Good job Dan. Some quick points. 1) China is not a communist nation anymore, since the Rockfeller introduce themselves and their 'manners' there in the fifties. This are capitalist, more precisely, technocrats, and there is no such thing as communism or socialism over threre. Chinese poeple are driven by a fascist regime, maintained by technocrats financed by oligarchs, namely, the bloodlines. 2) There was no pandemic. My ears are bleeding when I hear you or Bernier designing this series of abusings by such a word. Reality begins, and ends, with words and concepts. We should use them with precision. 3) Trump leaving the WHO is just populistic propaganda. The WHO is still funded and approved in the USA by other ways, public private partnerships. Trump holded Operation Warp Speed. So he is all in with the Covid scam. 4) About Nav Canada, I would search over Serco links, a UK Crowd company, who has his hands everywhere when it is about control, military, depopulation. 5) Bernier is a good person, but unfortunately he has to be educated before taking deeper and stronger positions on the hot subjects you mentioned in this interview. I would say he impressed me. But he needs to be enlighted. Very interesting person.

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Thanks for weighing in Louis. About China, I lived there for 13 years (from 2008 until late 2021). So, that's more than 4,745 days. Hence, I think I'm in a position to confirm that, at its very core, China IS (remains) a communist country. Sure, the Rockefellers had their say. I also lived in Shenzhen which was arguable the most capitalist city in the Middle Kingdom. They can of course be considered a mixture of different systems. But, believe you me, that since Xi took power back around 2014, the whole ship turned around 180 degrees back to its Communist, Mao era, roots. It is EVERYWHERE to be seen around the entire country without exception, propaganda, control, surveillance, religious persecution, political prisoners, and everything. So, I'll definitely have to disagree with you on that one. As for Trump, I mostly agree. I did like that he *wanted* to pull from the WHO & Paris Accord, etc. But, he didn't succeed. His C19 policies were a disaster. I know about Serco and researched them a lot, including looking at ATIs. I don't believe, though, that they are instrumental in the problems relating to geoengineering. Maxime is a very interesting person indeed and much more enlightened, imo, than the vast majority of our Canadian politicians. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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Further readings about the nature of Chinese governance.


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Thank you for pointing me to Prof. Chossudovsky's substack.

I know him, for he was nice enough to re-publish several of my articles on his gem of a site called GlobalResearch.ca (see https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/dan-fournier).

In fact, of my 2nd ever published article, Prof. Chossudovsky stated of it: “Brilliant article, fabulous analysis.”

I am referring to my article titled 'Why society needs Conspiracy Theories & Conspiracy Theorists' (URL: https://fournier.substack.com/p/why-society-needs-conspiracy-theories) which was republished in GlobalResearch.ca, ZeroHedge (with over 100k views), Activist Post, and Jim Quinn’s Burning Platform.

I have nothing but great things to say about the brilliant Prof. Chossudovsky and the article you are pointing out is synonymous of his work.

However, it is quite limited in scope, though he highlights some very important points about China.

I will nuance it a bit though since, as I told you earlier, I spent 13 years living and working there and visited many places in several provinces there.

In his piece, Deng Xiaoping is referenced along with his 1978 policy of opening up. This was actually quite great for China in that it sought to have more open markets and entrepreneurialism. And it was quite effective to a large extent until Xi Jinping took the helm in 2013.

People must not forget that it was Deng who actually ordered the tanks in the student protests during the1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.

I arrived in Shenzhen in 2008. Shenzhen was THE model city for Deng's vision and no other city in the history of the world has developed and blossomed as quickly as this one; it's not even close. I use to have a web page that showed the construction of the city from the late 1970s until around 2006 which was stunningly breathtaking).

But where nuance needs to be added is here.

The capitalist elements in China are largely reserved for the billionaire class, mostly DOMESTIC. Think the Jack Ma's and Pony Ma's. Sure there are foreign multinationals that operate in the country, but that is more for accessing the market and exploiting cheap labour.

