THE FOLLOWING POST will clarify what Israel and Netanyahu are really doing to Palestine, as well as, the US and the WORLD 🌎


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Yes, I've read this article and even linked to it in a prior post. Some of it is to be taken with a grain of salt though, as evidence is lacking. That Being said, many parts are nonetheless telling.

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Also, hope ya'll know that that lunatic in office over in what was once not Israel HE is from New Jersey!!! An American!!!! So, yeah, yet another CIA-placed aemrican shill pushing a narrative since inception Generalizations here but dropping seeds for those willing to 'look'....

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The Seventh Eye's critic of Netanyahu is analogous to The New York Times or NPR is being apoplectic about any conservative politician here in the USA. It's reflexive. As when a dog is compelled to chase a car.

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That could be so. But it doesn't take away from the FACTS listed in the article. Press (other than solely The Seventh Eye) is shunned and propaganda is paid by the Israeli gov't.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Dan Fournier

Ole Demmegard, www.LightOnConspiracies.com spells out HOW to spot the false flags.... excellent. I am an instant fan of this material.

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I use to follow a lot of Ole's great work in the past, but haven't check out his site lately. He's an amazing dot connector and expert in false flags. Thanks for the reminder.

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Jun 6Liked by Dan Fournier

Oh Goodness! I am grateful you are familiar, Dan!

Know thy Enemy...classic tactic to surviving / navigating any (orchestrated) chaos!!

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