Wow I’m so glad for Ai… I no longer have to wade through all the filth to find out if someone is just plainly trying to coerce others into their delusions (no matter how obvious it is here). Anyhow, here’s a more intelligent take confirming your weak attempt at propoganda:

‘‘Likelihood of It Being Propaganda:

Overarching Tone and Goals The text has a clear agenda: it frames climate change as a hoax orchestrated by powerful global organizations and families, with an overarching message that world elites are waging a “depopulation” scheme. It also attempts to persuade readers that mainstream climate science is entirely fabricated and that major Canadian political figures are controlled or blackmailed by a network of globalists.

Hallmarks of Propaganda

Exaggerated, Ominous Language: Multiple references to “heinously diabolical agendas,” “pedophile cult,” “Satanic,” etc.

Conspiratorial & One-Sided Claims: It cites known conspiratorial material (e.g., alleged MKUltra victim testimonies, depopulation fear, hidden puppet masters).

Us-vs-Them Rhetoric: Phrases like “we are their disposable useless eaters” or “evil in Strong’s hypocritical use of capitalism” help create a direct sense of moral/emotional outrage.

Unverified / Dubious Sources: Many claims revolve around secondary or fringe sources that are not widely recognized as credible.

Such a combination of emotionally charged language, unverified sensational claims, broad conspiracies, and repeated condemnation of named “villains” strongly signals a propaganda-like piece designed to shift readers’ views by appealing to fear, distrust, or anger. It does more than just present an alternative viewpoint; it actively portrays nearly all mainstream institutions and figures as part of a single conspiratorial “scam.”

Conclusion on Propaganda Likelihood: Yes—it is highly likely a propaganda or “agit-prop” style text. It aims to convince (or inflame) by using broad conspiratorial narratives, heavily slanted language, and emotionally charged claims against a presumed enemy or corrupt elite.’’


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Wow, you just actually confirmed that you cannot think for yourself, instead relying on ridiculous AI programs that can't even get simple facts correct when you ask them. !

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Thank you Dan for this comprehensive article. Hearing Mark Carney say that he will use emergency measures to implement his green agenda to fight Trump will be the next tyranny imposed on Canadians by an un-elected Prime Minister.

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Excellent piece Dan. It’s so informative to have all this information collated into a concise article. I have a lot of it in disparate reference sources! The darkness has been pushing its evil for a long time, capturing humanity in an illusionary ‘matrix’ of contrived strife, perversion, greed, anger, conflict and individuality! It fears the light and truth, this we have within us in abundance, but it needs unlocking; extracting ourselves out of the illusion, seeing the light!

I look at everything with illuminated sight now; the lies, subterfuge, control and evil is everywhere; news, media, politics, governments, education, big Pharma, banking - everywhere! The more people that can be awakened the less influence the darkness has. It will fight back via all its demonic agencies (UN, WEF, WHO, Rothschild’s, Rockerfeller’s, governments, media et al), but the awakening has started…..

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Very well said Peter.

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Thank you. OMG. Finally, someone followed the money, the evil derivatives. Lived through it all, day by day, knowing…

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If I had access to the tools that law enforcement does, believe you me I would uncover a heck of a lot more skeletons.

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I can only dream about a red pill recipient having such divine access to take down the devil spawn. I need to go back to sleep…

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The full release of Epstein and P. Diddy lists followed by arrests would be a good start. But I bet you anything this won't happen. Even with Kash Patel at the head of the FBI. Would love to be wrong.

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Annother connection Maoist/Fabian Marxism through organized crime to Western Politics. Thanks.

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More to come, unfortunately.

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The dark angels are ever busy! Spending most of my life as a believer, I hoped for the church. Feeling defenseless there, I stopped going. I have learned to trust my connection.

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☠️Biden/ Obama crime syndicate with the Clinton crime family ties to the One World Order, to destroy our democracy using the CIA & FBI , court system and Media to force a  One World Government ran by UberWealth Overlords😈☠️👿💀Climate control is just population control

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Sounds about right.

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Dennis Meadows, Mark Carney and Justin Trudeau can MaID themselves. That’ll fix the world’s population problem right there.

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How to control every aspect of life in the Pre, Mid,and Post “Net-Zero” dictatorship. Brought to you by that Klingon in Davos, the UN, and the Club of Rome. Thank you for this article.

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One word: Meat hooks, Justin chickenshit, Christina Freenatzi, and mass murder Tam

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Looking for X and lost your way?

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I don’t say your piece is full of lies. It is full of material that does not lead to the conclusions you draw. The world is thankfully not as bleak as you think it is. See my later comment. I also suggest there is no need for the name calling. I think you are mistaken. You think I am. That does not make either of us morons. How does that tone enter an adult discussion?