Apple, for instance, doesn't give a fuck (pardon my French) about the workers who slave to make their products. Not once did Steve Jobs ever set foot in China to visit the factories where his products were made. In one of their factories near Shenzhen, the conditions were so bad, they included multiple suicides due to extremely harsh working conditions and shitty pay. They literally had to install nets on the outer walls of factory dormitories because of the suicide attempts. Of the hundreds of billions in profit Apple has made over the years, they have never given a single penny in bonuses to their workers at Foxconn. When I used to blog, I wrote a nice rant about Apple which you can read:

- Apple inc. – 10 years of exploiting slave labor revealed in bombshell book 'Dying for an iPhone', URL: https://hive.blog/deepdives/@libertyacademy/apple-inc-10-years-of-exploiting-slave-labor-revealed-in-bombshell-book-dying-for-an-iphone

Starting from roughly 2015 I witnessed a very high level of foreigners (mostly teachers) leaving the country because of the deteriorating political atmosphere and the educational reforms under Xi - basically, NO MORE ENGLISH!; I know this all too well because they destroyed the international program I had spent two years building at Shenzhen's #1-rated school in the city, no less. This exodus accelerated in about 2020. The same goes for foreign companies that set up shop there. They've mostly closed/left the country.

So, the point I am trying to make here is that China is NOT a capitalist country. The capitalism that does exist is for the very high level billionaire class whether they are domestic or foreign.

As for the medium- and small-sized businesses, they are almost exclusively domestic.

All businesses in China, including foreign ones, need to submit to the will of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which includes ceding complete access to their computer servers (this is law, as I outlined and linked to in my post 'Elon Musk’s X Empire-building, a Trojan Horse to Rule us All' (URL: https://fournier.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-empire-building-a-trojan).

For the medium or small businesses that are started by foreigners (almost always with a local partner), if a legal dispute comes up, 100% of the time the courts will rule in favour of the locals and the foreigner will get completely shafted.

As a side note, China has a 99.9% conviction rate in the courts.

For small businesses set up by locals: Here is mostly how it works, as I have personally observed in the different places and communities where I have lived. A person gets an idea for a business, say a shop that sells good or a restaurant, they find a location to launch it, launch it, and roughly 4-6 months later it shuts down. I have seen this hundreds of times. Why? Because they do zero business planning, market studies. They don't learn entrepreneurship in university because it doesn't exist. So, you can't really blame them. They are flying blind with no plan, little know how. When they do have some level of success, it is mostly due to many people in the vicinity, but not usually for the quality of their products, nor their level of service (it is quite crappy in most places, speaking from experience). It's not that they don't try and work hard. They do. The Chinese are the most hard-working people I've ever met (and I've been to over 32 countries). But they don't have adequate education and training. There is next to zero innovation/creativity training in schools at all levels. It is all about testing, testing, testing (zhongkao, gaokao), or spending 95% of their time studying for these, I should say.

As for the worker/employee philosophy, I already mentioned how awfully treated factor workers are; but, what about employees of "good" or "large" companies (like Tencent, Alibaba, and like)? It is better, but still leaves a lot to be desired. The 996 phenomenon that Prof. Chossudovsky referred to in his article is a very staunch reality. I have witnessed this first-hand in many companies where I taught (State-Owned Enterprises - including a nuclear power plant, big banks, tech companies, investment companies, airlines, etc.). employees there work like dogs, long hours (hence the 996). They are so tired after work (usually around 9-10pm) that when they go back home by the metro/subway (which I took regularly) they would just "space out" on Douyin (the Chinese version of Tik Tok) watching 10-15 seconds videos (usually flipped at a rate of one per 3 to 5 seconds) during their 30 to 60 minute commute. Worse, most of them have to stand up during the commute since the metro cars are always packed/crowded - same in all big cities. And I am talking about almost all commuters. Nobody ever reads a book in the metro.

