A very good interview. I like that you ask one question at a time. Too often, I hear an interviewer ask a string of questions and some/most go unanswered as the interviewee answers one and the conversation goes in a different direction. And the listeners are left hanging without answers they were looking forward to hearing.

I really appreciate Hrvoje Moric. I found out about him when he was interviewed, several months ago, by someone I listened to regularly. I now listen to Hrvoje more faithfully and trust him more than I do the other fellow.

The most pressing question I would ask him is how he meshes anti-israel sentiment and all the “alt media” attention/focus on what happened on October 7 with biblical prophecy - specifically information by people like Dave Hunt, who I know we both have been influenced by. (I still get The Berean Call monthly newsletter which was Dave Hunt’s ministry, now run by his best friend, T. A. McMahon.)

This morning, I finished this video, an interview with a soldier who was on site within a few hours of the attack from Gaza on October 7: https://m.youtube.com/watchv=08pIEU_PslA

I am still trying to sort this all out. Even if it was a “false flag,” planned or allowed by their own government, are they supposed to just sit there and allow their families and countrymen to be slaughtered? Even if something were allowed to happen, why should people not defend themselves? And that doesn’t mean that the terrorists didn’t have a choice in the matter of what they did, the atrocities they committed.

There’s so much I would like to pick Hrvoje’s brain about related to the interrelationships of biblical truths and prophecy with current events and how this may all play out.

A Jewish man, a believer in Yeshua, who I highly respect and admire, believes that we can’t figure it all out - a time-line of the end times - but we can familiarize ourselves with the Bible and when it happens and we see it, we will understand the puzzle pieces falling into place. I’m reading through the minor prophets now, looking for evidence of how important Israel is to G-d and how we should treat Israel. I’m also looking for clues about what is coming.

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Hi there. Thanks for your comment.

Do you have the correct link to that YouTube video? (the current one is 404).

You said: "are they supposed to just sit there and allow their families and countrymen to be slaughtered? " Short answer: ABSOLUTELY. Firstly, they did allow it. Secondly, just look at how they permitted their entire population to be subjected to the toxic mRNA jabs. Nettanyahu and Bourla confirmed together that the Israeli citizens were they lab rats (so to speak, loosely paraphrasing). They don't give a crap about their citizens, imo.

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Here is the link. It just worked for me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=08pIEU_PslA

If that doesn’t work, the title of the interview is “ Unveiling the Truth: IDF Soldier Recounts Straightforward Events of October 7th | Yadin Gellman” to search of the link still doesn’t work.

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Thanks. I'll have a look when I can find the time.

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I still need to watch this video interview. So little time now, as I am busy with others things.

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Went through that interview. Black is totally clear. I had the impression Moric was a bit prompt in ending Blacks's brilliant inierpretation of history and so-called democracy. Freedom and liberty are candies for the herds. There is no such things in the objective reality. They are the perfect tools for all the tyrannies in the whole world history. Still works! So they use it. Had a good laugh hearing his interpreation of the Israelis outing of Egypt. Profound and quick mind man. I think RFID has been replaced by more powerful technologies such as quantum dot inks (Luciferase as a DARPA property, that Celeste Solum linked I don't remember how to Lucis Trust, but I could mix things here) and nanobots.

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Ok. Boyle is another doc between others docs (I do have a pretty long list of those lunatics in white coats) who pretend to protect and alert, but who is only and objectively dipping his ass right in the middle of the chicken-pox-bat-shit-lab-leak soup, offering a spoon to sip of his patriotical antidote to the subjects of the Crown.

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Louis, Dr. Francis Boyle (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Boyle) is no "deux de pic" as we say in French. So, I'm not sure why you would make such kind of comment about him. Did you listen to the interview I linked? He is very specific in backing up his contentions with verifiable facts.

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Hey Dan! I will try to answer why I dislike folks like Boyle, because I respect your person and your work, so, even this process is painful to me, I think I should not leave you with a bold assertion without a slight explanation. I did some research about Francis Boyle, Dr in law. Sure thing he is not a 'deux de pique'. But maybe an ace of heart, in the same way Tucker Carlson can be seen as an ace ace of spade. The declination of the cinematic chain of freedom movement talkers (I believe for myself that when it is in the media, this is all cinema) goes from useful idiots to well paid CIA/NWO snitches and guardians (Plato’s phulakes). I call the last ace of spade. According to Giordano Bruno amazing exploration of the human souls and cosmic phenomenons, the base of the resistance consists, mainly, of useful idiots. Alexis Cossette is one of them. But an accurate educational background can sometimes elevate some of them to the status of ‘ânes savants’. I have met a lot of them during my studies peregrinations, into which I spent 18 years into different universities including Europe, into different positions. Amongst those fine mannered donkeys, you have ace of spades, with the clear intentions to serve, and to harm, and the ace of heart, with unclear intentions, and this is the reason why they can become harmful too. I think Boyle is one of them.

