Very well written article. https://edustudynotes.com/tense-chart Tense chart an another education article with Good work

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WE are in Real Trouble.....

Government-Enforced "Anti-Islamophobia" Training Comes To Canada

We stand witness as the Premier of B.C. transitions to Justin Trudeau.



Canada: NDP-Proposed Speech Law Calls to Jail Those That Praise Fossil Fuels

Overreaching speech restrictions. https://reclaimthenet.org/canada-ndp-proposed-speech-law-calls-to-jail-those-that-praise-fossil-fuels

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Yeah, that Fossil Fuel bill is beyond idiotic.

Sadly, too many of our politicians serve corporate and/or foreign interests rather than those of their constituents.

Encouragingly though, more and more of those constituents are starting to wake up.

That is not enough though.

Constituents need to write or phone their representatives to vote against such idiotic bills. That is what I will do today as a citizen. I will write my local provincial rep about this folly that is called Bill 50 and ask her to denounce it in the Quebec Assembly.

If even 10% of citizens took the time to do this kind of thing, we'd be living in a very different country.

As a long time educator, part of this void is due to the absence of civics courses in high-schools and colleges/universities. The Western Ed system is setup to produce obedient slaves (like in China - where I taught for 13 years). A real tragedy that is at the core of so many of our ills.

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Thank you so much, Dan....and for coming back and helping us fight to get our country back....and yes, I agree about the Western Ed system as I work in it.....

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At what level do you teach?

I taught at the collegiate level here in QC, and in middle- and high school in China, in addition to adults and some elementary level students. While in China, I set up a very successful international program at the #1 middle school in the city of Shenzhen - something I am very proud of. Surprisingly, I had 100% control over the educational system I developed, including its curriculum. My students were amazing.

I taught students from age 9 to 90 in my 22-year teaching career, but also worked in the educational sector as a whole for over 36 years. I wrote 2 books for my students (you can see my About section). Suffice it to say, I know a thing or two about education.

If you want to better understand the history of how education has changed in North America over the past several decades, look no further than the books and writings of the American Alex Newman (https://twitter.com/ALEXNEWMAN_JOU), for he is very well versed and outspoken in this area.

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Thank you so much...yes, I know about Newman.....I am an education assistant working with the special needs population which grows everyday, unfortunately...... I have been doing

this for 24 yrs and come from a marketing background, briefly before that.....this helps me see the propaganda VERY clearly.....my husband is a teacher and chose to stay on call ...he teaches K-12.... wow, your credentials are definitely impressive.....

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You do very important work with the special needs population which you said "grows everyday." I am sure you must be cognizant that a significant contributor to that, apart from the breakdown of the family and the introduction of woke ideology/DEI culture, is the poisonous ingredients that they have been putting into childhood vaccines coupled with a very aggressive increase in the vaccine schedule (I only had the three main ones when I was an infant/child, compared to almost 30 or so that kids are subject to today). One can research this phenomenon (and who benefits financially from it) along with its correlation to cognitive, developmental, and of course neurological and physiological impairments of our precious ones.

My personal opinion is that as for education, parents need to become more involved, prudent, and critically-thinking driven beings who are able to do their own research on all these issues and to better estimate the risks and benefits of the choices they make for their little ones.

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Thank you, Dan.... I do know and see the reason for this increase...it is shocking.... Last Friday, I had to sit through a whole day of re-education at my school for a professional development about colonization, and what I am doing or not doing to perpetuate and continue this....then in the hallways the secretary was putting up anti-racist posters on the walls at which point I asked her if the kids would understand the posters or just be confused...I said that the context was more geared to high school...she said she is only doing what she is told....I said, that I see that but was genuinely wondering what SHE thought of the posters since her kids go to this school....no comment from her...she just shrugged her shoulders.... AND then the principal went on the PA system and reminded us to see her about ordering PRIDE SWAG..... at one point she came and found some us and REMINDED us to order...I and some others said that we would not be and she said, YES, because the school is paying for it....we all want to look, sound, and propaganda the same... (last comment is mine lol!) SOOOO, that was my professional development day...where I learned that I pretty much suck as a person because I don't know that I am racist, homophobic and a colonizer.....

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Years of indoctrination and brainwashing will do that to folks. Some in my family too. They refuse to see even if you lay it all cleanly in front of them. Each has to awaken on their own, hopefully before they become an obvious victim.

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Unbelievable. It will pass because a) all the parties are on board with the idiotic climate crisis agenda and b) they serve globalist interests.

There will be little pushback because a majority of Quebecers support this and have already shown itself to be an authoritarian and neutered society ready to trade freedom for security.

I tell anyone who can to leave not just Quebec but Canada. I'm investigating preparing my daughter to leave. Her mother and I hope to join her if our plans work out. For now, we're stuck because of our business. But every day our governments in Ottawa and Q-City increase our anxiety to move quicker with their irrational declarations. They're not wrong. They're beyond the realm of wrong now.

Head to the States where there will be a fighting chance to live in peace. But not here. Not with this Pavlovian Dog society.

I hope I'm being dramatic but I don't think so.

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Sadly, I am sure many of your fellow Canadians feel the same way. I left in 2008 and only came back in late 2021. I came back for several reasons; now, one of them being that I want to use my new career to help make Canada what it was when I was younger (growing up in the late 1970s, 1980s, 1990s). I want the same great country for my young son. I lived in totalitarian China for many years; so, I do not want to see Canada continue down the same path.

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I feel the Canadian mindset is ripe for allowing an authoritarian state to seep in. There are just too many Canadians who don't see what's going on. 50% of Canadians believed the media and gov's narrative on the truckers and the subsequent response. Too many.

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How do you, then, fight back on this?

Another conspiracy theory comes true. They called it in 2020.

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Well, you answered your own question, above; you don't.

That high level of analytic deduction which you employed in crafting your comment seems to break down in the wake of ugly reality, don't it? There's no 'turnaround' possible for that leaking tub, you're preparing a life raft for your child, you and your wife are staying aboard. For what? Manning the pumps?

I know it's extremely difficult to walk away from a business you've fought tooth n nail to establish and operate. I've been there. But to not do so at this point is to squander your last, best chance to get out and find somewhere with a reasonable degree of either like-minded folks and/or a set up which ups the odds of getting out of what's coming - whole.

At this point, it's either rip yourselves up by the roots and get gone - pronto - or stay behind with the zombies and hover over those spreadsheets showing your "net worth" as of last Friday. Nobody left there who will tell you the ugly truth.

Real Canada has already left the building chum. The scum what's left is simply gonna "burn it all down" before they all Jonestown together. Yes. It's that bad. You can't see it from inside the insane asylum. Grab a sheet and jump!

Seriously. You wrote the TRUTH.

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