What I am trying to say here is that these employees are, for the most part, largely EXPLOITED. At the better co's they can get more perks, sure. But that is the exception. I taught for more than 2 years at Tencent until late 2021; that was one of them. (see my article about Elon/X for photos I took and more info).

The whole education system (which, by the way, comprises about 220 million students - which if you were to count as a nation would arrive at #5 jin the entire world ust ahead of Brazil) is set up to produce unquestioning, obedient slaves that will not rock the boat, so to speak. I taught at all levels there, so I know what I am talking about.

Another anecdote. I was VIP-training a very high level person at China's 5th largest bank in the city of Shenzhen who was being groomed to become the CEO of that same bank in Hong Kong. He was mostly there because his grandfather was a famous general during Mao's Cultural Revolution. My point here being that people in positions of power are there mostly because of their connections (i.e., their Guanxi). This is why you have so much corruption, shoddy products, turnover, scandals, horrible decision-making, reactionary versus anticipatory ways, etc.

In his first 2-3 years, Xi Jinping had a campaign labelled "flies and tigers" that was cloaked as a way to stomp corruption of party official across the country. In reality, however, he was purging his political enemies. In this campaign, he purged no less than a million officials. Let that number sink in a bit. This is well documented.

Last point (so as not to make this reply too long) is that in ALL medium to large-sized companies, they are required to have a CCP department (to make sure the company policies, procedures, actions are aligned with the CCP socialist ideology).

When teaching at Webank, for instance, I saw this and they have CCP propaganda posted everywhere in the company. Part of this is a list of 10 or 12 (forget the exact number) of "core values" of the CCP. Many of them are obviously fake and not real (e.g., "Democracy").

So, to conclude, I can assure you that China is no bastion of capitalism.

I love China and its wonderful people. It has a very deep and fascinating history and rich and vibrant culture. My comments here are more against the system and the CCP, not the people. The people do a remarkable job, given their circumstances , upbringing/indoctrination, and social dynamics. Despite these restrictions, they are some of the most industrious and kind people you will ever meet.

Hope this clarifies things a bit.

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Thank you very much to have take the time sharing your experiences and thoughts with me Dan. I really appreciate. A direct grasp on reality is always a good start when it comes to apprehend general concepts and behaviours.

Communism in my view is not a political regime, nor marxism, socialism, or fascism. Those are all different states of transformation of society, going after the carrot of collectivism, as you somewhere pinned correctly in your answer. Donkeys wants democracy. This is why it is so easy to fool them with carrots. So, what you observe in China, and accurately describe to my great pleasure, could be the effect of donkeys eating too much carrots. If the ultimate goal in transforming the society is transhumanism and depopulation - I have no doubt on that - revolutions are the ‘stages’, or if you prefer, the ‘theaters’ of this well and long planned noble goal. Please let me explain myself a bit.

The birth of the monarchy and the death of the traditional world of hunters gatherers could be the first brick in the wall, the first step in the enslaving and depopulation plan of humanity. They call it civilisation. I call it the birth of slavery. And the ending of individual liberty. Before this birth happened in Sumer to the Canaanites, the Babylonians and around, the capital was the nature itself. Everybody was taking care of it, because everything belongs to everybody. A kind of circular reciprocity, wisdom and thankfulness towards creation and living things was, more or less, observed. More in fact. If not, there were effective ways to handle the deviants. But after Marduk I, the fist king of the kings, began to rule and force nomads into agriculture, everything change. Gold became the goal, and the capital. Exit nature. History emerge on this irreparable loss, and all the following events until now are the sad unrolling of this turnaway, with more or less salt, pepper… and carrots. Rev 1 (or stage 1), staged by the same groups we can call the Bloodlines, could be the ending of monarchy and of the aristocracy, to the profit of the bourgeoisie, as we observed in Russian and France for instance. The merchants wanted their part of the carrot cake too! So they had their decapitations load. Everybody was pleased. This caste became fatter and fatter, invented the theory of slavery, robbery, usury, akas economy, and all this fake-jewish scapegoat boogeyman shit. But gold still the goal. Donkeys were salivating. They keep them busy working as slaves. All kind of slaves, in every fields, the potatoes, the silk, the cotton and the spices ones included. And yes, carrots.