International law is controlled by International Rules-based order. The more you can accomplish there is to write down and conduct some protests, in very controlled and limited contexts conducting to limited hangouts, erect some more new laws UN will for sure promote, ‘implementing regulations’ as to speak, but not make them apply, wins some trials maybe, but at the end, there is no effects in the real world. Exactly like Nuremberg trials ended up by Operation Paperclip. Universities in USA are Rockefeller’s owned: this is true for Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. Their existence depends directly from who is financing them. So, I am not surprised to hear from Boyle that he supports Lab leak theory about the origins of Covid-19. Bioweapons warfare and Covid are at the same time same, and different matters. This quiproquo still a problem to the present days when someone wants to seriously discuss Covid scam. Anyways. This is another topic. I just want to say that I can not take seriously any university servant who declares that he has ‘the vaccine patent’ from ‘Pirbright Institute’ according to the ‘Lancet article’ in his office that can save his life from deadly ‘air diffused’ unproved and non isolated pathogens. There was 4 years of research since Boyle proudly spread his theories. I don’t have the time or the pedantry to list all the readings I did on the topic, but there is easily more than a hundred researchers I followed since 2019. Also, I can not give any confidence to a man saying that Sars-Cov1 was ‘2 foot contagious’, while Sars-Cov-2 pass over ‘6 foot contagious’. There is no such thing as viruses ‘passing in the air’ that can be contracted through others ‘sneezing and coughing ‘. ‘Having three degrees from Harvard’ do not dispense you to diffuse scientific nonsense. To conclude, because our time is precious, if you abuse Occam’s razor figure, reality becomes bald. No, the simplest explanation can not apply to Covid scam. And yes, ’14 days’ incubation is total BS, amongst all other measures which conducts society to his ruin for the profit of Crown Agents researchers. Take care mate. I still following your writings with the greatest interest. But please leave me alone with academic bullshitters. Sorry to have popped out into your thread lastly. I’ll try not to interrupt anymore. Normally I get busted out very soon, so you must be a saint or something :)

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Fact are very often in the way of truth. It is a fact that Jesus was crucified. Was it a point for truth? It depends on how you present the facts, who tells the story, why and to whom. I'll come back to you on Boyle's speach.

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"It depends on how you present the facts, who tells the story, why and to whom"

I disagree. Facts are facts. They just are. And nothing at all can change them.

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Of course a fact is a fact. I only want to bring to the attention that dishonest people are pulling the facts by their short leg. If it were that easy to bring truth tu surface from an ocean of lies, life would be easy too and justice would reign. I don't think it's the case. Tell a muslim that Mohammed beeing the prophet is not a fact at all, then one will see the frail line between a fact and another. I do not say truth is not existing. Just telling that what we called a fact has sometimes to be proven depending, to keep the story short, of the context of enonciation. Take the covid scam. Doctors are all taking words for facts. Then, it appears that PCR tests are doing a kind of magical fractioning of sequences and numbers to sort out a result, they call a 'fact', due to 'contagion', so the person is 'infected'. A fact for them. A lie for me. Same shit with so called Sars-cov-2 isolation. And when you get to the bottom of the story, they tell you that you are taking your own concepts for reality. You see? This is the old platonic story going under dominance and enslavement plans. Plato is the sophist. Diogen was the truther. When you start trying to prove Covid-19 is sitting on a mountain of lies, then the liers ask you to show the 'facts'. You show them, they call it lies, and rebigin. Horkeimer : « The truth holds in itself the character of what is not related to power ». G. Braque : « Proofs are weakening the truth ». So, the lab leak hypothesis is largely accreditated by mainstream science as the graal of hyper criticism. Everybody sticks into it. I don't. This is what we call a limited hangout. I do not say that in some degree there is no evidence of dark forces working somewhere in some labs to find a solution to their depop program sold to them by the malthusians. I am only saying that thre is no covid-19, no batshit wuhan wet market lab leak gain of malfunction thing, no spike protein, no nothing. There is no virology anymore, haven't they had the news? This is all a covert story for whorst atrocities they are comitting right now. This is why they are confessing in the MSM now, and this is why they let dangerous lunatics like Malone, Cole, McCullogh talking and talking as there wer something like a threat coming from invisible particules they called viruses, they takes for 'facts'. Theirs 'facts' are killing poeple, not viruses, because they don't exists. And they are coming with more and more facts, and more and more false epidemics they will call 'facts', and more and more viruses. I call them circuses. And I call for truth. Let's see now if Boyle's a clown and a lier. You cannot establish truth on a mountain of 'facts', nor on a mountain of lies. And there is lies in the foundations, there is big chances there will be lies at the end of the line, and vice versa. This is why I reject lab leak and bioweapons theories to 'justify' covid worlwide usurpation. Sorry about that one Dan, but when it comes to covid science-fiction, I become very suspicious.

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I am not impressed by white coats science derviches. Follow Kary Mullis story in details you'll get to it.

