Awesome piece of journalism and commentary. I'll save this.

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Thank you!

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Great job Dan. I commend you, as a fellow "conspiracy theorist" (read: independent thinker) , on your irrepressible proclivity towards revealing bullshit.

The fact that anything you have written here should even need such strenuous exposition or defense says much about our sorry state. Most of this should be entirely obvious to anyone with a modicum of skepticism or basic thinking skills...or even the capacity to do the most cursory internet search...but alas.

I think what we're up against here is a kind of numbers game; a cold calculus deployed at the scale of society and indeed globally. It actually doesn't matter what "truth" or demonstrable "reality" are. (Orwell covered this nicely). What matters is what the "herd" perceives. In this environment of information warfare and universal deceit anything goes and nothing matters.

Just look at some of the testimonies by gov't "officials" (the real "insurrectionists") at the POAC hearings. They lied. We knew they lied. They know we knew they lied. But it doesn't matter. There are not enough of us that know that they lied. Hell, most people weren't even paying attention. I have neighbours who don't even know what the Emergencies Act is, let alone that it was invoked. Can this be possible? How can this be possible?

They say history may not repeat, but it sure as hell rhymes - which is why we should pay more attention to its lessons than we appear to do.

On that note here is a little reminder of historical precedent:

Writing the News - United States Memorial Holocaust Museum Encyclopedia

"Shortly after taking power in January 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis succeeded in destroying Germany’s vibrant and diverse newspaper culture. The newly created Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda handed out daily instructions to all German newspapers, Nazi or independent, detailing how the news was to be reported..."



"Reflecting in his diary (April 14, 1943) during the war on the press's loss of independence, Joseph Goebbels, a one-time journalist, wrote: "Any man who still has a residue of honor will be very careful not to become a journalist.""

I cannot restrain myself, so I'll leave here as well a direct quote from Herr KlausenSchwab himself:

"We will see definitely a lot of anger already now but probably increase by the end of the year. because this crisis will be with us until we really have found a remedy. So we have to prepare for a more angry world and,,,uh...how to prepare...it means to take the necessary action."

"Zee neccesary action"


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Thank you for your comment and sharing your astute thoughts. It's funny you mentioned Goebbels, as I was just quoting him to Prof. Lindzen from MIT this morning while thanking him: “The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.” (see my latest article on Al Gore's peddling for context). It is sad indeed that so many are asleep at the wheel, even more crushing when this is also within one's immediate circle of family and close friends. As we are in the same neck of the woods, we should get together over a beer or coffee to exchange more if you'd like, just email me and we can set it up. Who knows, maybe we can create a community of like-minded souls (something I started to try to do earlier this year but gave up for lack of contacts). Cheers

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It's not so much funny as merely inevitable that I mention Goebbels...how the hell could I not, given the relentless and universal subversion of reality we're experiencing on a daily basis? Just look around. Ugghhh. And you know - as I mentioned in a previous comment - I used to consider myself more or less of a "Lefty". Not hardcore or anything. But I did listen to Gzowski on CBC back in the day, before the outfit went all Hades and Lucifer on us. How the fuck do those people sleep at night?

The "left" seems to have succumbed to some kind of fungal-spore cognitive Bioweapon attack, where they have lost all capacity to think and reason. What's more, they have become militant and vicious and utterly intolerant to differing opinions. Somebody, or something (extraterrestrials?) seems to have "penetrated their cabinets" and brain-pans in a way that is terminal and irreversible.

Thanks for the invite. I'll DM you when I get a chance. Lots of notes to compare, to say the least. Besides, there are some things I would rather not leave in a comment box on Substack, given that in all likelihood the platform will become a handy-dandy Deep State dissident kill list in the not-too-distant-future.

Just kiddin', of course!


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Nothing better than a conspiratorial journalist to evaluate other journalists

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Yes, I'm a professional conspiracy theorist. And a proud one at that! Our world needs more volunteers.

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Well-written exposure of the bias characteristic of "news" articles at the CBC.

Lays out all the elements for filing a Complaint to the CBC Ombudsman:


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My own personal experiences with ombudsmans have been utterly disappointing, leaving me with the impression that they are bought and paid for. So, I wouldn't bother. I know some have with the CBC, but not sure of the outcome. You are certainly free to try. But with over a billion in funding each year from our gov't (i.e., our tax money), I doubt they will budge much on complaints. But hey, that's my pessimist side speaking. So, take it for what it's worth.

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