Rev 2 is the more pervert one I guess. The merchant caste wanted more and more gold and power, and yes, more human lives to pimped their ugly faces. There was no adrenochrome yet, so sacrifices continued to occurs mostly under an open sky. But, guillotine was not fast enough. They needed a more rapid execution process. This is how they invented the proletarian revolution. The carrot of communism was born. This is why I say communism is not an ideology anymore, even in China. It never was. Nor for the herds, neither for the dominant hidden class or caste, namely the bloodlines. Communism is not a political system, because communism is the observable state of donkeys went after a carrot for about 60 years. You can observe that state of misery in China in all his splendour (yes once called an Empire, before being seduced by the demonized westerners, loosing his traditions) but also into other invaded/owned/occupied countries.

So the real ideology or political system in China in my view, is not fake collectivism or communism (remember communism is a carrot), this is Tyranny, since the ones who cook the cake are more or less the same everywhere, they are the owning castes (including Ma Family, Li Family, etc in China), and you probably know by their names the other predators in every other countries. This is why I say that China, economically, is driven by capitalism, to be more precise, stake holder capitalism, or disaster capitalism, as Naomi Klein explained so brilliantly in his book The Shock Doctrine, The Rise of the Capitalism of disaster. China is ruled by corporatocracy and oligarchy, not only onto the level of the highest classes, but also amongst the working class, the real people. This is the oppression you sadly describe in your answer. Their incapacity to rise up cannot be explained by the fact that they live under a communist regime of bananas, or carrots, but because they are ruled by tyrans, monsters, cowards and parasites. Dong and Xi are one of them. Putin is one of them. The Donald is one of them. Every economic system is owned by them. And there is no exception for the BRICS. Because from the moment you drop your sovereignty and accept to delegate your power, and to be represented by crooks in wigs or ties, you are lost. You are a donkey looking after too many crooks’s carrots.

Sorry for the metaphors, but being exactly what Plato and his phulakes (or guardians) wanted to take away from the herds to expand the Cité, this is all I have found to preserve myself from tyranny. And please excuse also my bad wording and spelling. I am a frog who jumped out of the pot when the Brits wanted to cook me.

There is very strong intakes in your positions, namely about depopulation and satanism. Chossudovsky is excellent indeed. GlobalResearch is sure a gem, even if there is a lot or delirium when anybody comes to Covid shit. Point 2 of my first intervention. Thanks God you eluded it. Instead of ranting about it, I should write a new article to expose my take on the whole situation. I submitted one in 2020, but I think it was too early to stir the pots, and my article was gently accepted for evaluation, then failed into intended oversight? It was probably judged very bad in fact. It was also very mean. I do not have the pedagogical profile. Maybe Chossudovsky article about China appears to you « limited in scope » which it is on purpose, is because he is focusing on the transition period from raw to cooked carrots - from communism to globalism.

You are right, Bolshevism was all about depop, so was the Cultural Revolution, and now is the Cultural-Marxism agendas.

The opening of China is the end of the traditional east. Sad thing for me, being a taoist in the heart.

Apple is a good example of pre-disaster capitalism.

The exodus of foreigners in China is due in my opinion to the silent totalitarian and globalist move Xi took. If you learn english, you can read out of propaganda net.

The access CCP asked to the computers. Quebec Government is doing the same with the MEV terminals in the restaurants for years. Because restaurants were making money out of the tyrants web. Quebec for me is as ‘communist’ as China is for you ;-)

I loved the Chinese too, for their hard working capacities, and natural kindness when stressed out. They are a good example of OBEY, COMPLY, WORK, CONSUME, DA CAPO. As we all are in the same ship by a mean or another. I am working to get out of the naufrage.