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:) I am listening. This lab hypothesis has always been painful to me for many reasons. It would take a whole book to explain why. The whole 'freedom movement' is a diversion in my view. One has to come through the very deep washing cycle of terrain 'theory' (which is not a theory nor an explanation) of the human organism to undercome the very goal beside this No Mrna Shots campaing (the old shots are good yes?). This is a very big part of the birthday cake to understand why Big Pharma and his germs diktat is not appropriate to understand anything related to human balance. Chinese medecine is telling the same btw. It occurs that all over America and Europe, there is a false protection and reinform plan. This will end in a reinforce control of the medical cartel. This is wall to wall controlled opposition. I studied the case through Raoult and Henrion-Caude and Peronne and Fouché in France, and through Bob Baloney (Robert Malone) in USA and his little courtisans and epigones (Cole, McCullogh, Merrit, Mercola, Kennedy... and so much more). There is a big big story to unroll here. But normies are so controlled op a cow can't catch his veal anymore in this mess.

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Well put Dan, CDBC goes through Digital Identity project. This is the heart of the beast. We can summarize a lot of crap just saying that since 2001, security is the threat. I am not in the bioweapon bandwagon. So I will have to listen to Moric's Boyle interview. He's out of the blue about geoengineering. So be it. Nobodys perfect. But I hope he will take a look at your wonderful series on the topic. Second biggest city in Mexico surely ran 5G (the #1 controversial topic on which everybody derails, with oxyde graphene and covid-19) in most part of the city. He mentioned hsi family was very often if not all the time sick. Maybe he would beneficiate investigating EMF effects. Anyways. Just speaking in the sands again for non castle owners.

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Louis, which specific city (2nd largest) were you referring to in Mexico for the 5G?

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I don't remember the name, the one your guest is living in. He mentioned it, but I did not get it since my spanish is fluent as a conversation between two concrete walls.

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Very grateful for the shout out!

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Regarding the assertion that Satan and Lucifer are one person, I always go back to Hidden Hand, as I haven't discovered many contradictions between him and other sources. https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/hidden_hand_081018

HIdden Hand says that Lucifer is a social memory complex in the 6th density that is close to ascension to the seventh. Lucifer volunteered to torment mankind because the original civilization of Akisu, near the Tarim Basin, wasn't evolving as hoped by YHVH (I believe the Sirians serve YHVH). https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/the-creation-of-mankind

Apollymi Mandylion knows two Lucifers: the social memory complex, and a Draco king. She also says that beings don't "change their species" when they descend to lower densities. She claims that Satan is what the Bible says he is: an angel. According to Apollymi, angels are a species in Hanova. https://inscribedonthebelievingmind.blog/2023/07/25/lucifer-the-archangel-lucifer-the-dark-draco-king/

In addition, we know that the Anunnaki (a race based in the Orion Constellation descended from the Sirians) made an agreement with the Draco to genetically engineer the ruling class (beginning with Inanna), genetically modify the blacks, and to create several demon-gods, e.g. Marduk and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.

Therefore, the Luciferians' claim that Lucifer and Satan are two different people may well be true.

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I don't trust that Croatian guy, sorry. Yes he says what we want to hear of course

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"Limited hangout." No one finds success in so many Luciferian institutions without being a Luciferian. Furthermore, there are portals, pyramids and ancient ET tech in China, so he's not telling the truth about why he was in Mongolia

Freemasons are always peddling information about the Brotherhood, but there are three things they don't say as a rule. First, they don't say they worship YHVH, Yeshua or the Godhead. Second, they don't talk about the ways in which they abuse and exploit children. Third, they don't express support for Donald Trump or allies in the struggle against the Brotherhood, such as Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

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Hrvoje is not a confrontational person. In fact, when I first heard about him in an interview, that was one of the things that was said by the man interviewing him - that he liked it that he (Hrvoje), even though he had people on his podcast that he didn’t agree with, he would just let them talk and not be jumping in and contradicting them or being confrontational or antagonistic. I can see him making friends with people as he went along and just being agreeable and affable. Remember, he knew the U. S. was imperialistic, but that doesn’t mean he understood the whole panorama of what is going on. Maybe some people are born with full knowledge, but for most of us, it takes time.

I remember when I first started waking up in 1993. The initial thing was realizing that republicans (which I considered myself to be at that time) were doing nothing about abortion when they had the chance to do something. Once I left the Republican Party and started associating with people in the U. S. Taxpayers Party (now the Constitution Party), I learned so much more about my government. And world government. The U. N. The trilateral commission. And on and on it has gone. I didn’t learn it all at once.

I think it’s interesting to hear from Hrvoje what he saw and heard and learned. He would be welcome at my off-grid homestead.

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Thanks again for your comment. Hrvoje is mild-mannered which is a commendable quality for an interviewer, for it shows an open mind to hearing what others have to say without prejudice.

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Can you be more specific? Which part(s) do you distrust/disagree with? It's ok to disagree or distrust, but at the same time it is good to know what aspects are to be questioned/challenged.

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