now.

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Indeed. A society without accountability turns into ruin.

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Thank you for this written synopsis of the NCI. I want to support the inquiry but find it hard to find the time watch all the proceedings. The testimony of these three people of significant credentials serve to illustrate the power of censorship. Without censorship none of what has taken place under COVID would have been possible. Censorship and propaganda has been so effective and these tools will not be given up without a massive fight. I am thankful that this inquiry proves Canadians have some fight left in them but it too is being censored. I hope and pray that there will be a reckoning for what was done. If not --expect more and worse to come.

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Thanks for weighing in. Don't forget that on top of the non-reporting, falsities & propaganda by the MSM, there is also rampant "fact-check" cheating (see Part 5 of my C19-Holocast Comparison series, URL: https://fournier.substack.com/i/118573991/monica-felgendreher-on-who-is-funding-the-fact-checking-outfits

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The fact checkers are ridiculous. I find it amazing that anyone could fall for their shoddy work.

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Check out who funds and directs them in Part 5 of my C19-Holocaust series: https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-holocaust-comparison-cf7

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Awesome reporting, Dan. However, my email ended with Rancourt's presentation - I only received a couple of paragraphs. So I don't think I got everything. What I did get was stunning, although it confirms what we all knew - namely that our trusted public health agencies rig the data and statistics .... and/or they omit data which debunks the authorized narrative.

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Hi Bill. It is strange then. My received email version was in full. Thanks for your attention and comment. Much appreciated.

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I came back to the story and this time I could read all of it. I see that no mainstream media reporters attended this event. This is so surprising (sarcasm).

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