People are working more and more like dogs here in Canada too to pay the bills and the rent is surely the most irrational one. I told you we were in a tyranny yes? It doesn’t show that much yet, because there are often two donkeys salaries per family. But as soon as the wokes are gaining terrain about the destruction of the traditional values you mentioned, and isolation will become palpable, there will be a huge problem there. Government do not give a shit about anything. He takes the wealth and generates poverty without any remorse. This is why a change must come in the donkey mentalities. Will have to be patients. Very patients.

Xi purged is a classic one, retarded. Look depuration or normalisation during the so called ‘communist’ regimes through Europe. This is the step following the takeover by every fascist government in place. CCP departments are the equivalent of the taxes department in QC and Canada.

In conclusion. There was once and only one communist regime in the whole America. But it was before the genocide perpetrates by the perverse europeans, over every First Nations from North to South.

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Sorry for the late reply Louis. I did read your detailed comment a couple of days ago which I find to be quite interesting. I have a real good podcast I am recording tonight with the guys from The Big Puff Podcast and hope to publish tmr. We'll talk about Serge Monast's Toronto Protocols & much more. So, please check it out.

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Si it will be the third of a series from The Big Puff, cause they did two sessiosn on the Toronto Protocols and Monast in April 2023, #33-34. Did you participate in the #76 on the same topic?

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Sure thing Dan I will! I appreciate Monast's work very much indeed.

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Thanks for the precisions Daniel. My view of communism is probably very narrow. Socialism and communism has been invented, in my world, by the fascist and the technocrats. Those ideologies, in fact, are the two faces of the same utopia; they are Cult tools; the goal is still control, propaganda, surveillance, religious persecution and so on. Keep doing your research and informing poeple, you are doing great. I do not see any solutions coming from the regular 'democratic' ways.

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This conversation is becoming increasingly interesting. I have so many thoughts, but here a just a handful for this reply.

I agree with a lot of what you say about fascists and technocrats. They are the facilitators for the base model of collectivism. Marxism, socialism, communism, and fascism are all variations of the same flawed model.

Those who really rule the world (see my recent 3-part Synagogue of Satan series), have contrived all of these models which have empowered them to more easily rule, control, and dominate the masses. The Russian Revolution of 1917 is a classic example. Bolshevism that served as its based model is yet another iteration of said collectivist base model. It was meant to weaken a nation - that was highly [Orthodox] Christian at the time, destroy this religion, subjugate and control the masses. Sadly, that was achieved with great success and was followed upon after Lenin with Joseph Stalin (responsible for tens of millions of deaths in his own country).

Same playbook in China with Mao. Tens of millions killed because of the insane collectivist policiest. Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution - study these.

The same thing is happening no, but globally and thus on a much larger scale. Cultural-Marxism is behind all the destructive agendas (wokeism, transgenderism, open borders, you name it). What all of these have in common is the destruction of societal pillars, destruction of the family, moral values, Christian values, and most importantly (to those who have devised it and are funding it) DEPOPULATION.

Democracy itself is also a flawed concept. Plato and many of his contemporaries noted its many shortcomings.

I will comment more about China in your other comment where you referenced the fine work of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky with much needed added nuance.

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Sure wish PPC had more ridings covered! With our suckass voting system, we can’t vote for him.

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Unfortunately, this is true.

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Feb 16, 2024
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I know a guy who is a DENTIST. Dumbed as fuck. It all begins with a straight mind and the heart that goes within. If you begin your reflection by the IST thing, it will end by the IST thing, meaning, ideological babbling. Bernier seems to have a good sense of reality. We need more men like him. 1,5% is probably the avarage of remaining intelligent and self determined people.

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Feb 16, 2024
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Dear Canadian Patriot


Stop watching tv and read some books. Your take on the situation will get over the stats and maths for dummies.


You are welcome

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