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"How does that tone enter an adult discussion?" Exactly. This begs the question I have posited before: if we don't engage the Dan Fourniers of the world, they foment paranoia and hate with seemingly little reflection, however engaging them seems quite unproductive. Nigel, you try to improve the world with mature commentary, but are these ideas worth your time? I struggle with the respectable pundits who say we should engage commentators like Fournier. In BC, many ultra-successful people around me seem completely ignorant of world events. Providing people with balanced, well-considered and well-researched ideas seems akin to throwing sand at an approaching tsunami.

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You might be right. It may be a waste of time, especially given that nearly half of US voters and a lot here might agree that Covid, vaccines, climate change, the American election of 2020 and lots of other things are scams. Still I am an idealist (in a way) and I cannot resist the attempt from time to time.

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I was serious - it is merely a question I'm posing. I am not confident that the best answer is to let postings like this one go without intelligent commentary.

However, I’m struck by the at-least-three ways that conspiracy theorists / right wing extremists (“extremists” from here on) are behaving as per (at least somewhat) this week’s The Fifth Estate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRDL9Fm1ZLA).

1. It illustrates how conspiracy theorists start with bluster and “calls to action” and it mostly appears to stop there. It doesn’t stop there – it just appears to. Extremist articles, such as blogs on Substack, function as recruiting systems and the recruits are insulated from the recruiting system so as to obscure the system’s overall functioning. The recruits are mostly confined to part 2:

2. The calls to action are answered partly by extremist community members and partly by traveling activists, some of which are foreign actors (the “big money” often comes from foreign countries like the USA). In the documentary, the incited actions involve politicians such as Canada’s federal and provincial Conservatives / UCP who hire extremists, but then the extremists disappear when they are exposed. They re-appear at Conservative conferences and meetings, but not as employees. Most interesting to me was the culture of deceit and clandestine activities – public council and board meetings suddenly go “behind closed doors” and no one will even address why the meetings changed. Library funding is reduced or eliminated and the sophistic rationale is “we didn’t close the library, we just cut the funding”. It appears that normally honest and upstanding citizens are sucked into a culture that more resembles Le Carre’s cold war malignance and cynical agents.

3. Sometimes a disciple becomes violent and takes the extremist writings seriously enough that they physically attack the target. (By the way – did you notice how Fournier specifies, for no apparent reason, that the Bronfman family is Jewish?) The blogger / extremist does not present overtly as a recruiter. Rather, the attacker is usually referred to as “subscribing to” the blogger’s publications, releasing the writer from all responsibility for their provocations. However, I have yet to see a blogger turn in an assassin to the police, the way that the London Muslim Mosque turned in one of their own members in 2016. It may have happened, but I haven’t noticed such a thing. Maybe Muslims just have a deeper devotion to morality, or maybe the conspiracy theorists don't feel the need to report. Their families must be so proud.

There may be other components of the system – ones that I have not explored here?

If you want good books on conspiracy theorists, ‘Cheap Speech: How Disinformation Poisons Our Politics — and How to Cure It,’ by Richard L. Hasen and ‘The Misinformation Age: How False Beliefs Spread,’ by Cailin O’Connor and James Owen Weatherall are well regarded.

They may not paint a roadmap of how to disrupt the conspiracy theorists’ system of inflammation and destruction but rather discuss the phenomena leading to such malevolence.

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I see a litany of problems with this work.

One is a shocking confusion between respectable democratic ideologies like democratic socialism or the Fabian Soceity, on one hand, and Marxism or even authoritarian Marxism, on the other. The aims of seeking to look after the poor and attaining a more equitable economy can be completely compatible with a free market economy and democracy. Even if they are wrong headed they are respectable and worthy of civil debate, just as right wing views are. Dismissing them as Marxist is ignorant and inapt.

Another reservation I have is to do with the depiction of the Trudeau family. The detailed treatment of the fact that the family may have wealth, education and connections is mainly innocuous and does not support the innuendo that some secret cabal exists.

This whole business of treating climate science as though it is a secret means of attaining nefarious purposes is not credible. Climate science is not something you believe in or not. It is something you understand or not. The notion that climate scientists are colluding to trick the world in order to control populations is ludicrous. I say this even though there is uncertainty as to when and how severe the well documented human contributions to climate change will be.

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Sounds like inconvenient falsehoods to me, bordering on paranoia. There are enough real things to frighten people. No need to fabricate more.

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Yep. It's all 100% lies - all made up just for fun. No links or evidence provided whatsoever. And I'm sure the 12,600 people who viewed the article totally 100% agree with you.

If you can't make an intelligent comment, then please GFTO! Or, stick it where the sun don't shine you spook. I have no time to waste on morons like you.

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Scum of the earth

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Club of rome was exposed by Constance Cumby in, “Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow” Cumby warns of the plans of the ‘New Age’ to bring about a “New World Oder” and all who plan to join or enter into it must first take a “Luciferian Initiation” in order to enter their new age.

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