I was surprised to learn that Zionism had a role to play in WW I and with America's involvement therein. Benjamin H. Freedman author of 'Hidden Tyranny,' explained in his book how Samuel Untermeyer, a prominent New York City attorney (handled the Scofield Bible) that enticed millions of Christians to become Christian Zionists.

Mr. Untermeyer contributed generously to the National Democratic committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in Washington in the 1912 election.

Mr. Untermeyer blackmailed President Wilson, you can read the details, in exchange that Wilson appoint a nominee recommended by Untermeyer to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme court.

When President Wilson was required to appoint a new member of the Supreme Court, Untermeyer recommended Louis Brandeis.

"In 1914, Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. He was in a powerful position to serve Jews both at home and abroad. The opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available. It is commonly understood that Brandeis more than anyone else guided Wilson into committing America to World War I."

~ Benjamin Freedman.

Benjamin was born of Jewish parents and was a businessman in New York City. He broke with organized Jewry after World War II, and spent the remainder of his life and at least $2.5 million dollars publicizing the facts of Jewish (Zionist) influence on the United States. Benjamin had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations, and was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more of the movers and shakers of his time.

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Europe is bringing back compulsory conscription and the sale of war bonds, because, you know, Russia.

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That is the result of their sheeple / asleep people who have had their blinders on for the past 20-30 years and haven't been able to see how the EU project was one specifically designed to ensure their slavery and pillaging. Kinda late to reverse course now; and I doubt they will wake up and mobilise before it's really too late. They almost all have digital IDs now, and if the digital Euro CBDC comes to effect, they are doomed. The meat grinder for Ukraine/WWIII awaits them.

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I wonder if Ms. Sharav would like to see Canadians face criminalization for condoning, denying or downplaying the holocaust, as many in Canada's government would. According to an ACS survey, 1 in 6 Canadians between the ages of 18 and 24 (16%) believe the event was exaggerated. Many revisionists have written books offering different historical viewpoints about WW2. Should they all be punished for holding an opinion that opposes a widely accepted one? A 93 year-old German grandmother was jailed for over a year for having a different perception of what transpired during that era. Anyone okay with that? Does the "truth" require a law to protect it?

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This is a complex historical subject mixed with a whole bunch of nuances, opinions, politics, strong emotions, speculation, and so on. As for me, I am pro-speech. So, people are free to state what they think and believe (as long as they can back it up). Feelings and such will cause hurt one way or another.

As a long time educator, I feel it a tragedy that people cannot simply exchange on matters in a civilised manner/exchange and respect each other or each others' opinions even when they disagree. That is the Socratic method - which is now mostly [purposely] absent from our education systems.

There's that famous quote that is often (mistakenly) attributed to Voltaire that goes: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." I believe it was a woman who had said that though (I'd have to check my prior notes on a class I gave about Voltaire).

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Isn't it amazing that 80 years after their confinement in a German death camp, nearly a quarter million Jewish survivors are still alive? As it's been said, “Lucky people make their own luck.”

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Dan, I would love to add you to my Spotify library. I can only listen to certain podcasts of/with you, that other people have put up there. Would you consider uploading your content there? 🙂

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Sorry for the late reply my friend. I have been cautious to join Spotify. But I now think I will add it to my platforms to distribute my podcasts (perhaps only starting with my Episode 12). I'll try to remember to come back here to remind you when I have started it. If you don't hear back within the week, pls come back to inquire. Thanks for following and appreciating my work.

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I don't blame you for being cautious. I know of a few Canadian whistle blowers that have had some crappy and coincidental (not) things happen after uploading stuff there

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Yeah, and I know they censor stuff that is critical of Israel which makes one wonder about who is controlling them.

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Will do. Will look for you you there every day for a week too! Then come harass you here if I don't see an upload 🤣

I do appreciate what you are doing and spread the articles often.

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Thank you my loyal follower and friend!

Have you looked into something called Nostr? It's a decentralised network that could thus (I believe in both theory and practice) be censorship proof. there are a few different flavours of Nostr now. The following one seems like it could be a good Twitter-X like alternative. Here's an example:

- Matthew Kratter from Bitcoin University


Do you think many from X who are becoming disenfranchised with Elon's spy platform could migrate towards Nostr? (actually Jack Dorsey who founded Twitter seems to be a proponent of Nostr; not sure I trust him after what he did tho).

Thoughts welcome. I can give you more (simplified) info on Nostr if you want; just let me know.

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Yes, the parallels between Nazi Germany of the 1930s and today are too close for comfort.

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Indeed, sadly.

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Vera Sherav is one of the most important voices warning us about the Covid-19 4th Reich. She brings it all together including the nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure of our biometrics using Artificial Intelligence contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Fantastic reporting, Dan.



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Thanks Angie.

Check out the work of Hope & Tivon on SGTReport in these respects. They do meticulous/thorough research and evidence their stuff to a T. Here is an example of one of their last appearances:



I do certainly wonder the extent to which our Canadian military are using these technologies against Canadians. I suspect that they are, given their absolute secrecy with practically everything they are involved with and also that they are traitorously aligned with the 5 Eyes.

Sure wish we had Canadian vets who would call them out (not like the faux ones that claim to do so...)

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